73.8 F
New York
Monday, June 17, 2024


Breaking News

Lenders to Offer Relief Options to Americans Effected by Coronavirus

Relief options are coming to homeowners and borrowers who have had their entire lives turned upside down by the coronavirus outbreak from  lenders. Tens of...

Trump: New York Officially a Disaster Area: FEMA Authorized to Assist NY

Late Friday night President Trump declared New York state a disaster area. Trump's order opens up federal support for state and local recovery efforts in...

What you need to know today about the virus outbreak

The death toll from the global pandemic surpassed 10,000 people worldwide and the effects of a global economy grinding to a halt because of the pandemic...

De Blasio on WNYC Radio- All Important Coronavirus NYC Info Read Full Transcript

Brian Lehrer: And now we start as we usually do on Fridays with our weekly Ask the Mayor segment – my questions and yours for...

Cuomo Issues New Coronavirus Safety Measures: Watch latest Presser

SCROLL DOWN TO WATCH LATEST PRESS CONFERENCE  On Friday, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo told New York’s 19 million residents to stay indoors as much...

Califorina Gov Issues Lock down for Citizens, Is NYC Next?

California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday issued a statewide order for all residents to ‘stay at home’ amid a coronavirus outbreak, CNBC reported “We need to...

De Santis Reverses Course in Fl After Taking Heat for Keeping Beaches Open During Spring Break

Gov Ron De Santis reversed course after taking heat for keeping the beaches open in Florida during Spring Break, without enforcing CDC "Social distancing"...

Trump Directs FDA to Look Into Malaria Drug to Treat Corona Virus: Watch Press Conference

Thursday morning 3/19/2020  Trump spoke on the corona-virus task forces latest efforts Notes:  President Donald Trump said Thursday he directed the Food and Drug Administration to...

NY Coronavirus Update: Informative Cuomo Press Conference, WATCH VIDEO

Governor Cuomo  spoke mainly today about the need to increase the amount of hospital beds with ventilators and waving regulations to create additional...

Latest From White House On Coronavirus: WATCH PRESS CONFERENCE

Trump spoke Wednesday afternoon some of the promising highlights, you can watch the entire press conference below as well. The following are the key...

NY Coronavirus Update: Cuomo Dismisses De Blasio’s Shelter in Place Possibility

Several hours after mayor de Blasio announced the possibility of " shelter in place", meaning people in NYC would only be able to leave...

Coronavirus Shocker: De Blasio: “Send in the Military” !!

The NYC mayor made a shocking statement on left wing conspiracy program  Rachel Maddow on news-opinion MSNBC: Bring in the military to NYC to...

Trump Seeks $1 Trillion Stimilus: Latest Coronavirus Press Conference

President Trump held the latest Coronavirus press conference this afternoon CNBC Highlighted The White House is seeking a stimulus package worth anywhere from $850 billion to...

NYC Corona Virus Update: Be Prepared for Shelter in Place

"We are all deeply concerned ... this is quite clear this is a fast growing crisis,” he said at a press conference. “All New...

21 positive for coronavirus on cruise ship off California

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Twenty-one people aboard a mammoth cruise ship off the California coast tested positive for the new coronavirus and 19 of...

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