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Lawyer for Billion $$$ Hedge Fund Says Investors Knew They May Not Get Their Money Back


An attorney for Platinum Partners told jury members yesterday that investors in the firm – which has now gone of business – were given plenty of notice that there was a chance they would never get back their money.

By Howard M. Riell

Attorney Jose Baez opened his remarks to the jury by saying that the multi-billion-dollar hedge fund firm’s founder, Mark Nordlicht, should be acquitted of the criminal fraud charges he is facing.

“This case is a fraud,” Baez said, summing up the criminal prosecution that began over two years ago with the arrest in December of 2016 of Nordlicht and some of his Platinum executive colleagues. The trial got underway early yesterday afternoon.

Standing trial together with Nordlicht are David Levy, who was Platinum’s co-chief investment officer; Joseph SanFilippo, who was chief financial officer of Platinum’s flagship Value Arbitrage fund; and Daniel Small, who was a Platinum managing director. Each has entered a plea of not guilty.

In court papers, Nordlicht claimed that he believed in good faith that Platinum would resolve its liquidity issues. He also felt the firm’s problems were brought about by media reporting in regard to the government’s investigation before the indictment.

In his opening statement, Assistant U.S. Attorney Patrick Hein said that Nordlicht and his co-defendants, Platinum’s co-chief investment officer David Levy and its Chief Financial Officer Joseph SanFilippo, cheated their investors out of “millions and millions of dollars” in two separate schemes.

In the first, Hein charged, Platinum Partners “overvalued the often-illiquid assets of its flagship hedge fund, reported false annualized returns topping 17 percent and selectively paid out cash to some investors over others,” reported Vos Iz Neias. “In the second scheme, Nordlicht and Levy defrauded bondholders in Black Elk, an oil exploration company Platinum owned, by diverting money from asset sales to Platinum ahead of Black Elk’s 2015 bankruptcy, Hein said.

Baez “countered by showing jurors numerous examples of documents given to investors warning that the investments were risky, that Platinum’s investments were not necessarily liquid and that redemptions of cash were at Nordlicht’s discretion. “The warnings and the notices to these investors are everywhere,” reports Reuters.

Baez, the news service continued, said Nordlicht and the other defendants “believed they could recover from a liquidity crunch in 2014 and 2015. He said they ultimately failed because of “leaks” to media about the federal investigation of Platinum, and that there could be something “sinister” behind those leaks. That drew a sharp rebuke from U.S. District Judge Brian Cogan after the jury left for a break. Cogan had previously ruled that defense lawyers could not suggest to the jury that the government engaged in misconduct.”

The RJC Won’t Let Israel Become A Punching Bag For Democrats To Score Points With Their Radical Base

Rep. Omar sits on the House Foreign Relations Committee spewing anti-Semitism because the Democrats believe that Islamic terrorism is justified. Anti-Semitism, in Omar’s case, is the symptom of an Islamist hostility that does not limit itself to Israel, but encloses America and much of the free world. Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Last night, Bernie Sanders, the Democrats’ leading candidate for President called the recent, democratically elected government of Israel “racist”, and said if elected, he would be more sympathetic to Palestinian concerns. In response to this latest signal that the Democratic party is moving away from being a pro-Israel party, RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks released the following statement:

Democrats are at it again. They don’t like the results of a free and democratic election; therefore, they call the victors racist and, by extension, call their supporters racist. It’s an absurd and offensive claim. When the Democratic party’s presidential frontrunner, Bernie Sanders, calls the Israeli government racist, he ignores that the nearly 2 million Arab Israeli citizens enjoy the same exact rights that every other Israeli citizen does: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and the right to vote in free and democratic elections. 

However, Bernie Sanders and the Democratic leadership don’t care about these facts. They care about appealing to the apparent, new voting base that has been energized by Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Linda Sarsour. These Left-wing radicals preach intersectionality as a way to rally disparate groups, even if that means attacking a close ally that happens to be the only country in the Middle East that protects the rights of women, the LGBTQ community, and religious minorities. Bernie Sanders and his Democratic Party are calling Israel racist in hopes that the American people will buy their lies. The RJC won’t let this happen. We won’t let Israel become a punching bag for Democrats to score points with their radical base.

Statement by Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, Rabbinical Council of America on Terror Attacks in Sri Lanka

The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America and Rabbinical Council of America express deep condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in the horrific murders on Sunday at three Christian churches and other locations in Sri Lanka and pray for the speedy recovery of those injured in the terror attack.
We stand with our brothers and sisters throughout the world against senseless hatred and bigotry, and the despicable violence they breed. We condemn, in the strongest terms, the horrific murder of innocent people, and the added abhorrence of violence in houses of prayer. We commit to continue to work toward a future in which people of all faiths may respect each other and live together in safety and peace.

WJC voices condemnation after Italian soccer fans caught performing fascist salutes ahead of match


The World Jewish Congress on Wednesday voiced deep condemnation after a group of supporters of the Italian Serie A football club SS Lazio were caught on video performing fascist salutes and hanging banners glorifying Benito Mussolini ahead of the team’s Wednesday match in Milan. The scene unfolded the day before Liberation Day celebrations, which mark the end of the country’s fascist dictatorship.

Responding to the incident, World Jewish Congress CEO Robert Singer stated, “It is incomprehensible that in the 21st century there are still those who seek to glorify a fascist regime that was responsible for spreading hate across the continent during the darkest days of World War II and supported the Nazis in their perpetration of the Holocaust and other crimes against humanity.”

“Football is known to millions around the world as the ‘beautiful game’ not only because of the skill of its players, but for its unique ability to bring people together over their shared love of sport and club. It is time for players, club officials, and governing bodies to make clear that there is no room for such behavior by supporters both inside and outside of stadiums. We call on the leadership of SS Lazio and Serie A to respond accordingly and to ensure that these fans are punished to the fullest extent,” Singer said.



 Today, U.S. Reps. Grace Meng (D-NY) and Brian Mast (R-FL) sent a bipartisan letter with 73 other Members of Congress to Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan urging him to expand the Global Entry program to Israel.

The Global Entry program allows expedited entry to the United States for pre-approved, low-risk travelers upon their arrival in the U.S. Current participants of the program include: Australia, Canada, Mexico, South Korea, the Netherlands, Panama, Germany, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Colombia, Switzerland, Argentina, and India.

Since 2012, Israel has participated in a limited pilot program for Global Entry. Israel’s full participation in the program would not only strengthen the deep U.S.-Israel national security ties that exist but would also grow the U.S. economy and increase people-to-people exchanges.

“Israel is America’s strongest ally and friend in the Middle East and it’s time that Israel is finally permitted to fully participate in our Global Entry program,” said Meng. “By adding Israel, America continues to affirm its unbreakable support for U.S.-Israel relations and strengthens the people-to-people connections for years to come. I want to thank Rep. Mast for co-leading this letter with me and I look forward to hearing back from Acting Secretary McAleenan.”

“The United States’ relationship with Israel is critically important to both countries and global security,” said Mast. “A long list of our allies already benefit from full participation in Global Entry and there’s no doubt that Israel should be added to strengthen security at our border and theirs, as well as increase opportunity for cultural and economic exchange.”

A copy of the Meng-Mast correspondence, and the signatories, can be viewed here. The text of the letter is below.


The Honorable Kevin McAleenan
Acting Secretary of Homeland Security
Washington, D.C. 20528

Dear Acting Secretary McAleenan:

We write to you in support of Israel’s participation in U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) Global Entry program. Over a year ago, all 100 of our colleagues in the United States Senate wrote to you urging the expansion of Global Entry to Israel – an unwavering ally. We write to you today, to ensure that the benefits that Global Entry promises to U.S. tourism, to our country’s national security, and to the U.S.-Israel relationship are realized.

According to the U.S. Travel Association, visits from Israel to the United States have averaged 418,000 people per year for the past three years. Israeli travelers account for $1.2 billion in spending annually, with an average $4,000 in personal spending per trip.

CBP’s Global Entry Program allows expedited entry upon arrival to the United States for pre-approved, low-risk travelers. By removing known, low-risk travelers from the regular screening process, CBP is able to focus resources on potentially riskier unknown travelers.

Since 2012, Israel has been participating in a limited pilot program of Global Entry. Israel’s full participation in this program would grow the U.S. economy, strengthen national security at each of our borders, and increase opportunities for people-to-people exchange, which bolsters our already unique bilateral relationship.

Israel would join a group of allies who benefit from participation in Global Entry, including Australia, Canada, Mexico, South Korea, the Netherlands, Panama, Germany, Singapore, the United Kingdom, Colombia, Switzerland, Argentina, and India.

We urge you expediently open the full benefits of Global Entry to Israel, and to provide an update to Congress on the status of the current negotiations.

Staten Island Passover/Pesach Bread Burning/Biur Chometz Preparation Coordinated and Arranged by COJO-SI Security Committee, Encompassing, NYPD, FDNY, DSNY, in Conjunction with Shomrim, Hatzolah and Chaverim.


With Passover season upon us, April 19, 2019, marked the Annual Bread Burning/Biur Chometz which was organized by the Staten Island Council of Jewish Organizations Security Committee.  This annual holiday event was coordinated by COJO-SI together with the NYPD, FDNY, DSNY, Shomrim, Hatzolah and Chaverim.  The COJO-SI Security Committee oversaw the burning of the chometz, and garbage removal.

COJO-SI gives special thanks the NYPD, FDNY and DSNY for assisting as they always do.  Special thanks are given to Chief Kenneth Corey, commanding officer of Patrol Borough Staten Island, Inspector Matthew Harrington, commanding officer of Precinct 121, Chief Richard Howe, FDNY Staten Island Borough Chief, and Chief Stephen Montanino, DSNY Staten Island Borough Chief.

Mendy Mirocznik, president of COJO gives a special thanks to Security Committee and to its Chairs Scott Maurer (COJO CEO & Executive Vice President) and Ari Weiss ( Executive Coordinator of the Staten Island Shomrim) for their efforts in coordinating with the NYPD, FDNY, DSNY and our community.  As always Scott and Ari and the Shomrim Members did an outstanding exemplary job.

As the central coordinating agency for the Island’s Jewish Community, COJO-SI wishes all a Happy Holiday season, a Zisse Pesach and a wonderful spring.

AJHS to host Eric Ward for a Program on Antisemitism


Antisemitism, Identity Politics, and American Identity: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives


The American Jewish Historical will host Eric Wardlong time civil rights strategist and the Executive Director at Western States Center. In 1990, for a special program on Antisemitism and Identity Politics in the US. Ward documented his first white nationalist Rally, and since then has been working to expose and respond to bigoted violence across the country through empowering community organization. Ward emphasizes that in order to understand the threat posed by the rapidly growing white nationalist movement in the United States today, we must first come to terms with the centrality of antisemitism to white nationalist ideology.

Joining Eric Ward in conversation is Tony Michels, a professor of American Jewish History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Christina Greer, Associate Professor of Political Science at Fordham University. Together these panelists will pull on the threads that connect past and present, and help us begin the process of unraveling the prevalence antisemitism, and bigotry more broadly, in America.


Tuesday, May 7, 2019, 7:00 pm


Part of the Jack Coleman and Lawrence Kanter, MD Lecture Series

Co-sponsored with the the Center for Jewish History


$15 general ● $10 students/AJHS/CJH members/seniors ● $18 at the door

Buy Tickets

Fire Fighters Arrives at Bucharian Synagogue in Forest Hills for a Reported Fire Where Chumitz was Being Burnt


On Friday April 19, the FDNY received a 911 call for a reported fire at Beth Gabriel on 108th Street in Forest Hills.

This One Alarm Call went out to respond to the 911 call.

When the  Fire Chief was asked why the FDNY showed up to the synagogue on the eve of Passover the Queens Gazette was told that someone called 911 reporting smoke and flames were coming from the congregation’s property.

The Queens Gazette reporters were at the scene reporting on the Chumitz burning when fire truck sirens  were heard coming closers othe to the property until a fire truck stopped across the street.

When the rabbi displayed the congregation’s permit for the event, the FDNY firefighters picked up their hoses and turned off the water flowing from the fire hydrant across from where the congregation is located.

Long Beach Resident/Sports Writer Kohen/ Robert Elkin Dead at 76


It is with much sadness that I report that long time (70 years)Long Beach resident and sports reporter, ROBERT JOSEPH ELKIN (Kohen) passed away on Wednesday April 3, 2019 at the age of 76, just one day before the Mets home opener, an event he tried not to miss during his 40 years sports writing career.


Robert graduated Long Beach High School. He was the score keeper in high school because he was forced to give up playing baseball when he was hit in the eye with a batted ball around the age of 12.. The accident caused Robert to lose most of his eyesight in one eye.Robert covered sports for the New York Journal American , The Brooklyn Eagle, Caribbean Life, a Courier Life Publication and the Queens Times.

Robert covered high school, college and professional track and field,baseball, basketball and football. Robert did most of his writing about The New York Mets as sports writer and Sports Editor for the Queens Times, Jim Lisa, Publisher.


Robert was often seen on the sidelines of high school track and field events throughout the New York Metropolitan area, but mostly at sporting events in the borough of Queens. Longtime sports writer Lloyd Carroll said he would miss “Little Bobby,” as he called him, while he covers Mets and Jets home games. Mr. Carroll is well known for is sports writing in the Queens Chronicle as well as his sports and entertainment writing in Good Times Magazine, a New York publication..

Robert remained a resident of long Beach until his last breath. When he could no longer take care of himself he moved to the Long Beach Assisted Living, where he spent most of his last days of his life. He was very fond of  Avi Heineman, Long Beach Assisted Living Administrator.


Robert said shortly before his death that he began his professional sports writing career the year that Jay Horwitz started his with the New York Mets,  40 years ago. His memory as a lifelong sports writer and Mets fan should not go unnoticed. He credited Jim Lisa, publisher of the Queens Times for sticking with him during his difficult years as wells as his productive writing years.


Robert credited his life’s work writing about the New York Mets to Jay Horwitz and Ethan Wilson, who were very helpful to Mr. Elkin.

We know that Robert will be missed in the New York Mets and New York Jets Press Boxes.


Robert Elkin was an only child and had the benefit of two loving parents who treated him like a prince.

Robert was laid to rest on Sunday April 7, 2019 at King Solomon Cemetery in Clifton, New Jersey during a graveside service attended by friends and family.

Robert’s father, Daniel Elkin was a Kohen, a member of the holiest Tribe of Israel. Kohen were considered the Priests in biblical times and still honored at Sabbath and other religious services of the Jewish faith.

State Senator John LIU speaks at Hillcrest Jewish Center Breakfast


State Senator John Liu spoke last Sunday at a breakfast at Hillcrest Jewish Center.

Senator Liu unseated Tony Avella to represent Northeast Queens in the New York State Senate.

Senator John Liu with Hillcrest Jewish Center Rabbi Kogan Manes Senator Liu said ,” I have spent many days and evenings attending community and local meetings here at Hillcrest Jewish Center”


Senator John Lou previously have a New York City councilman from Flushing and then ran and successfully won the controller spot representing all of New York City as its financial leader.

State Senator John LIU who formerly serve in the New York City Council and as New York City Comptroller now represents Northeastern Queens in the New York State Senate


Send Luis a stand out student athlete at Bronx high school of science he performed in track and field.

Senator Liu was asked why so many Democrats have taken socialist views. The Senator replied, “I am not a Socialist. I am a Democrat.”

Trump Tightens Noose on Iranian Economy Through Oil Sanctions

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Move Made to Quash Regime’s Revenue

“Iran’s leaders plunder the nation’s resources to enrich themselves and to spread mayhem across the Middle East and far beyond,” declared President Trump in a statement to the media on Monday. To this end, the president outlined his strategy for cutting off Iran’s oil exports completely, thus denying the rogue regime its principal source of revenue. As such, the Trump administration announced that they would not renew waivers next month to five countries that continue to import oil from Iran. The official name of the waivers is known as Significant Reduction Exceptions (SREs) and the precise deadline is May 2.

China, who is one of Iran’s largest oil customers, said that the Trump announcement was evidence of US “unilateral sanctions and long-arm jurisdiction.” China, which relies on imports for about half of its oil, could present the toughest diplomatic challenge for the US in trying to enforce its sanctions, as was reported in a Times of Israel report. Photo Credit: Shutterstock

The five nations in question are China, India, Japan, South Korea and Turkey. Voicing their strident opposition to this move, China, who is one of Iran’s largest oil customers, said that the Trump announcement was evidence of US “unilateral sanctions and long-arm jurisdiction.” China, which relies on imports for about half of its oil, could present the toughest diplomatic challenge for the US in trying to enforce its sanctions, as was reported in a Times of Israel report.

CNN reported that Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu firmly rejected the Trump administration decision on Monday, saying via Twitter that “the US decision to end sanctions waivers on Iran oil imports will not serve regional peace and stability yet will harm Iranian people. Turkey rejects unilateral sanctions and impositions on how to conduct relations with neighbors.”

Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu firmly rejected the Trump administration decision on Monday, saying via Twitter that “the US decision to end sanctions waivers on Iran oil imports will not serve regional peace and stability yet will harm Iranian people. Turkey rejects unilateral sanctions and impositions on how to conduct relations with neighbors.” Photo Credit: Shutterstock

He went further during a press conference in Ankara, saying that “pushing buying oil from countries besides Iran goes too far. Turkey is against those steps and impositions,” according to the state-run Anadolu news agency.

It was also reported by CNN that a senior Iraqi official said Monday that Trump’s decision to end waivers for the purchase of Iranian oil exports, and pressure Iraq to end its purchase of Iranian power is a “serious problem.”

“Iraq needs good relations with Iran. The US has one policy focus, which is to bring Iran down and are looking through this prism. The situation is precarious. The Americans need a nuanced policy. This drive by the White House risks disrupting Iraq. If they really want a policy towards Iran, they should look at strengthening Iraq. But given that much of our assets are in the Federal Reserve the Americans can make life very difficult for us.”

According to the Trump statement issued by his press secretary Sarah Sanders, the United States, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, three of the world’s great energy producers, are working to ensure global oil markets remain well supplied. The statement went on to say that the United States and its partners will take immediate action to ensure that supplies are made available to replace all Iranian oil removed from the market. The White House added that forecasters expect global oil supply will keep pace with demand in 2019.

Emphasizing that the decision against the renewal of waivers on the purchase of Iranian oil was to show the world that the administration is determined to expand and enforce its maximum pressure campaign against the Iranian regime, the White House statement said that this action was taken to hold Iran accountable for the full range of its malign activities.

“The United States will continue to apply maximum pressure on the Iranian regime until its leaders change their destructive behavior, “ said the White House statement.

Soon after President Trump took office, he fulfilled his campaign pledge to withdrew the United States from the “horrible Iran nuclear deal” and thusly imposed the most stringent sanctions ever placed on the Islamic Republic of Iran. Moreover, the Trump administration declared that all sanctions that were originally lifted under the Obama era Iran deal were reimposed last year. These sanctions targeted critical sectors of Iran’s economy, including energy, shipping, and its financial institutions.

The Trump administration recently designated Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a Foreign Terrorist Organization, putting the private sector on notice not to conduct business with them. Photo Credit: Wikipedia

In addition, the Trump administration recently designated Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a Foreign Terrorist Organization, putting the private sector on notice not to conduct business with them. As a result of the administration’s actions, Iran’s currency has lost more than two-thirds of its value on the black market. Foreign direct investment and business activity in Iran have fallen off as the private sector is keenly cognizant of the multifarious risks involved when conducting business with Iran.

As a result, the White House reported that more than 100 companies who had previously engaged in business dealings with Iran have ceased and desisted from conducting business there.

The White House also noted that the decision to apply this kind of economic pressure on rogue nation was sending a clear and unambiguous message to the authoritarian regime that its destabilizing activities and global terrorist campaign have serious consequences.

The well-crafted statement also made it known that the malevolent Iranian regime has long used oil revenues to support its destabilizing activities and fund terrorist proxies throughout the world. It is internationally known that Iran is the leading state sponsor of terrorism, with a chief objective of working towards financing and supporting terrorist organizations including al-Qa’ida, Hizballah, Hamas, the Taliban, and others of that ilk.

The Trump administration also called out Iran in terms of their purported promises to scale down and eventually eliminate their entire nuclear program. The statement noted that fact that Iran’s oil revenues have helped to finance their nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs that threaten the region and the United States.

Without mentioning specific names, the White House statement said that leaders of the Iranian regime have committed horrific human rights violations while using oil revenues to line their own pockets instead of giving support to their own people. It continued by declaring unequivocally that Iran continues to undermine the stability of the region, including through hostility toward Israel and threatening freedom of navigation in the critical Persian Gulf.

Speaking of Israel, the recently re-elected prime minister of the Jewish state, Benjamin Netanyahu lauded the Trump administration’s Monday announcement that it will no longer grant exemptions from sanctions to Iran’s oil customers, according to a TOI report.

“The decision of President Trump and the American administration is of great importance for increasing the pressure on the Iranian terror regime,” Netanyahu’s office said in a statement. “We stand by the determination of the United States against Iranian aggression and this is the right way to stop it.”

Netanyahu was a main voice against the 2015 nuclear deal that opened up Iran’s export market, and has praised Trump’s moves to reverse the pact.

Following the U.S. designation of the IRGC as a terrorist entity on April 8, some have assessed that Iran is likely to intensify proxy attacks on Israel from Syria and Gaza in response, according to an article on the JNS.org web site.

In the Gaza Strip, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), the second-largest armed faction in Gaza and Iran’s direct proxy, has grown an arsenal of rockets that now surpasses that of Hamas, the largest terrorist faction in the Strip.

The JNS report indicated that PIJ has been rebuilding its firepower since the 2014 conflict it and Hamas fought with Israel. Today. PIJ and Hamas have a combined rocket arsenal of more than 20,000 projectiles, some of which have a sufficient range of reaching targets north of Tel Aviv, as demonstrated by a March rocket strike on an Israeli home that injured seven civilians.

PIJ’s fighting force of 10,000 armed operatives, combined with Hamas’s 30,000 armed-wing members, mean that Gaza has developed a terrorist army. Together, these Iranian-funded factions threaten to indiscriminately fire rockets at Israeli civilian neighborhoods.

The report went on to say that the administration granted eight oil sanctions waivers when it re-imposed sanctions on Iran after Trump pulled the US out of the 2015 nuclear deal. They were granted in part to give those countries — Japan, South Korea, Turkey, China, India, Greece, Italy, Taiwan — more time to find alternate energy sources but also to prevent a shock to global oil markets from the sudden removal of Iranian crude.

Since November, three of the eight countries — Italy, Greece and Taiwan — have stopped importing oil from Iran. The other five, however, have not, and have lobbied for their waivers to be extended.

Speaking Monday at a press conference, as was reported by CNN, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said “the goal remains simple: to deprive the outlaw regime of the funds it had used to destabilize the Middle East for four decades and incentivize Iran to behave like a normal country.”

Noting that oil is “the regime’s No. 1 source of cash,” Pompeo said that prior to the implementation of US sanctions, Iran was generating “as much as $50 billion annually,” from oil exports, but that the department estimates the sanctions have “denied the regime well north of $10 billion.”

“How long we remain there — at zero — depends solely on the Islamic Republic (of) Iran’s senior leaders,” he added.

“We have made our demands very clear to the ayatollah and his cronies: end your pursuit of nuclear weapons, stop testing and proliferating ballistic missiles, stop sponsoring and committing terrorism, halt the arbitrary detention of US citizens. Our pressure is aimed at ending these and others and it will continue to accelerate until Iran is willing to address them at the negotiating table,” Pompeo said.

CNN reported that after the announcement from the US, Saudi Arabia’s Oil Minister Khalid al-Falih said the country will coordinate with other oil producers “to ensure the availability of enough oil supplies for consumers and to ensure global oil markets are not knocked off balance.”

The US will also aid the dearth in supply, Pompeo said. The US produced 1.6 million more barrels of oil in 2018 than in 2017, and is on track to increase production in 2019 as well.

But given the ongoing crises in both Venezuela and Libya, which are two major oil supplying countries, there are fears that the US decision will make the oil market more unstable.

WJC Slams Beating of “Judas” Effigy in Poland on Good Friday

The World Jewish Congress (WJC) on Sunday slammed a Polish town after video circulated of residents beating, hanging, and burning an offensive effigy of a "stereotypical Jew" in a revival of an old Easter tradition.in a revival of an old Easter tradition. Photo Credit: Sputnik International

The huge effigy was said to represent the Jewish biblical character of Judas Iscariot

The World Jewish Congress (WJC) on Sunday slammed a Polish town after video circulated of residents beating, hanging, and burning an offensive effigy of a “stereotypical Jew” in a revival of an old Easter tradition.in a revival of an old Easter tradition.

WJC chief executive Robert Singer issued a statement expressing “disgust and outrage at this latest blatantly antisemitic manifestation.”

“Jews are deeply disturbed by this ghastly revival of medieval antisemitism that led to unimaginable violence and suffering,” he said.

He added that, “One can only wonder how John Paul II who taught Catholics in his native Poland and all over the world that antisemitism is a sin against God and man would have reacted to this flagrant rejection of his teachings. We can only hope that the Church and other institutions will do their best to overcome these frighful prejudices which are a blot on Poland’s good name.”

As Christian Poles prepared to mark the crucifixion of Jesus the weekend of Easter and Jews marked the Passover festival symbolizing their Exodus from bondage in Egypt, media reports showed photos and video of residents of the town of Pruchnik using sticks to beat an effigy of Judas on Good Friday.

The effigy, which had sidelocks and a large nose, was then beheaded, set on fire and tossed into a river, according to the reports.

The Easter ritual known as “Judgment over Judas” dates back to the 18th century and continued to be regularly performed until the Second World War.

The tradition had been largely abandoned, with only a couple of villages continuing it. Even Pruchnik had appeared to stop in recent years, according to the Polish news portal oko.press.

But anti-semitic concerns have recently resurfaced in Poland, where most of the country’s Jewish population was wiped out in the Second World War.

The Easter ritual known as “Judgment over Judas” dates back to the 18th century and continued to be regularly performed until the Second World War.

The tradition had been largely abandoned, with only a couple of villages continuing it. Even Pruchnik had appeared to stop in recent years, according to the Polish news portal oko.press.

Last year, Warsaw passed a law that originally established fines or a maximum three-year jail term for anyone who refers to Nazi German death camps as Polish or accuses Poland of complicity in the Third Reich’s crimes.

The law sparked a diplomatic storm with Israel, which led Poland to amend it and suspend its enforcement once the countries were able to settle their differences.

But ahead of this month’s elections in Israel, Minister of Foreign Affairs Yisrael Katz reignited tensions when he made inflammatory remarks that “there were many Poles who contributed with the Nazis,” and that “the Poles suckle anti-Semitism from their mother’s breasts,” quoting former Israeli premier Yitzhak Shamir, who was well-known for the kind of radical anti-Polish sentiment not uncommon among Holocaust survivors.

On Monday, the WJC issued a press release in response to the statement by Bishop Rafał Markowski deploring the symbolic lynching of a Jewish effigy in the town of Pruchnik. WJC CEO Robert Singer said that he was “heartened that the Church had taken an unequivocal stand” with respect to this antisemitic incident.

“Jews all over the world look to the Church to continue the struggle against antisemitism pioneered by Pope John Paul II who had called the Jews the older brothers of Christians,” Singer added. “The Church is in a unique position to overcome age-old prejudice and stereotypes. We can only hope that one day a spirit of brotherhood and mutual respect will replace intolerance and hatred in Pruchnik—and that young people will be taught about the horrifying fate of that community’s Jewish inhabitants during the German occupation.”

Jewish Comedian Wins Ukrainian Presidential Election by Landslide


“I am leaving office, but I want to firmly underline that I am not leaving politics,” the incumbent president said after exit polls gave Volodymyr Zelensky a decisive lead.

In the Ukrainian elections, it has been reported that incumbent President Petro Poroshenko is accepting defeat for the country’s highest office.

The AP has reported that an exit poll from Ukraine’s presidential election is giving Jewish comedian Volodymyr Zelensky – who plays a high school teacher ranting about government corruption who is elected president on a TV series – a commanding lead over Poroshenko.

Results from the exit poll released Sunday after voting stations closed showed Zelensky receiving 73.2% of the nationwide vote; Poroshenko got 25.3%, according to the AP report.

The poll, conducted by the Kiev International Institute of Sociology and the Razumkov Center public opinion organization, was based on more than 13,000 responses to face-to-face questions at 300 polling places as of 6 p.m., two hours before the polls closed, as was reported by the AP.

The poll claims a margin of error of three percentage points.

Shortly after the poll results were published, Poroshenko said he was willing to help his rival transition into the presidency.

“I am leaving office, but I want to firmly underline that I am not leaving politics,” Poroshenko said.

The comedian is a political neophyte and has no background or experience in affairs of state and has offered few detailed policies.

Reuters reported that Poroshenko tried to rally Ukrainians around the flag by casting himself as a bulwark against Russian aggression and a champion of Ukrainian identity.

Zelenskiy was born in 1978 to Jewish parents and seems set to become Ukraine’s first Jewish president. Ukraine’s Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman is also Jewish, as was reported by Reuters.

Declaring victory at his campaign headquarters to emotional supporters, Zelenskiy promised he would not let the Ukrainian people down.

“I’m not yet officially the president, but as a citizen of Ukraine, I can say to all countries in the post-Soviet Union look at us. Anything is possible!”

European Council President Donald Tusk congratulated Zelenskiy, as did French President Emmanuel Macron and British foreign minister Jeremy Hunt, as was reported by Reuters.

Zelenskiy, whose victory fits a pattern of anti-establishment figures unseating incumbents in Europe and further afield, has promised to end the war in the eastern Donbass region and to root out corruption amid widespread dismay over rising prices and sliding living standards.

But he has been coy about exactly how he plans to achieve all that and investors want reassurances that he will accelerate reforms needed to attract foreign investment and keep the country in an International Monetary Fund program.

Netanyahu: ‘I Will Name a Town in the Golan Heights After Donald Trump’


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday he would name a new town in the Golan Heights after President Donald Trump, according to a report from the Jerusalem Post.

“I will name a town in the Golan Heights after Donald Trump. I will soon bring this to be approved by the government,” Netanyahu said.

The prime minister’s announcement comes after Trump announced in a March tweet that the United States would recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the territory, after decades of dispute with Syria regarding ownership.

“After 52 years it is time for the United States to fully recognize Israel’s Sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is of critical strategic and security importance to the State of Israel and Regional Stability!” Trump tweeted.

Trump’s tweet came at the end of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s visit to Israel in which he told reporters in comments that Trump made the right decision regarding the Golan Heights.

“Tonight, President Trump made the decision to recognize that that hard-fought real estate, that important place, is proper to be a sovereign part of the state of Israel,” he said, according to the AP.

Trump solidified his promise several days later, when Netanyahu visited the White House. During a joint press conference, the president told reporters that he had been “studying” the issue “for years” before making the declaring Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

“And this should have been done, I would say, numerous presidents ago,” he said. “But for some reason, they didn’t do it, and I’m very honored to have done it.”

Netanyahu thanked Trump for his commitment to Israel, and offered the same to the United States in return.

“We are willing to fight for our common values,” he said. “We’re willing to fight. You have an ally that is willing to take up arms in defense of liberty, in defense of our land, our people, and our common values.”

            (Washington Free Beacon)

Thousands Amass at Jerusalem’s Western Wall for Traditional Passover Blessing


The week-long Passover festival marks the Exodus of the Jewish people from servitude in Egypt

Thousands of Jewish worshippers flocked to the Western Wall in Jerusalem on Monday for a mass priestly blessing during the Passover holiday.

The traditional benediction saw thousands of male descendants of the Jewish Kohanim priestly caste bless tens of thousands of congregations twice during daily morning prayers in front of the Western Wall, the holiest site where Jews can pray in Jerusalem’s Old City.

The Kohanim, believed to be descendants of priests who served in the ancient Jewish Temple before it was destroyed, perform a mass blessing ceremony of the Jewish people three times a year during the festivals of Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot.

US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, himself a descendant of the Kohanim caste, was one of hundreds to give the blessing on Monday.

Jews in Israel and around the world began observing the week-long Passover festival on Friday evening, commemorating the Exodus of the Jewish people from servitude in Egypt.

During the holiday, Jews forgo leavened wheat, oat, barley, rye, or spelt products and eat matzah (unleavened bread) as the fleeing Jews did not have enough time to wait for dough to rise as they embarked on their journey to freedom.

Israeli authorities last week announced a general closure on West Bank border crossings for the duration of the holiday, which will end on Friday April 26.

Such closures are common during Jewish holidays, which are often associated with increased tension and potential for violence, particularly around religious sites which see increased numbers of Jewish visitors arriving to worship.

The Western Wall is a remnant of a supporting wall of the Second Temple complex, which was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD.

It is the holiest site to Jews, who refer to it as the Temple Mount.

Above it lies the plaza where the temple once stood and which now houses the Haram al-Sharif compound, the third-holiest site in Islam that includes the Al-Aqsa mosque and Dome of the Rock.

Jews are allowed to visit but not pray at the Temple Mount compound, but each year a growing religious movement called Return to the Mount (‘Chozrim leHar’) stages missions to bring goat kids to the top of Temple Mount for ritual sacrifice, as practiced thousands of years ago.

Two activists were arrested last week on their way to the holy site to perform the provocative ritual, along with two journalists who were documenting the activists for an independent documentary film.


DeBlasio Tries to Justify Trips in SUV, After Mulling His Own Green New Deal

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Show hosts ended up pressing Mr. de Blasio on why he travels daily from the official Mayor’s residence on the Upper East Side of Manhattan to Brooklyn, just to work out at a gym.

“What sort of environmentally responsible example are you setting there, taking this drive in a car as opposed to going to someplace nearby?” Jonathan Lemire, an MSNBC analyst, asked Mayor de Blasio. “Let’s make clear, this is just a part of my life,” he responded, referring to the daily 11-mile trek.

“I come from that neighborhood in Brooklyn. That’s my home. I go there on a regular basis to stay connected to where I come from and not be in a bubble that I think for a lot of politicians is a huge problem,” he continued.

Mr. de Blasio’s aims to fully implement his proposal within five years, and will fine property owners who do not decrease emissions at least 30 percent by 2030. He also told MSNBC personalities that he thinks the outbreak of Measles in Brooklyn will come to an end “over the next few weeks.”

As part of another proposal, as reported already by The Jewish Voice, New York’s city council is aiming to cut emissions at buildings like Trump Tower — an iconic landmark which served as President Trump’s home for decades before his historic election on Nov. 8, 2016.

The legislation, called the Climate Mobilization Act, seeks to make medium and large-sized buildings to reduce emissions by at least 40 percent by the year 2030 and by 80 percent by 2050.

Another aspect of the proposed piece of legislation would require that buildings not release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere at levels above what is set forth in the Climate Mobilization Act.

A report released by a labor coalition said that Trump Tower utilizes more energy than 93 percent of large-sized buildings.

“With so many people and cars in NYC, it can be hard to believe that our buildings are the number one contributor of harmful emissions,” Andrew Cohen, a member of New York’s city council, said in a statement. “Bill 1251 is part of a package of bills that will create an energy efficiency grading system for buildings throughout the city. Hopefully, this will encourage building owners to make the necessary upgrades to reduce the amount of negative impacts that these large buildings are having on our environment.”