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New York
Wednesday, June 26, 2024



Don’t let Pope Gregory Dictate Israeli Strategy

By Moshe Phillips Should a medieval pope’s ruling about our monthly calendar dictate Israel’s military strategy in Gaza? In an interview this week, Israeli national security...

The Perils of Anti-Israel Protests: Unwittingly Empowering Terrorism & the End of the West

  In recent months, anti-Israel protests on Western university campuses have gained significant attention. However, the implications of these protests extend far beyond academic discourse...

Biden is ready for surrender to Hamas. Netanyahu isn’t.

By Lev Tsitrin- published in New English Review The first one was that the announcement happened at all, given that just a week before it Secretary...

Subverting democracy and the fate of the Jew

By Jonathan S. Tobin (JNS) The last eight months have shaken the faith of many American Jews in the future of their community. The surge...

Biden’s deal gives Hamas everything it wanted – opinion

By Daniel Greenfield, Frontpage Magazine On Oct 7, Hamas had a Plan A and a Plan B. Plan A was to destroy Israel and kill all...

Recognizing a Palestinian State: A Reward for Terrorism?

by Bassem Eid Special to IPT News As a Palestinian human rights activist, I find it outrageous and deeply troubling that three European countries have announced...

Public Apathy and the Specter of Continued Oppression in Iran

Tragically, the future president of Iran will not be a true representative of the Iranian people, but a figure trusted by Khamenei and the...

Fact-Checking the IJC: Omissions and Deceptions

By: David M. Litman Unsurprisingly, the International Court of Justice played along with the cynical attempt by Hamas’s ally South Africa to halt the Israeli...

Bowing to Hamas, Biden and Mob Demands Would be Suicidal Israelis Say

Bowing to Hamas, Biden and Mob Demands Would be Suicidal Israelis Say Never Again means Never Again! How dare they resist us? say Israel haters. By: ...

Israel is Losing the Battle for Public Opinion

Israel is Losing the Battle for Public Opinion By: TJVNews.com The war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza that began on October 7th has been...

Equating Israel with Hamas isn’t the worst of the ICC’s turpitude

By Ruthie Blum (JNS) The only thing surprising about the decision by International Criminal Court chief prosecutor Karim Khan on Monday was that it included...

The Hypocrisy of Spain, Ireland & Norway’s Decision to Recognize a Palestinian State  

  Edited by: Fern Sidman In a controversial and ill-timed decision, Spain, Ireland, and Norway announced on Wednesday their recognition of a Palestinian state, a move...

Biden’s Abuse of the Judiciary Has Extended to Israel’s Prime Minister

Biden’s Abuse of the Judiciary Has Extended to Israel’s Prime Minister By Lauri B. Regan- Published first on American Thinker.com Every once in a while, there...

Buried Facts About the Gaza War

Connect the dots: It’s America and Iran against Israel. By: Melanie Phillips The extent to which the political class and the media are burying facts that...

Why Won’t the Government Enforce its Own Laws Against Campus Anti-Semites?

The Justice and Education Departments must finally protect Jewish students’ civil rights. By: Ron Machol Elie Wiesel once said, “The opposite of love is not hatred,...

A two-state solution suicidal for Israel, but coming to America

  By:  Kenneth Abramowitz Threat Analyst Ken Abramowitz is author of “The Multifront War” Editor: Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld A new Palestinian state on parts of Israel’s land and...

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