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New York
Wednesday, June 26, 2024



13 Recipes to Make for Lag BaOmer

13 Recipes to Make for Lag BaOmer By Miriam Szokovski(Chabad.org) How (and Why) to Use Carob and a recipe for a carob-tahini breakfast shake On Lag BaOmer we celebrate the life...

Malcolm Hoenlein and Eric Gertler Honored on Capitol Hill for Jewish American Heritage Month

Article and Photography by Lieba NesiS On Wednesday Congress commemorated Jewish American Heritage Month with their  Celebratory luncheon at the Kennedy Caucus Room in the...

Reform Jewish leaders have fully politicized Reform Judaism

(JNS) Most of my happiest memories between the ages of eight to 20 are from my Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) summer camp or high...

It’s Lag B’Omer: Time to Get Your Grill On

On that day, tradition goes, weddings are permitted, music can be listened to, and haircuts are allowed. It makes for a flurry of activity! By:...

Parents Increasingly Enrolling Their Kids in Jewish Schools Since October 7th

Amid rising anti-Semitism, enrollment in day school and supplementary Jewish education on the rise By: Uziel Scheiner Last September, Erez, a Jewish father living in San...

Lag B’Omer–Mystical Fires

By: Chaya Sora Jungreis-Gertzulin Mikrah – coincidence. But we know that there are no coincidences in life. That all is b’yad HaShem – in HaShem’s...

Parshat Behar – The Laws of Shmittah and Yovel

By: Rabbi Meir Tamari When Moshe descended from Har Sinai with the Luchot he had to interrupt the teaching of the Torah he received, because...

Ziv Kipper, Murdered in Egypt, Had a ‘Big Jewish Heart’

From Ukraine to Alexandria, Kipper dedicated himself to community By: Mordechai Lightstone When news broke of Israeli-Canadian Ziv Kipper’s murder in Alexandria, Egypt, on May 7,...

The Jewish Story of the UNC Frat Boys Who Held up the American Flag

Proud AEPI brothers stand up for Jews and America By: Faygie Levy Holt Images of a small group of students at the University of North Carolina...

Mothering Jewish Students in the Shadow of the Hateful Encampments

By: Baila Brackman I want to share with you a snapshot of what has been happening to our community of students—a community to which my...

Parshas Emor–Fly the Flag

By: Chaya Sora Jungreis-Gertzulin This week’s parsha, Emor, tells us about HaShem’s eternal gift to Bnei Yisroel. The gift of Shabbos. “Sheishes yomim tay’aseh melacha, Six...

Parshas Emor – Prisms of Light; Reflections From a Shattered Glass

By: Naftali Reich The essential theme behind the counting of the sefirah is, of course, perfecting our character traits. This is alluded to in the...

WATCH INTERVIEW: Why I quit being a Jewish anti-Israel extremist’

NS) This week, “The Quad” interviews a former Jewish anti-Israel activist, Ateret Violet Shmuel, on why she hated Israel so much, what she believed about...

Special Shabbos at Masbia in honor of the yahrzeit of R’ Shayala Kerestirer 

Special Shabbos at Masbia in honor of the yahrzeit of R' Shayala Kerestirer  Boro Park, Brooklyn -- During Shabbos Parshas Kedoshim. (May 10 & 11) The third...

“OCTOBER 7”: A Theatrical Reminder of a Day That Changed Lives Forever

By Fern Sidman A poignant new theater production titled "OCTOBER 7" has debuted in New York City, bringing to the stage the harrowing testimonies of...

“My Friend, Anne Frank”- a Powerful and Unforgettable Book

A story of love, hope, strength and the power of friendship and family, values that survive the horrors of World War II in a...

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