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Friday, October 18, 2024

Letters to the Editor

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An Open Letter to the UJA

To Whom it May Concern:

We hope this letter finds you well. As is common knowledge in Jewish circles, one of the most important events of the Jewish year is that of the Israel Day Parade. This parade, comprised of Jewish youth from throughout the tri-state area and beyond, who come together to form the most powerful expression of unflagging devotion to the Jewish state and the values of the Zionist enterprise, represents the backbone of our community.

Its significance can never be underestimated and we must continue to hail its importance for the sake of future generations.

Having said this, the reason that I raise this issue is because I am deeply saddened and quite disappointed to learn that the UJA, (the organizers) of the parade have done practically nothing in terms of publicizing this event.

With a $1 billion endowment and a $250 million annual budget, I find it more than surprising that the UJA is not placing a strong emphasis on advertising this parade in order to get the largest turn out ever in terms of participants and onlookers.

In the menacing times in which we live, with global anti-Semitism skyrocketing at a frenetic rate along with a concerted campaign being conducted to viciously denigrate Israel in the most vile of ways through the insidious propaganda of the BDS movement and their supporters, it is of paramount importance, now, more than ever, to publicize this parade in order to show the world that the people of Israel do indeed live and will continue to cherish the Zionist dream.

What is most puzzling is the UJA’s adamant refusal to include the Jewish Voice, (which just so happens to be the most Zionist newspaper in the country), in its group of advertisers and supporters of the parade. Because the online influence of the Jewish Voice has grown by leaps and bounds over the last decade, we are in a unique position of successfully reaching millions of viewers and thusly, we can most effectively disseminate information about the parade.

Moreover, the UJA and other parade organizers have also abysmally failed in connecting with the tri-state area’s Orthodox Jewish community that has seen rampant growth in terms of numbers over the decades. This particular segment of the Jewish population in New York and beyond could have been tapped for their participation in the parade as well as its support but were somehow left out of the loop.

At this juncture, I would ask that your reconsider your ill advised position and give some serious consideration to allowing the Jewish Voice to take an active role in helping to publicize and promote this upcoming parade.

David Ben Hooren – Publisher of The Jewish Voice


Artificial Intelligence: Friend or Foe?

Dear Editor:

Artificial Intelligence, (A.I.) is predicted to surpass human intelligence and mimic human emotions. A.I. is met with mixed reviews: some praise its ability for new technology and medical developments; some predict the end of the human race as we know it.

Well, let’s take a look at human intelligence today. We have Head Kapo Bernie Sanders hosting the usual Jew haters, Tlaib (D-MI) and Cori Bush (D-MO) to mourn the very existence of Israel, “Nakba 75 Day,” accompanied by Senate Majority Leader Schumer’s cowardly silence.

We have Fatima Mohammed at CUNY School of Law’s commencement, “May we rejoice in the corners of our New York City bedroom apartments and dining tables, may it be fuel for the fight against capitalism, racism, imperialism, and Zionism around the world.”  The audacity, the normalization, of openly linking Zionism with racism, in a school of Law, in NYC where millions of Jew live, should send shivers down your spine.

We have Jew-in-name-only, Soros, who re-victimizes his family members killed in the Holocaust as cover for funding anti-Israel organizations. “Soros said he planned to give $100 million, the largest gift by far that Human Rights Watch has ever received…Kenneth Roth became executive director and turned Human Rights Watch into an organization that specialized in demonizing Israel…the Israel bashing had become so severe that Bernstein wrote: “As the founder of Human Rights Watch…I must publicly join the group’s critics…recently it has been issuing reports on the Israeli-Arab conflict that are helping those who wish to turn Israel into a pariah state”,  Alan Dershowitz ”Elon Musk Is Right About George Soros—and Not Anti-Semitic.”

We have Iran’s and Hamas’ threats to annihilate every Jew in the Middle East and then go after us worldwide while Whoopi Goldberg wondered aloud if Hamas is really a terrorist organization.  Roger Waters, another denier of being a Jew hater, plays to huge audiences, wearing a Nazi-like uniform while he desecrates Anne Frank’s legacy. Artificial Intelligence? I say, bring it on.

Ginette Weiner
Scottsdale, AZ


What a Good Samaritan Has to Go Through

Dear Editor:

As of late, a few lengthy letters have been written regarding the death of a black, mentally deranged subway criminal at the hands of a white passenger in defense of himself and others on the train from threats shouted out by the predator. The black, white hating Manhattan DA, Alvin Bragg initially tried to avoid handing the matter over to a Grand Jury and had Daniel Penny arrested and was going to personally charge the guy with a  manslaughter but under pressure decided (as of this writing) to give it to the Grand Jury to indict. And sure as hell, they will.  And black NYC Mayor Adams doesn’t even, as of this writing, comment on the issue, fearful of alienating the black lynching mob by calling for a constitutional handling of this matter. The plan is set to incarcerate Penny for playing out his role as a good Samaritan.

The issue here, for the black crowd, is not the death of Jordan Neely, a black, but to use it as another racial issue, putting whites on the gallows for trying to stem black crime. The usual race mongering black piranhas, Al Sharpton and inarticulate attorney, Benjamin Crump, appeared like magic on the scene to keep the ball of, “white hate against blacks” rolling. They accused Penny of intentionally murdering Neely. Of course, all the other fake “civil rights” thugs jumped in and demanded an eye-for-an-eye. “The white guy has to pay for killing a black.” Even white but stupid President Biden had to be awakened from his mid-day nap and handed a (race) card to be read to the press, telling of his standing firm in defense of blacks from white MAGA predators. It’s not a crime issue but a racial one.

We have come to the point where whites have been turned into the likes of the pre-Civil War blacks. Today’s whites are the “less-thans” and blacks are our superiors. The problem, as I see it though, is that many whites in key government and media positions applaud and encourage this new development of the overt disparaging and demeaning of whites, themselves. Back in the 1860’s we had the Civil War, where hundreds of thousands of white guys died to free blacks from their status as inferiors. We need one now to free whites from that same condition. Look out…it may be coming sooner than you think.

Murray Gordon
Miami, Florida

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