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Monday, June 24, 2024


Featured News

Jewish Family Violently Beaten by Arabs at Bklyn Public School Graduation

Jewish Family Violently Beaten by Arabs at Bklyn Public School Graduation Edited by: Fern Sidman In a disturbing incident at PS 682 in Gravesend, Brooklyn, a...

Red Cross Office Damaged in Gaza Shelling, 22 Killed and Dozens Injured

(TJV NEWS) The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) reported that a shell attack on Friday in the Gaza Strip killed 22 people...

Relative of Bibas family urges Trump to ‘take shackles off’ if elected and help Israel free hostages

By Vered Weiss, World Israel News A relative of the Bibas family, still held hostage in Gaza, wrote an open letter to former US president...

Two IDF soldiers killed in Gaza mortar attack

By JNS and WIN staff Two Israel Defense Forces soldiers were killed in a Hamas mortar attack in the central Gaza Strip, the military announced...

Israeli FM decries ‘grossly erroneous’ UN data on Hamas war

(JNS) Israel’s foreign minister chided the head of the United Nations, expressing “extreme concern” over the global body’s “ongoing misreporting” of Israel’s war against...

James O’Keefe Captures Disney Exec Alleging Discrimination Against White Males in Casting and Corporate Hiring

David Ng (Breitbart) Journalist James O’Keefe has captured a Walt Disney Company executive alleging on camera that the studio sometimes discriminates against white males in...

Netanyahu ignored warnings not to openly criticize Biden – report

By World Israel News Staff Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ignored warnings from advisors and government ministers who urged him not to publicly confront the...

US worried: Israel’s aerial defense system won’t stand major Hezbollah attack

US officials have serious concerns that Israel's aerial defense system would not be able to stand up against a large-scale Hezbollah attack if an...

Two French Boys Charged in Anti-Semitic Rape of 12-Year Old Girl in Paris Suburb

Two French Boys Charged in Anti-Semitic Rape of 12-Year Old Girl in Paris Suburb Edited by: Fern Sidman French authorities said they have charged two teenagers...

IDF green-lights ‘operational plans’ for Lebanon

(JNS) The Israel Defense Forces’ Northern Command has approved operational plans for a war against the Hezbollah terrorist group in Southern Lebanon, the army...

White House Cancels Meeting with Israel on Iran over Netanyahu Video; UPDATE: White House Denies

By Joel B. Pollak ( Breitbart) Update:: The White House has since denied rescheduling a meeting, according to the Times of Israel: The White House on...

George Washington U Hosted Nazis, New Research Reveals

George Washington U Hosted Nazis, New Research Reveals By:  Fern Sidman New research by a leading historian has revealed that George Washington University repeatedly hosted Nazi...

74-Year Old Man Targeted in Anti-Semitic Attack on the Upper West Side

74-Year Old Man Targeted in Anti-Semitic Attack on the Upper West Side Edited by: Fern Sidman In a disturbing and hateful incident that has sent shockwaves...

The strange finances of Biden’s terror ambassador

By Daniel Greenfield, Frontpage Magazine When Israel took out a top Hamas terrorist, Hady Amr warned that “every Israeli” would pay. And that America would...

The World Does Not Want Israel to Win the War Against Hamas

By Fred Fleitz (American Greatness) The daring Israel Defense Forces (IDF) rescue mission on June 8 that freed four Israelis taken hostage by Hamas during...

Ford Foundation Sends Millions to Organizations That Have Celebrated Oct. 7 Terrorist Attacks

Owen Tilman(Free Beacon) Shortly after Oct. 7, the president of the Ford Foundation, Darren Walker, issued a statement on the foundation’s behalf. Walker, who has...

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