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Chodesh Kislev: A Focus on Kindness and Lending a Helping Hand
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Chodesh Kislev has once again been designated by the Staten Island Council of Jewish Organizations (COJO) as a month dedicated to kindness and lending a helping hand. This initiative, inspired by Rabbi Aharon Zeev, Mara D’Atra and Spiritual Leader of the Aur Torah Sephardic Minyan in New Springville, emphasizes community responsibility over individualism, particularly during a time often overshadowed by commercialization.
Rabbi Aharon Zeev explained the significance behind this initiative:
“As a community Rabbi, my responsibility is to encourage Torah and mitzvot while guiding the community toward meaningful action. During this season, which includes Chanukah and the conclusion of the secular year, we risk losing focus on the we in favor of the me. My fear is that we may overlook those in need. I am proud that when I shared the idea of dedicating Kislev to kindness with Oshri Reuven, President of Aur Torah; his wife, Iva Reuven, COJO’s Food Pantry and Social Services Director; and my dear friend Mendy Mirocznik, President of COJO, they enthusiastically embraced it and implemented a plan of action. It is heartening to see a community respond so positively to chesed, ensuring that no one is forgotten.”
Iva Reuven, COJO’s Social Services Director, highlighted the community’s response:
“From social services, benefit processing, and food pantry distributions to job resources, COJO participated fully. It was inspiring to see the community galvanize and embrace Rabbi Zeev’s vision. I am especially proud of our COJO Service Committee. The success of any project lies in the team behind it, and our dedicated team truly are the chesed warriors who made this month remarkable. I want to thank our COJO President, Mendy Mirocznik, whose hands-on leadership and energy ensure every initiative’s success.”
Mendy Mirocznik, COJO President, emphasized the importance of this effort:
“The COJO food pantry and social services operations never take a vacation because poverty and food insecurity never do. Rabbi Zeev’s message is timely: in a world where commercialization promotes selfishness, we must pause, reflect, and focus on helping others. During the long, dark winter nights, it is easy to focus on vacations and festivities, but we must remember our responsibility to alleviate the struggles of those around us. By pausing to consider others, we bring kindness back into the community equation and transform not only ourselves but the world.”
Mirocznik extended his gratitude to the NYPD for their participation in COJO’s Chodesh Kislev projects:
“The NYPD is an invaluable partner in all of our community activities. Their involvement strengthens police-community relations and enhances Staten Island’s quality of life. It also reminds us that behind every uniform is a caring individual who wants to make a difference. I thank Chief Melissa Eger, Staten Island Borough Commander; Lt. Rafet Awad, Commanding Officer, Community Affairs; Inspector Glorisel Lee, Commanding Officer, Pct. 121; Captain Matthew Divito, Executive Officer, Pct. 121; Officer Andrew Brown, Officer Steve Brown, Sgt. Thomas Rodriguez, Officer Brian Postiglione, and Officer Beshouy Rizkalla of the Community Affairs Bureau. Your participation elevated our initiatives, and we look forward to continuing our partnership.”
Chief Melissa Eger, Staten Island Borough Commander, praised COJO’s efforts:
“Staten Island is blessed to have organizations like COJO and dedicated leaders such as Mendy Mirocznik. Events like these provide the NYPD with invaluable insight into community needs and help strengthen relationships. Mendy’s advocacy and leadership foster partnerships that make Staten Island safer and more united. Participating in these initiatives gave us an opportunity to focus on chesed, which ultimately makes us a stronger police department.”
The Chodesh Kislev initiative continues to inspire the Staten Island community to pause, reflect, and act with kindness, demonstrating the transformative power of chesed and communal responsibility.