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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Judge CONFIRMS Authenticity of Ashley Biden Diary- Media Ignores Shocking Contents

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(TJV NEWS) The Special Master reviewing the 2021 pre-dawn FBI raid on the home of Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe – related to his acquisition of the Ashley Biden’s diary – filed a report last week the Southern District of New York.

As Special Master Barbara Jones relayed information related to the case, she revealed that Ashley Biden confirmed over the phone that the diary in question does, in fact, belong to her.

Notthebee.com(LINK) reports: This is huge news because, among other reasons, Ashley Biden wrote in the diary that her father inappropriately took showers with her when she was a child.

The media has reported on the diary’s existence and the Project Veritas FBI raid, but has 100% ignored the details contained within the diary. The  same media that reported breathlessly on President Clinton’s sexual escapades with Monica Lewinsky,  has not reported for even 30 seconds the shocking accusations President Biden’s daughter makes in her own diary;  not one sentence regarding the “inappropriate showers” she claims she took with her father has been covered by any mainstream media outlet,  in over two years.

A small independent media outlet (The National File) ended up reporting on the contents of the journal, shortly before the election. Project Veritas while having posession of the diary, passed on the story at the time, because they could not verify the authenticity of the journal.

TJV News, reported on the findings a week before the election in 2020 (TJV NEWS LINK)

This is a major development. This US District Court Special Master stated in a court filing that Ashley Biden confirmed over the phone that the infamous diary belongs to her, and that she asked for it to be delivered to one of her friends, En-Volve News pointed out.

Here is the public document(LINK). Look at page 2 – specifically, the bottom of page 2:

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