82.1 F
New York
Monday, June 17, 2024



Will Iran’s Pinprick Provocations Backfire?

Over the last two weeks, as US-Iran tensions have grown, there have been several incidents that appear designed to provoke the US into responding...

After the Omar & Tlaib Affair, Is Jewish Support of the Democratic Party Dwindling?

"Jews are a hard people to figure out. They are, undoubtedly, the brightest minority on the face of the earth. There is no profession...

No, Palestinians Didn’t Offer ‘Safe Haven’ to Jews Fleeing Europe

Last week, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib claimed that she thought it was her Palestinian ancestors who provided a "safe haven for Jews." According to a...

The Iranian Government’s 40 Years of Hatred Towards America

The argument that the US must take an apologetic stance towards the theocratic establishment of Iran is being repeatedly made without the evidence of...

Is the Impeachment Game Killing Dem Chances in the 2020 Presidential Race?

The Democrats have become a cult of anti-personality. The ‘anti’ phenomenon is not unique. Past Democrat generations had built their identity around hating Goldwater, Nixon,...

Iran’s Grip on Gaza and Israel’s Dilemma

The latest short, intense flare up of violence between Israel and Hamas-controlled Gaza appears to have concluded. ... So should the latest confrontation be...

What if the NYT Cartoon Had Depicted a Muslim, a Lesbian, an African American or a Mexican as a Dog?

Imagine if the New York Times cartoon that depicted Israel's Prime Minister as a dog had, instead, depicted the leader of another ethnic or gender group...

The Gaza Crisis’ Tipping Point

Israel’s 2005 withdrawal from the Gaza Strip was a test of sorts to determine whether unilateral concessions would be met with reciprocating goodwill gestures....

How the ‘Campusization’ of American Politics is Spreading Anti-Semitic Hate

If anti-Semitism is thriving among Americans, there’s no sign of it in any of the latest polls. Americans are the least anti-Semitic people in...

The Passover Massacre & Anti-Semitism in America

Courage and bravery in the face of murderous hate in a small city in California John T. Earnest came to a small synagogue in a...

After Chabad of Poway Attack Jewish Unity & Jewish Security Are Even More Vital

The Jabotinsky Movement, joins with Jews the world over and mourns the tragic loss of Lori Gilbert-Kaye Z"L who was murdered at the Chabad...

Mueller Evidence Fails to Prove Obstruction Charge Against Trump – Part 1

Trump haters continue deranged obsession — by other means The overblown Russian collusion balloon has burst. Democrats, their handmaidens in the mainstream media and other...

Is Trump’s Proposal to Bus Illegals to Sanctuary Cities a Political Masterstroke?

President Donald Trump’s proposal to ship immigration detainees to so-called sanctuary cities –which are Democrat strongholds— is a political masterstroke, if the Left’s wounded...

The Implications of Netanyahu’s Re-Election for Israel & the World

Benjamin Netanyahu has been declared the winner of an unprecedented fifth term as Israel’s prime minister, refusing to be beaten by the combined political...

An Open Letter to American Liberal Progressive Judaism Leaders

The Rabbinical Alliance of America, a national rabbinic organization established over 75 years ago, congratulates the Israeli electorate on decisively choosing Prime Minister Benjamin...

The Implications of Netanyahu’s Re-Election

Benjamin Netanyahu has been declared the winner of an unprecedented fifth term as Israel's prime minister, refusing to be beaten by the combined political...

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