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Jewish Organizations to Jewish Media: Drop Dead

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By: TJVNews.com

There is no doubt that the horrific events that transpired on October 7, 2023 left an indelible mark on the collective Jewish consciousness and propelled both Israel and world Jewry into a new and terrifying reality.

Since that time, those who support Israel, whether they be Jewish or not, have stepped up to the plate in terms of generously donating to Israel.

In the middle of December, it was reported that the Jewish Federation of North America announced that they had already surpassed $700 million in contributions for the Israel Emergency Fund. Only a month later, they are reaching the $1 billion mark, with no indication that the fundraising efforts are reaching a plateau.

According a report on the Jewish News Syndicate web site, the $242 million that the umbrella organization has allocated—of the $711.5 million raised—is being distributed to about 300 partnering organizations and NGOs including the Jewish Agency for Israel, United Hatzalah, Magen David Adom, ZAKA and Chabad, as was stated by the Jewish Federation. Its areas of focus include food security, support for Bedouin Israelis and people with disabilities, and rabbinic services and pastoral guidance.

In an e-mail sent to the Jewish Voice, Josh Kramer, the Director of the American Jewish Committee in New York City said that as of December 19th, the AJC raised over $5.3M for the Israel Emergency Campaign.  The monies received from donors will be distributed to frontline Israeli NGOs, including hospitals and trauma centers. The first set of grants will go to such organizations as IsraAID,  Barzilai Medical Center, Soroka Medical Center, Assuta Ashdod Hospital, NATAL, Friends of the IDF,  American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee,  Jewish Agency for Israel,  American Friends of Rambam Hospital, o   American Friends of Magen David Adom,  Friends of United Hatzalah and many others.

Other Jewish organizations that have raised hundreds of millions of dollars for Israel include the Orthodox Union, the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF.com),the World Zionist Organization’s Hadassah, Emunah and the Israeli-American Council (IAC), among a plethora of others who are dedicated to supporting Israel.

UJA-Federation CEO Eric Goldstein. Credit: Facebook


While all of the aforementioned services that are funded by the array of Jewish organizations based in America are indeed indispensible during the maelstrom of war, it is noteworthy to mention that almost every Jewish organization has seen fit to jettison the notion of providing monetary assistance to the most crucial aspect of Israel’s survival.

Ask anyone who follows the news on a regular basis and they will confirm the tragic fact that Israel is abysmally failing in the cognitive battle for its existential survival and for its future as a Jewish state. (Hasbara)

Just to provide some context to this macabre but true to life scenario, the mainstream media, under the directives of the many oil rich Arab nations that bankroll them, along with the machinations of the radically left wing, woke, progressive crowd, have morphed into a virtual repository of mendacious allegations and vicious tropes that target Israel and Jews around the world.  Such examples would be the case that South Africa brought against Israel on the charge of committing genocide at The Hague as well as the propaganda of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction Movement (BDS) the violent rhetoric of the  Islamic movement and the workings of the deep state as evidenced in the radical agenda of the woke, progressive movement.


For many inexplicable reasons, or for no apparent reason, Jewish organizations have traditionally been reluctant to support Jewish newspapers. One would think that due to the exponential uptick in anti-Semitism and the fact that Israel’s image has been ruthlessly eviscerated by the mainstream media , that Jewish organizations would summon up the wisdom to comprehend that it is precisely the Jewish media that has the proven ability to intelligently debunk the constant cascade of lies that are being hurled at Israel at a feverish pace.  The despicable canards include such baseless accusations as charging Israel with racism and genocide as well as Israel being a colonialist power, an occupier and a barbaric oppressor of Palestinians.

Jewish organizations have traditionally been reluctant to support Jewish newspapers.

– Russell Robinson, CEO of Jewish National Fund-USA. (Photo credit: JNF-USA)

This is borne out by numerous Israeli officials who have unequivocally stated to The Jewish Voice that what it most lacking at the current time and what is most needed are viable media vehicles that possess the expertise to broadcast the truth and expose the reprehensible propaganda that is being extolled about Israel. Moreover, Jewish newspapers have garnered a proven track record in reaching out to and impacting the kind of audiences that are pivotal to Israel’s future, for the past 100 years.

According to Jewish Voice publisher David Ben Hooren, Jewish organizations often beseech the Jewish media for assistance when attempting to promote themselves as well as events and activities that they seek to publicize.  Case in point: He recalls that several years ago, Russell Robinson, the CEO of the Jewish National Fund boasted to him that the organization was “way ahead of schedule” in achieving their objective of raising $1 billion.

Russell Robinson, the CEO of the Jewish National Fund boasted to him that the organization was “way ahead of schedule” in achieving their objective of raising $1 billion.

It was also around that time that Robinson approached him about garnering some publicity. “Russell Robinson told me that he finds it exceptionally difficult to attract new people into the JNF. He then asked if the Jewish Voice would agree to write very positive things about him in the hopes that such favorable “ink” would be the key to his success in expanding the JNF.

In May 2018, the Jewish Voice ran a two-part series entitled, “It’s Not Your Parents JNF Anymore – Russell Robinson; CEO of the Jewish National Fund Tells All”   https://tjvnews.com/2018/05/not-parents-jnf-anymore-russell-robinson-ceo-jewish-national-fund-tells-part-2/

Upon reading the series, Robinson could not hide his exuberance about the articles and offered a litany of praises for it. As was noted by the publisher of the Jewish Voice, “Robinson is the perfect example to use when illustrating how indifferent Jewish organizations are to the Jewish media. He continued, “After going through the trouble of interviewing him for hours with a veteran reporter conducting the interview Robinson still felt it was unnecessary to support any Jewish media company, he added.

Yet another example of mainstream Jewish organizations turning their back on the Jewish media is when the media reports the undiluted truth and does not serve as a public relations vehicle for the organization in question.


In a December 2018 article titled, “Does a “Disconnect” Exist Between Israel and Diaspora Jewry?” https://tjvnews.com/2018/12/does-a-disconnect-exist-between-israel-and-diaspora-jewry-2/ the Jewish Voice meticulously explored the matter and cited numerous sources. The article included the fact that UJA-Federation CEO Eric Goldstein told a gaggle of journalists at a press conference while in Israel that he was facing an array of difficult challenges in terms of asking his donors for money to support Israel while the Netayahu government was at the helm.

When Goldstein discovered that the Jewish Voice was planning on publishing the article in which he was quoted about his donors’ reluctance to support Israel while Netanyahu was prime minister,  he intentionally pulled an insertion order for an ad that had been previously been sent to the Jewish Voice, claiming that the organization did not have an adequate advertising budget.

The Art of Burning Through $100 Million

Yet another example would be the Israeli American Council; an organization that has been the beneficiary of the largesse of the late philanthropist, Sheldon Adelson.  They had received $80 million from the casino magnate and raised $20 million more from other sources.  The problem that persisted for the newly formed organization was that they had no real media presence as very few knew that the organization existed nor was anyone aware of their mission statement. Had the IAC turned to the Jewish media for help in broadcasting its message, it could have garnered the kind of optimal exposure that would have brought them both members and funders, but they chose to dismiss the formidable reach of Jewish media outlets, while going through $100 million.

– The late philanthropist Sheldon Adelson contributed $80 million to the Israel-American Council. Credit: AP

The indisputable fact remains that the Jewish media has always played an essential role in reaching the kind of audiences that are absolutely essential for the success of any Jewish organization as it serves as a powerful platform and has the ability to achieve the kind of recognition for organizations that bring them success.

The Untimely Demise of the Local Jewish Newspaper

Due to the failure of Jewish organizations to provide funding to independently owned Jewish newspapers, a great many of them have shuttered their doors over the last quarter century. While newspapers in general have suffered enormous financial challenges since the advent of the internet and the significant declines in advertising revenue that was created by its emergence, it appears that many Jewish newspapers had no choice but to declare bankruptcy.

According to a recently published article in the New York Times, almost 2,900 newspapers have shut down since 2005, according to a 2023 report by Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications. All but about 100 of the shuttered newspapers were weeklies. Most communities that lose a newspaper do not get a replacement.

Jewish newspapers had no choice but to declare bankruptcy. 

Among the Jewish newspapers that have ceased publication in print form over the last 25 years include, the Chicago Jewish News, the Chicago Jewish Star, the Florida Jewish News, Hadoar, The Hebrew Standard, The Iowa Jewish News, Jewish Outlook, Jewish Review, JTNews and the Newark Jewish Chronicle.

Over the last five years the following Jewish newspaper also terminated their print editions.  They include the New York Jewish Week (2020), The Forward (2019). JUF (2019), the  New Jersey Jewish News (2020), the Jewish Advocate of Boston (2020), the Jewish Journal of Los Angeles (2020), the Tucson based Arizona Jewish Post (2021) and the Seattle Jewish Transcript.

Other Jewish newspapers that have changed hands over the years include the Philadelphia Exponent that was sold in February 2022 by Jewish Publishing Group, a subsidiary of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, to Mid-Atlantic Media. In July 2022, the Exponent moved its office and archive to Gratz College’s Melrose Park campus in the Philadelphia area. The current circulation is made up of direct subscribers and those who donate to the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia.

The Importance of Jewish Media

As it pertains to the future of local Jewish newspapers and independent journalism, the Jewish Voice conducted interviews with a panoply of Jewish organizational leaders, academic scholars, Jewish historians, benefactors to a vast array of Jewish causes, and others with extensive knowledge of Jewish media operations.

Speaking on behalf of himself and not in the capacity of representing any organization or publication, Boston based veteran journalist and newspaper publisher, Russel  Pergament told the Jewish Voice, “along with all print media, Jewish weeklies are subject to inexorable secular trends, notably the migration of advertising revenue to online, often niche, sites with few resources to responsibly cover Jewish life here and abroad and very often little inclination to do so.”

Boston based veteran journalist and newspaper publisher, Russel Pergament. Credit: NENPA.com

Back in September 2011, Pergament joined others as they launched and published the Jewish News Syndicate (JNS.org) to compete with the Jewish Telegraphic Agency as the Associated Press of the Jewish media.

Boston based veteran journalist and newspaper publisher, Russel  Pergament told the Jewish Voice, “along with all print media, Jewish weeklies are subject to inexorable secular trends, notably the migration of advertising revenue to online, often niche, sites with few resources to responsibly cover Jewish life here and abroad and very often little inclination to do so.”

Concerning the future of Jewish publications, Pergament says that “papers need to be supported and strengthened in order to continue with this mission. These papers alone can create a sense of unity among their diverse Jewish readership. They are a clearing house of ideas, a vital directory of community events, and charities, and a clear channel as to which organizations are worthy of the readers’ personal volunteer work—and funding. The loss of its Jewish weekly has devastating impDonatebalance of natureact on the community’s organizations, often volunteer run, that seek to assist and protect Jewish families in need. How else can they connect with their sources of local support?”

Examining the role of the all powerful Jewish federations and their oblique connection to Jewish newspapers, Pergament said that many are profoundly concerned with the “failure of these massively well funded Jewish Federations, larded up with scores of six-figure salaried bureaucrats, even mid six figured salaried to allocate significant funding to enable these papers to persist in their unique roles. Worse yet, several Federations not only refuse to provide significant support but appear to actively oppose the survival of these independent Jewish media.”

He added that,  “These federations powerfully resent independent reporting on their massive staffing and inflated salaries and perks, their embrace, financial and political, of extreme progressive organizations with agendas that are thoroughly hostile to their own Jewish communities.”

Several federations not only refuse to provide significant support but appear to actively oppose the survival of these independent Jewish media.”

Cliff Rieders, a Williamsport, Pennsylvania attorney and  president of the eponymously named Rieders Foundation, an organization that serves the Jewish community of North America by fighting discrimination in all aspects of Jewish life, told the Jewish Voice in a written statement that “Most Jewish media, and again, I would say that The Jewish Voice is an exception, have been slow to step up to the plate. Part of this is financial resources. There has not been great coordination of messaging, either in terms of billboards, social media, or the like. Of course, there is a great deal of difference between “accurate reporters” and messaging in general. There needs to be that distinction. Reporting of events is different than messaging, albeit equally important.”

Cliff Rieders is president of the Rieders Foundation, an organization that serves the Jewish community of North America by fighting discrimination in all aspects of Jewish life. Photo Credit: riederstravis.com

Rieders added that, “the Jewish Voice is an excellent source of information and addresses very well the anti-Israel, which is really anti-Semitic, propaganda. There are other periodicals, such as The Tablet and The Free Press, which are not “newsy” in the same way that The Jewish Voice is, but nevertheless publishers of erudite and thoughtful information.”

Jonathan Sarna, the Joseph H. and Belle R. Braun Professor of American Jewish History at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts, told the Jewish Voice that “as print newspapers have declined, online media has grown.  There are a whole variety of national outlets, including JTA, Forward and Tablet, but none of them has come close to serving the community of those interested in Oct 7 and its aftermath as well as The Times of Israel. The latter, in my view, has done a remarkable job providing dispassionate information in a timely fashion.  Thanks to the wonders of the digital age, it is also possible to easily access other Israeli newspapers in Hebrew and English, and even to access Israeli radio and television.  I am sure I am not alone in listening every night at 11 to the Israeli news.  That tends to be when Israel announces who has fallen in battle (it is 6 AM in Israel).”

Rieders added that, “the Jewish Voice is an excellent source of information and addresses very well the anti-Israel, which is really anti-Semitic, propaganda.

Jonathan Sarna is the Joseph H. and Belle R. Braun Professor of American Jewish History at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts. Photo Credit: Wikipedia.org

Professor Sarna added that “the problem is that only the deeply committed consume Jewish media nowadays, whereas once upon a time most Jewish families received a Jewish newspaper in the house. Far too many Jews learn about Israel from the NY Times, the Washington Post and CNN — and that is a huge problem.  It is not, however, a problem that even the best Jewish media can solve.”

Alex Traiman, the CEO and Jerusalem Bureau Chief of the Jewish News Syndicate commented on the current state of affairs in the world of Jewish media. Traiman observed, “In the past several years, much of the Israeli media and Jewish media abroad has done a tremendous disservice to Israel and the Jewish people.  Many publications have made it their mission to sabotage the rule of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and undermine the democratically-elected government of the State.  In the process, irresponsible headlines have fed many of the anti-Israel arguments prevalent on social media, and caused serious harm to Israel’s diplomatic standing. “

 Far too many Jews learn about Israel from the NY Times, the Washington Post and CNN — and that is a huge problem

Alex Traiman, the CEO and Jerusalem Bureau Chief of the Jewish News Syndicate commented on the current state of affairs in the world of Jewish media. Credit: YouTube.com

Also sharing his views on the Jewish media was Stefan Oberman​ , the Director of Communications at the Jewish National Fund in New York City. “The Jewish media landscape has always reflected a diversity of views and opinions. Yet, following the October 7 attacks, we have seen an unprecedented unity of voice and purpose in support of Israel’s struggle against the forces of darkness, “ declared Mr. Oberman.

He added that, “publications such as the Jewish Voice play an important role in sharing stories and testimonials that may be ignored by the secular press.”

Dear Readers, the next time you consider offering a donation to a Jewish organization, ask them one simple question, “Do they support the Jewish media? ”




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