63.7 F
New York
Friday, June 28, 2024



Matcha Mouthwash Inhibits Bacteria That Cause Periodontitis, New Research Suggests

In two studies, researchers found catechins in mouthwash containing matcha green tea powder inhibit P. gingivalis bacteria that causes periodontitis By: Megan Redshaw, J.D. New research...

PTSD Rates Surge Among College Students: Report

By: Amie Dahnke A new study shows a rise in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among American college students. PTSD rates increased by 4.1 percentage points,...

Exercise May Be More Effective Than Antidepressants In Treating Depression

Authored by Megan Redshaw, J.D. via The Epoch Times A paper published in the BMJ found that exercise was moderately effective at treating depression compared...

Cancer Patients Often Do Better With Less Intensive Treatment, New Research Finds

(AP) – Scaling back treatment for three kinds of cancer can make life easier for patients without compromising outcomes, doctors reported at the world’s...

Is Intermittent Fasting Better Than Counting Calories? Maybe Not, but You Might Stick With It

(AP) – As weight-loss plans go, it’s easy to see the allure of intermittent fasting: Eat what you want, but only during certain windows...

Melinda French Gates’ $1 Billion Pledge to Women, Families, and Abortion Rights

Melinda French Gates' $1 Billion Pledge to Women, Families, and Abortion Rights Edited by: TJVNews.com In a groundbreaking announcement, Melinda French Gates revealed her intention to...

The Truth About That 10-Year Follow-up Colonoscopy

Researchers delving into the timing of subsequent colonoscopies found that for some people, the risks are no different if they wait 15 years instead...

Researchers Discover New Mechanism Linking Diet and Cancer Risk

MGO, a glucose metabolite, can temporarily destroy the BRCA2 protein, reducing its levels in cells and inhibiting its tumor-preventing ability. By: Jennifer Sweenie You may have...

High-Potency Cannabis Linked to Increased Psychosis Risk in Young Adults: Study

By: Cara Michelle Miller During breaks from his deployments in the Afghanistan war, Craig turned to smoking cannabis to alleviate stress, just as he had...

4 Common Plants Offer Relief for Urinary Diseases

For those with urinary conditions, a number of medicinal plants that are easy to find and inexpensive can offer relief. By: Emma Suttie, D.Ac, AP Researchers...

Soroka Medical Center Gala: Honoring Healthcare Innovation, Resilience & Beloved Leaders

By: Rahel Shamailova Inkateshta–American Friends of Soroka Medical Center American Friends of Soroka Medical Center (AFS) will host its 11th Annual “Pillars of Progress” Gala...

Coffee Linked to Reduced Parkinson’s Risk

New research explores caffeine’s potential neuroprotective effects. By: George Citroner Your morning cup of joe may be doing more than just giving you an energy boost...

Active in Middle Age, Healthy in Old Age: New Study

By: Susan C. Olmstead Even if you’re middle-aged and sedentary, it’s not too late to improve your health and safeguard your old age through exercise. In...

Jewish Doctors Form Advocacy Group to Combat Anti-Semitism in US Healthcare

Jewish Doctors Form Advocacy Group to Combat Anti-Semitism in US Healthcare Edited by: Fern Sidman In response to a growing wave of anti-Semitism and violence within...

Ex-CDC Director Says It’s High Time To Admit ‘Significant Side Effects’ Of COVID-19 Vaccines

Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said Thursday...

Tick Season Has Arrived. Protect Yourself With These Tips

(AP) — Tick season is starting across the U.S., and experts are warning the bloodsuckers may be as plentiful as ever. Another mild winter and...

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