77.5 F
New York
Saturday, July 27, 2024



Make Peace: A Strategic Guide to Achieving Peace in the Land of Israel

By: Uziel Scheiner The unprecedented Oct. 7 terror attack on the people of Israel was a wake-up call. No longer could the Holy Land’s safety...

Nonprofits Being Used to Fund ‘Explosion’ of Jew-Hatred on Campus, House Committee Hears

“The violence and hatred directed at Jewish Americans and in support of terrorist organizations like Hamas are not some organic uprising,” said House Ways...

The 3 Weeks & the Destruction of the First Holy Temple

By: Chabad.org The First Holy Temple Two Temples stood in succession on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The First Temple was constructed by King Solomon, based on...

Parshas Pinchas–To Be a Zealot

By: Chaya Sora Jungreis-Gertzulin This week’s parsha carries the name of Pinchas, son of Elazar, grandson of the Kohein Gadol, Aaron. The backstory to this week’s...

Parshas Pinchas – “Avoiding a Hateful Heart”

By: Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb Love is an emotion. It is a feeling, often a very passionate one that we have toward another person,...

Rabbinical Alliance of America Remembers Rabbi Nachum Zvi Josephy, ZT’L at his 21st Yahrzeit Commemoration

Rabbinical Alliance of America Remembers Rabbi Nachum Zvi Josephy, ZT’L at his 21st Yahrzeit Commemoration Discussion of Artificial Intelligence and the IHRA Definition of...

Exclusive Interview: Cartoonists Who Fought Anti-Semitism

Edited by: TJVNews.com In this exclusive interview with The Jewish Voice, Holocaust scholar Dr. Rafael Medoff and comics historian Craig Yoe discuss their new book,...

Trudeau and Poilievre Sign Joint Resolution Honoring the Rebbe

Canadian Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition sign unprecedented ‘Scroll of Honour’ By: Moshe New Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Leader of the Opposition...

17th of Tammuz: Why We Fast – Part 1

By: Rabbi Yehudah Prero The question we will deal with is: why do we fast on Shiva Asar B’Tamuz? The first mention that we find of...

Parshas Balak – Build a Tent

By: Chaya Sora Jungreis-Gertzulin This week’s parsha tells us of Balak, King of Moav, and Bilaam, a sorcerer and practitioner of black magic. Balak saw Bnei...

Parshas Balak – Making the Most of Our Days

By: Shlomo Katz In this week’s parashah, we read how Bilam tried to curse Bnei Yisrael. Pirkei Avot (ch.5) teaches that evil-doers like Bilam do...

Nefesh B’Nefesh Prepares for Summer Aliyah Season As Interest Continues to Increase Since October 7th

Nefesh B’Nefesh Prepares for Summer Aliyah Season As Interest Continues to Increase Since October 7th Over 2,000 newcomers are expected to arrive on 14 Aliyah...

11 Facts About the 17th of Tammuz Fast Day

By: Menachem Posner It Is a Fast Day Referenced in Zechariah The 17th day of Tammuz, known as Shiva Asar BeTammuz, is one of four...

17th of Tammuz: History, Laws and Customs

By: Chabad.org The fast of the 17th of the Hebrew month of Tammuz, known as Shivah Asar B’Tammuz, is the start of a three-week mourning...

Parshas Chukas–Thinking is Not Enough

By: Chaya Sora Jungreis-Gertzulin Parsahas Chukas. The end of an era. Bnei Yisroel’s forty year journey through the desert is coming to a close. Forty...

Parshas Chukas – Crime & Punishment

By: Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky Crime and Punishment. In a corporeal world, the correlation of a jail sentence to a crime does not symbolize a cogent...

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