49.9 F
New York
Friday, February 28, 2025



Passover Tours Dealt Major Blow as Some Refuse to Return Money

By Lieba Nesis As Passover arrives, the formerly joyous holiday has lugubrious undertones as all global programs have been canceled.  Over the years Passover travel...

Pesach Tours Refund Money as Israel Confronts Eggs-istential Crisis

By Lieba Nesis As Passover looms, what was once a joyous holiday where thousands would gather to sing and eat is now looking like a...

Finding the Spirit of Jewish Unity During the Corona Crisis

By: Alex Traiman    Our reflection right now should bring us towards a spirit of unity. Unity between secular and religious. Unity between Israel and the...

Seder for One: How to Make it Meaningful

By: Aleeza Ben Shalom When I think of a Passover Seder I imagine my family around the table, gathered together, retelling how we left Egypt as slaves...


If you have any Tehillim names of people who are hospitalized with COVID-19, please contact YWN with those names to be added to the...

Parshas Tzav – Every Mitzvah is Important

By: Rabbi Osher Jungreis In this week`s parsha the Torah teaches us that after the Kohen cleaned the ashes of the offerings from the altar, he had...

Parshas Tzav: Memories and Dreams

By: Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz Parshas Tzav begins with a discussion of two mitzvos related to the removal of the ashes that accumulated on the mizbayach (altar). The...

Despite Challenging Times, World Matzah Supply on Track

Supermarkets are fully stocked, and efforts underway to safely deliver to the homebound By: Aharon Loschak As the holiday of Passover rapidly approaches, rabbis and Jewish community...

Remembering Those in Jewish Communities Around the World Who Fell to COVID-19

  We  regret to inform you of the Petira of Hagaon HaRav Yisroel Yechezkel Plutchok ZATZAL, the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Derech Chaim in Boro Park. Rav...

Victims of Coronavirus in Jewish Communities Around World Remembered

We  regret to inform you of the Petira of Hagaon HaRav Yisroel Yechezkel Plutchok ZATZAL, the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Derech Chaim in Boro...

A Brooklyn Resident’s Controversial Message to Hasidim Breaking Coronvirus Guidelines

This video has blown up on Instagram. This young lady witnessed non essential business open in Williamsberg  Brooklyn and religious Jewish people ignoring the...

Parshat Vayikra–Someone’s Calling Your Name ….

By: Rabbi David Bibi I polled a bunch of people on the opening verse of this week’s portion and many mistakenly change the words “...

Parshas Vayikra – We Are All Connected

By: Rabbi Osher Jungreis This week, we begin the third book of the Five Books of Moses, The Book of Leviticus. While the Book of...

Outstanding Passover Recipes

A healthy and nutritious menu everyone will love By: Gitta Bixenspanner Passover is in the air! Here's a healthy and nutritious menu, including a variety of...

The Koren Youth Haggada: Much, Much More than the Four Questions

By: Rochel Sylvetsky (This article is being republished with the permission of the Arutz Sheva editorial staff) Am I actually recommending that you purchase yet another...

Anti-Semitic Tirade at Upstate NY Toyota Dealership; Hasidic Man Told He Was “Spreading Virus”

Once again, as has happened throughout our history when there have been pandemic’s, Jews have been blamed for it. We knew it would only...

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