47.2 F
New York
Saturday, March 1, 2025



The Commandment of Counting

By: Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller The commandment to count the omer is one of the more curious prescriptions of the Torah. We are told to count...

With Synagogues Closed, Omer App Sees Spike in Use and New Downloads

A daily reminder, inspiration and more on Android and iOS devices By: Menachem Posner With synagogues shuttered indefinitely, Jewish life is evolving to conform with the...

For Jews, Costs for Virus Victims to be Sent to Israel for Burial is Exorbitant

With the Orthodox Jewish death toll from the coronavirus as tragically high as it is, transporting the dead to Israel for burial has become...

Parshas Shemini–“Vayidom Aaron”

On the very day that the dedication of the Temple took place, Nadav and Avihu, the two noble sons of Aaron the High Priest,...

Message from Rabbi Eli Mansour

In preparing for finally returning back to synagogue after things return back to normal and the importance of not talking duding services https://youtu.be/SSJxn04Sd14

Partial List Of Those Who Succumbed to COVID-19 Over Yom Tov In NY/NJ Area

By: YWN The following is a list of Niftarim from the NY/NJ area over the first days of Pesach, complied by YWN. Although most of...

Matzot and the Soviet Jewry Movement

Larry Domnitch There was a definite connection between the procurement of Matzot for Passover for the beleaguered Jews of the Soviet Union and their struggle...

This is Not a Passover for Despair

The restrictions we are forced to endure is not a reason to give up hope. Instead, we should look to history and count our...

Pesach–15 Steps To Freedom (Part 1)

By: Rabbi Shraga Simmons A Jewish man is waiting in line to be knighted by the Queen of England. He is supposed to kneel and...

Finding the Spirit of Jewish Unity During the Corona Crisis

By: Alex Traiman Our reflection right now should bring us towards a spirit of unity. Unity between secular and religious. Unity between Israel and the...

Pesah Message 2020

By: Rabbi Elie Abadie, M.D.ByB "בכל דור ודור חייב אדם להראות את עצמו כאילו הוא יצא ממצריים" “In every generation one must see and demonstrates himself...

We Must Choose Life As We Pray for G-d to Grant it to Us

By: Phyllis Chesler The world is experiencing what feels like a global war of immense proportions. Facts change hourly; guidelines and advice change daily, sometimes...

No Fuss Passover Recipes

By: Elizabeth Kurtz A few more Passover recipes that meet my criteria for this year, nothing fussy, ingredients that are easy to find, make-ahead friendly,...

Pesah Message 2020

By: Rabbi Elie Abadie, M.D.ByB "בכל דור ודור חייב אדם להראות את עצמו כאילו הוא יצא ממצריים" The entire night of the Pesah Seder and when...

URGENT! All Lakewood Poskim and the Doctors of Lakewood Issue Public Service Announcement

Rabbi Yair Hoffman THE FOLLOWING WAS SIGNED BY ALL 4 LAKEWOOD POSKIM AND NUMEROUS LAKEWOOD DOCTORS. The Poskim signed were Rabbi Yaakov Forchheimer, Rabbi Shmuel Felder,...

Millions Going to Holocaust Survivors for Coronavirus Help

(AP) Millions of dollars in additional funds are being made available to agencies around the world that provide aid to Holocaust survivors, whose advanced age...

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