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Monday, June 17, 2024

Califorina Gov Issues Lock down for Citizens, Is NYC Next?

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California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday issued a statewide order for all residents to ‘stay at home’ amid a coronavirus outbreak, CNBC reported

“We need to bend the curve in the state of California,” Newsom said, as he announced a statewide order for Californians to stay home.

“There’s a social contract here, people I think recognize the need to do more … They will begin to adjust and adapt as they have been quite significantly. We will have social pressure and that will encourage people to do the right thing,” he said, in addressing how this order will be enforced.

Newsom added: “Home isolation is not my preferred choice … but it is a necessary one …This is not a permanent state, this is a moment in time.”

The stay home order is in place till further notice. This is a day by day order

According to the order, Californians in 16 critical sectors are to continue working. Those include emergency services, energy and food and agriculture, CNBC reported

Meanwhile Mayor de Blasio has continued to attack Trump non stop, even after Cuomo and Trump have developed a respectful working relationship during this period. The conflict between Cuomo and New York City’s mayor becomes more evident every day.

The fate of New York City rests in the hands of one man,” de Blasio said Thursday. “[Trump] is a New Yorker, and right now he is betraying the city he comes from. We are the front line. We are going through more than almost any place in the country. […] How on Earth is the president sitting idly by and not activating the forces that could help us?”

De Blasio’s comment came after the president and Governor Cuomo appeared to patch up their own coronavirus-related feud. Trump responded by committing the Army Corps of Engineers to the state and sending the USNS Comfort, a hospital ship, to New York Harbor to provide up to 1,000 additional hospital rooms, WOR 710 reported.

Trump and de Blasio have yet to make such a breakthrough.

The mayor has repeatedly made reference to the ‘insulting’ fact that the U.S. military continues to work on Trump’s border wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, despite many states allocating all their resources to fighting the pandemic.

De Blasio says New York is in a dire situation, “weeks away” from running out of hospital supplies.

The governor announced today that all non- essential employees stay home, but still is not taking drastic steps like a total shutdown that de Blasio is calling for.


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