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Qatari Official’s Antisemitic Comments and Incitement to Violence Ignite International Outcry

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(TJV) During a session at the Arab League, Essa Al-Nassr, a member of the Qatari legislative Shura council, delivered a speech laden with antisemitic rhetoric and calls for violence and terrorism.

Al-Nassr denounced the possibility of peace or negotiations with Israel, citing what he described as the Zionist entity’s refusal to engage in genuine negotiations and their history of “breaking promises and lying.” He invoked the deeply antisemitic trope of Jews being “killers of prophets,” a belief rooted in Islamic texts and interpreted by many, including Al-Nassr himself, as a condemnation of the entire Jewish people throughout history.

This rhetoric echoes historical accusations of deicide leveled against Jews in classical Christian texts, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and promoting animosity towards the Jewish community.

In addition to his antisemitic remarks, Al-Nassr praised the “Flood of Al-Aqsa operation,” Hamas’s term for the October 7th attack, viewing it as a precursor to the eradication of what he referred to as the “second Zionist entity” on earth.

Al-Nassr further invoked religious beliefs, suggesting a divine promise of the ingathering of Jews in Palestine as a prelude to what he described as the “battle of the next generation,” which he asserted would lead to the demise of the Jewish state.

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