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New York
Monday, June 17, 2024



Condemning Anti-Semitism in NYC Must be “Across the Board”

Condemning Anti-Semitism in NYC Must be “Across the Board” As tensions escalate over the conflict between Israel and Hamas, a disturbing rise in anti-Semitism has...

There Are Only Downsides To Prolonging The War In Ukraine

Authored by Connor O'Keefe via The Mises Institute, Last week, President Joe Biden and a number of top American and European officials met in Normandy...

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The West Is Sick Of The New Woke Jihadism

Victor Davis Hanson(Daily Caller) What are the mobs in Washington defiling iconic federal statues with impunity and pelting policemen really protesting? What are the throngs in...

Why Is the Left So in Love With Palestinianism?

By: Alan M. Dershowitz The founder of the Palestinian movement in the run-up to the Second World War was a proud Nazi and friend of...

‘At the Level of Entebbe’

The military’s growing control of Gaza created conditions for the daring daylight hostage rescue in Nuseirat • Terrorists fired waves of RPGs at the...

OPINION: It’s Time To Defund Alvin Bragg’s Office

By Rep. Andy Biggs  I was recently asked whether I thought that Juan Merchan, the tainted judge who presided over the kangaroo court in New...

Shooting Attack Reveals Uncomfortable Truths About Israel

Shooting Attack Reveals Uncomfortable Truths About Israel By: Moshe Phillips Nobody in the State Department, or the United Nations, or at J Street headquarters, is talking...

A Gross Miscarriage of Justice in a Manhattan Courtroom

When the main casualty is the rule of law itself By: Joseph Klein On May 30th, a Manhattan jury found former President Donald Trump guilty of...

Deconstructing Biden’s Speech

By: Sarah N. Stern Imagine it is August 1942, eight months after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. The rapidly growing isolationist America First Committee has...

Don’t let Pope Gregory Dictate Israeli Strategy

By Moshe Phillips Should a medieval pope’s ruling about our monthly calendar dictate Israel’s military strategy in Gaza? In an interview this week, Israeli national security...

The Perils of Anti-Israel Protests: Unwittingly Empowering Terrorism & the End of the West

  In recent months, anti-Israel protests on Western university campuses have gained significant attention. However, the implications of these protests extend far beyond academic discourse...

Biden is ready for surrender to Hamas. Netanyahu isn’t.

By Lev Tsitrin- published in New English Review The first one was that the announcement happened at all, given that just a week before it Secretary...

Subverting democracy and the fate of the Jew

By Jonathan S. Tobin (JNS) The last eight months have shaken the faith of many American Jews in the future of their community. The surge...

Biden’s deal gives Hamas everything it wanted – opinion

By Daniel Greenfield, Frontpage Magazine On Oct 7, Hamas had a Plan A and a Plan B. Plan A was to destroy Israel and kill all...

Recognizing a Palestinian State: A Reward for Terrorism?

by Bassem Eid Special to IPT News As a Palestinian human rights activist, I find it outrageous and deeply troubling that three European countries have announced...

Public Apathy and the Specter of Continued Oppression in Iran

Tragically, the future president of Iran will not be a true representative of the Iranian people, but a figure trusted by Khamenei and the...

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