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New York
Wednesday, June 26, 2024



US State Department to Israel: We have a bridge to sell you (again)

By Moshe Phillips (JNS) An ex-U.S. State Department official believes that he has come up with a brand-new, innovative, never-before-tried way to reach peace in...

Immigration of Cultures Hostile to the West Must End

By Phyllis Chesler (Originally published in The American Spectator) America is a country of immigrants. In 2021, I co-led a grassroots team that rescued almost...

Never stop fighting Jew-hatred

By Phyllis Chesler (JNS) How could so much rabid and vulgar Jew-hatred suddenly erupt everywhere? Did someone flick a switch that unleashed millions of haters...

If You Think Times Square is A Bad Location for Casinos; Coney Island is 10 Times Worse!!

If You Think Times Square is A Bad Location for Casinos; Coney Island is 10 Times Worse!! The prospect of opening a casino in...

Exposing the Lies: COVID-19 and the Lab Leak Hypothesis

Exposing the Lies: COVID-19 and the Lab Leak Hypothesis COVID-19 has left an indelible mark on humanity, claiming the lives of 1.1 million Americans and...

Stopping The Pro-Hamas College Protests

STOPPING THE PRO-HAMAS COLLEGE PROTESTS By: Kenneth Abramowitz  Ivy League universities and college campuses have been overtaken by well-funded and well-organized supporters of US-designated...

The Betrayal of Israel by the US Administration Is Almost Complete

By: Guy Millière The genocidal anti-Semitic attack on October 7, 2023 by the Islamic terrorists of Hamas at first aroused horror throughout the Western world....

Palestinian Arabs are not victims of Hamas

By Meir Jolovitz More than fifty years ago, Israel Eldad, the brilliant Zionist philosopher and intellectual voice of the Jewish underground group Lehi during the...

Should Deborah Lipstadt, resign in protest?

By Moshe Phillips i (JNS) U.S. President Biden’s suspension of weapons deliveries to Israel places Deborah Lipstadt, the most prominent Jewish member of his administration,...

Radical Ideologies and the Battle for Minds in the US Universities

Iran, once a beacon of culture and prosperity, now lies in ruins, a stark testament to the destructive power of radical ideologies. America helped...

Anti-Semitic Persecution Always Happens in Stages

In the absence of order, mutual respect turns to suspicion of the other. By: Rabbi Uri Pilichowski The stages of anti-Semitic persecution have manifested themselves differently...

NY Times Editor Rips Writer and Former Colleague, Bari Weiss

NY Times Editor Rips Writer and Former Colleague, Bari Weiss By:  Ellen Cans The New York Times’ executive editor publicly criticized former colleague Bari...

Intersectionality: a new Hitlerism

Intersectionality: a new Hitlerism By Lev Tsitrin- New English Review     The list of Israel’s sins is long indeed, if you ask some college students. Think of “policing,...

NY Times Admits:  Palestinian State Already Exists (In All But Name)

NY Times Admits:  Palestinian State Already Exists (In All But Name) By: Moshe Phillips It was just a throwaway line in a recent New York...

Trump is Better for Palestinians

By Rich Berdan President Joe Biden finds himself in the corner of the sandbox when the mainstream media calls him out for his dithering on...

Netanyahu is facing the greatest challenge of his life

By Yaakiov Katz He has been known as the “Teflon prime minister’ and the politician who seems to always find a way back from the...

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