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Let’s All Respect One Another…..For a Change!!
The events of recent days will remain in our minds as long as we live and in addition, their impact and consequences will turn the tide of American and world history. Assuredly so. The failed (thank G-d) assassination attempt against President Trump and the selection, this week, presumably of Trump at the Republican presidential nominating convention will have effects well within and far beyond our borders. At this point, we’ll go way out on the prediction limb and state, with eyes closed and a faint murmur of prayer on our lips, that the election of DJT is in the bag.
The forces of evil on the fringe Lunatic left and even among normal Democrats, have for years vilified, demeaned and painted Trump as “a dictator,” ” a Hitler,” “dangerous to America,” and so forth; enough so, to infect some mentally fragile among them with a murderous hatred and contempt for him, sufficient to cause them to go off the wall and contemplate his assassination. And, strangely enough, it happened. And now, they’re all agog, attempting to apologize for drumming up such malicious Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) verbiage that culminated in last week’s murderous attempts on his life.
From the NY Post: “Democrats’ rhetoric stoking fear and hatred against former President Donald Trump– including repeated comparisons to Adolph Hitler–is coming to a harsh new light following the assassination attempt against him on Saturday.
Trump’s political opponents have long used incendiary language in response to his more controversial statements–commonly casting him as a cartoon villain, hellbent on bringing about the end of democracy itself. Their divisive statements frequently include tossing around words like “dictator” or making overt references to the holocaust or Nazi Germany. Republicans now blame this very rhetoric for stoking the assassination attempt that got Trump shot and left a hero firefighter dad and two others critically wounded.” We could not have said it better.
We have to, all of us, understand that words have consequences. They influence people for good or bad. Whether written or spoken, they impact people to react and respond. And the Radical Left have used their power of words to disparage and attack President Trump, for years. No other presidential candidate or sitting President in our memory has ever had to endure such attacks on their personality, background or accomplishments. Only Trump. And it has to stop.
As much as we disliked the attitude, actions and outlook of President Obama relative to Israel and his domestic policies, we never lowered ourselves to demean, insult or utilize any dangerous, threatening rhetoric against him. He was our president and we had respect for the fact that he was chosen to lead us, by the American voters. We would wait for him to finish out his term in office. But it is a quite different perspective that the Left Wing media has for Trump. He has been a target for them for years. In fact, we’ll state the fact that it was more like “hatred” for the man that stoked their written words. And we saw the results this past week-end. A near disaster for our country and the world.
We must learn a lesson from this tragedy that caused the death of an innocent bystander, the wounding of two others and a near assassination of a presidential candidate. It’s clear that all and each and every future politician, the involved media and the common electorate alike, must think before they utter words of violence against any politico personage or party. Words may have and often do…. have serious consequences. Let’s all calm down and respect one another….for a change.