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Monday, June 17, 2024

NYC Corona Virus Update: Be Prepared for Shelter in Place

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“We are all deeply concerned … this is quite clear this is a fast growing crisis,” he said at a press conference. “All New Yorkers, even though a decision has not been made by the city or the state, I think that all New Yorkers should be prepared right now for the possibility of a shelter-in-place order.”

Mayor de Blasio  made this announcement earlier today. He also said this decision will be made within 48 hours.

There are now 814 confirmed COVID-19 cases in New York City, he said, adding that 248 are in Queens, 277 in Manhattan, 157 in Brooklyn, 96 in the Bronx and 36 in Staten Island. Seven people in the city have died so far and 124 people are in the hospital, he said.

Folks have to understand that right now, with so many New Yorkers losing employment, losing paychecks, dealing with all sorts of stresses and strains, I’m hearing constantly from people who are tremendously worried about how they’re going to make ends meet,” de Blasio said. “In that scenario, a shelter-in-place begs a lot of questions. What is going to happen with folks who have no money?” The mayor concluded.


Shelter in place according to CNBC means: people who venture out are expected to remain six feet apart, wash their hands, cover their coughs or sneezes and abide by a number of other restrictions. Non-essential businesses across the state, including wineries and bars, will be closed. But essential services like grocery stores, banks and pharmacies will remain open. San Francisco already enacted these measures, de Blasio did not give details how “Shelter in place” would look like in NYC.

“Shelter in place to me is a kind of way of life, if you will, and a more total strategy,” de Blasio said. “Quarantine suggests when you’re dealing with a very specific, narrow area and who goes in and who goes out of that area. I think they’re kind of two different things”, the mayor explained


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