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Parshas Bamidbar – Discover Your Flag

Torah is our very life, an elixir that renders us unique among the nations and has enabled us to survive the centuries. This Shavuos, embrace the Torah with love, commitment, and engrave it upon your mind and heart.

In this week’s parsha, we begin the 4th of the Five Books of Moses. This Book is also known as Sefer HaPekudim–the Book of Numbers, for G-d commanded that a census be taken of the Jewish people. You might ask what the purpose of that census might be, especially since census had already been taken in the Book of Exodus, and surely, G-d knows our numbers.

The Hebrew word for Census–counting, is so oh, which literally means lift up the heads for through counting, G-d demonstrates His love for us–how precious we are to Him that we are all a part of His master plan endowed with a special purpose that only we can fulfill. That awareness, that G-d loves us, that we count and that we have a tachlis–a purpose in life, should fortify us in our commitment, in our Torah study, in our observance and in our life struggles.

In the beginning of the parsha, the Torah mentions that starting from the second year after the Jewish people left Egypt, whenever they traveled, they had to go in a specific formation with the twelve tribes divided into four group of three with each tribe stationed in its location either north, south, east or west…each carrying its own flag which identified their group.

One might ask–Why did the tribes not travel in this formation when they left Egypt?

A flag is symbolic of one’s nationality, and if each tribe had its own flag, it could have destroyed the unity of the nation. Indeed, history is replete with examples of this….people going to battle in the name of their flags. Therefore, our tribal flags were given to us only after we constructed the Tabernacle which stood in the center of the camp, unifying and coalescing us into one in our worship of HaShem. This teaches us that every one of the 12 tribes had a unique mission in service of G-d. There were rabbis, Torah scholars and financial supporters of Torah, etc., but they were all united around the Tabernacle, and that neutralized all differences and made them one.

Even as each tribe was endowed with a unique mission–its own flag, similarly, each and every individual is special, created by HaShem for a specific purpose that only he or she can fulfill…. and the flags are symbolic of that. G-d created all people with eyes, noses, ears, etc., yet no two people look exactly alike. Similarly, no two souls are exactly alike. Every individual is custom made by G-d and has a purpose that only he or she can fulfill. Therefore, he must carry his own flag, know his own identity, and thus fulfill his task. But even if he carries his flag he must at all times remember that at the core of his being, is the Tabernacle, the Torah, and that knowledge unites him with his people.

Have you ever considered what your mission might be? What your flag might be? Why G-d gave you life? Your answers can be found in the Torah ヨ study it, probe it, pray for Divine Guidance….know the meaning of your Jewish name, the passage that corresponds to it, and discover your own flag fulfill your tachlis your purpose in life. Join us at Hineni and discover the energy in Torah study.


What is Shavuot? Shavuot is called “The Festival of Weeks.”

We count the Omer from Pesach until Shavuot just as a bride counts the days to her wedding. Our wedding was sealed in eternity at Sinai as we, the Jewish People proclaimed those immortal words, Na`aseh V`nishma–We shall do it and we shall study it. Thousands of years have passed since that awesome moment at Sinai, but the Torah is as new and as holy to us as it was to our ancestors in days of yore. Torah is our very life, an elixir that renders us unique among the nations and has enabled us to survive the centuries. This Shavuos, embrace the Torah with love, commitment, and engrave it upon your mind and heart.


Experiencing Shavuot as We Spiral Through Time

Torah study like what is pictured in this scene at the Kol Torah yeshiva in Jerusalem is typical of the first night of Shavuot. Photo Credit: jns.org

We experience life through the medium of time. Each new moment brings with it new opportunities as we move along the spectrum of time. Amidst the constantly moving wave of time, the chagim are specific, unique points in time that carry with them special energy. Each holiday is a chance to tap into the theme inherent to that point in time. Before we can delve into the specific theme of Shavuot and what this unique point in time holds for each and every one of us, we must first understand time on a larger scale.


The Nature of Time

The assumed and widely accepted understanding of time is that it moves in a straight line. Hashem created our world of space and time, and since its inception time has been moving inexorably forward. Along this line of time is the past, present, and the future. If we were to move backward on this line of time, we could peer through history and find Avraham Avinu at the Akeida, Moshe Rabbeinu receiving the Torah, and the Rambam writing the Mishneh Torah. Our current experience is taking place in the middle of the line, and if we could move forward along the line we would see events that have not yet happened. However, there is a major challenge to this theory.

There is a piyut in the Pesach Haggadah (U’vchen Va’amartemm) which states that Avraham Avinu served matzah to the three angels who visited him because it was Pesach at that time. Rashi quotes this opinion on the Pesukim in Bereishit (Bereishit 19:3) and says that Lot did the same for the malachim who came to Sedom. How can this be? The mitzvah of matzah originates from the event of Yetziat Mitzrayim–an event that would not occur for another few centuries!


Circles in Time

To understand why Avraham and Lot served their guests matzah before Pesach even occurred we must develop a deeper understanding of time. Time does not move along one continuous, straight line; it actually circles around in a repeating yearly cycle. As the Ramchal explains, Hashem created thematic cycles of time, where each point in the year holds unique spiritual energies. Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and all the chagim are each associated with their own unique spiritual themes in time.

This deep understanding transforms our perception of time. We don’t celebrate freedom each year on the 15th of Nissan because that’s when the Jews were freed from Egypt, rather the Jews were redeemed from Egypt on the 15th of Nissan because that is zman cheiruseinu, the time of freedom. That power of freedom is what allowed the Jews to escape the slavery of Mitzrayim. This is why Avraham and Lot ate matzah long before the actual geulah. Matzah represents freedom, and Avraham and Lot tapped into the spiritual waves of freedom that were inherent at that point in time. They were not commemorating a historical event, they were tapping into the deep energies of time inherent at the point in the circle. So too, we do not simply commemorate a historical event as we experience each holiday, but rather, we tap into the deep energies inherent at that point in time. Thus, it is clear that time not a continuous line, but a circle.


Spirals in Time

However, even the circle analogy is limiting. If time were indeed a circle, each point of the year would simply be a recreation and repetition of that point from the previous year, from the previous time around the circle. That would be pointless. We do not seek to re-experience the past each year. Our goal is to expand upon what we have created year by year, so that this year, when we return to that same point on the circle from last year, we are in a fundamentally different place. Each Rosh Hashana should be higher than the previous one, each Pesach, a new Pesach, each Shavuot, a new Shavuot. Through our growth and ascension we are able to convert the two-dimensional circle into a three dimensional spiral, traversing along the same circle at ever greater heights. We maintain the circularity while achieving ascension.


Re-Experiencing Shavuot Every Year

Now that we understand the concept of time, and the importance of tapping into the unique theme of each point of time in the systematic process of ascension, we must delve into the specific theme that Shavuot presents. What is the power and potential inherent in this time of the year, and how can we harness it to grow along our ascending, spiraling path?

On Shavuot, there is a custom to stand during the Torah reading. Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik explains that we stand during Torah reading on this day because we are recreating the experience of Matan Torah, when the entire Jewish People stood around Mount Sinai to receive the Torah. On Shavuot, we do not simply remember what once occurred, we relive the experience as we tap back into the power of kabbalat ha’Torah, receiving and accepting the Torah. We do not simply repeat this process each year, rather we reaccept the Torah on an entirely new level, as fundamentally higher beings, growing through each revelation of Torah from years past. Kabbalat haTorah this year is at the same point along the circle as last year, but one rung higher on the spiral. In a true sense, we are receiving the Torah anew, in a new dimension of time and spiritual energy.


What is Torah?

If Shavuot is the time of kabbalat Ha’Torah, to truly understand what we are trying to experience on Shavuot we must first understand what Torah is. Scholars may refer to it as a history book, others may think of it as a book of laws, or a source of Jewish wisdom, while still others see it as an object of myth and delusional reverence. However, the Torah is something deeper than all of these things, and to truly understand the importance of kabbalat ha’Torah we must understand the Torah’s depth and power.

Torah is not simply a guide to living a life of truth within the world that we live in, it is actually the blueprint and DNA of this physical world. In other words, our physical world is a projection and emanation of the deep spiritual reality described in the Torah. This is the meaning behind the famous midrash that says, “Istaklah b’Oraisah u’barah almah,” Hashem looked into the Torah and used it to create the world. Torah serves as the blueprint of the world–the physical world is an emanation and expression of Torah, the spiritual root of existence. To illustrate this concept, imagine a projector. The image that you see on the screen emanates from the film in the projector, so that everything you see on the screen is simply an expression of what’s contained within the film. So too, every single thing that we see and experience in the physical world stems from the spiritual root–the transcendent dimension of Torah.

Similarly, the trees you see outside originally stemmed from a single seed. Each and every one of us as well originated from a zygote, half a male and half a female genetic code. From that single cell ultimately manifested a fully developed and expressed human being. You are the expression of your original seed, just like the world is the expression of its original seed and root- the Torah.

Thus, the world in which we live is, in fact, an avenue to the spiritual–we can access the spiritual, transcendent world through this one because the two are intimately, intrinsically connected.

To illustrate this concept, think of the way in which other human beings experience and understand you. All they can see of you is your physical body. They cannot see your thoughts, your consciousness, your emotions, your soul. All they can see is your words, actions, facial expression, and body language–meaning, the way you express yourself within the world. They cannot see your inner world, but they can access it through the outer expressions that you project. The same is true regarding human beings trying to experience Hashem and the spiritual. We cannot see the spiritual, we cannot see what is ethereal and transcendent, only that which is physical. However, we can use the physical to access the spiritual root, we can study the Torah’s expression in this world to understand its spiritual root.


The Gift of Torah

Hashem gave us the Torah in order to guide us on our spiritual journey in this world. Shavuot is therefore not a call to be transcendent, angelic beings, lofty and perfect, beyond the struggle innate within the human condition. This is not permission to deny our humanity and restrict our sense of self. This is a calling to be human, to be the ultimate human, to bring transcendence and spirituality into this world. We don’t aim to escape this world, we aim to transform it. Kedushah in not transcendence or escapism, it’s marrying transcendence with the immanent. This is what Torah comes to teach us, how to uplift our physical experience and connect it to the spiritual. When done right, Torah enables us to uplift every aspect of our worldly experience to something higher, holier, and more meaningful.


This Shavuot

Our job is to make this Shavuot the next step in our evolutionary spiral through time. We must not only reaccept what we have already accepted, we must take it to the next level, the next rung up. We don’t simply remember, we build; we don’t repeat, we ascend. Let us think about how we can make our acceptance of Torah this Shavuot the very greatest yet.

RAA Applauds Gov Cuomo for Taking Action Against Anti-Semitism

Left to Right: Borough President James Oddo; Congressman Max Rose; COJO-SI CEO and Executive Vice-President Scott Maurer; District Attorney Michael McMahon; COJO-SI President Mendy Mirocznik; Councilman Joe Borelli; and Assemblyman Mike Reilly.

The Rabbinical Alliance of America – Igud HaRabbonim, with a membership of over 950 Orthodox Rabbis across the United States – extends its appreciation to New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo on condemning the anti-Semitic writing on the Jewish Children’s Museum located in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, New York. The statement, “Hitler is Coming,” was drawn on the museum’s large mural for good resolutions.

Governor Cuomo stated, “I am disgusted by the anti-Semitic message scrawled in front of the Jewish Children’s Museum in Crown Heights, Brooklyn….We have zero tolerance for anti-Semitism, discrimination or hate of any kind in New York, and no person should ever feel threatened because of their religious beliefs.”

Cuomo added, “I have visited this great museum, built in honor of Ari Halberstam who was tragically killed in an anti-Semitic terror attack on the Brooklyn Bridge, after it received threats in the past. It’s all more distressing for this institution built to bring together children of all faiths and backgrounds to foster tolerance to be targeted.”

Cuomo emphasized that, “In the wake of a rise in anti-Semitic and other hate crimes in our nation, it is more important than ever that we stand united to condemn these despicable acts of violence and root out hate in all its forms…To ensure those responsible for this heinous act are held accountable to the fullest extent of the law, I am directing the State Police Hate Crimes Task Force to immediately provide the NYPD with any resources needed to assist in the investigation of this incident. Now and always, there is no place for hate in our state.”

Rabbi Mendy Mirocznik, executive vice-president of the Rabbinical Alliance of America stated, “On behalf of our member rabbis, we applaud Governor Andrew Cuomo’s condemnation of the anti-Semitic scrawling on the Jewish Children’s Museum large mural for good resolutions. It takes leadership, courage and a determination to do what is right to defeat the epidemic and scourge of anti-Semitism, hate and bigotry plaguing our nation. Governor Cuomo leads by example and has these three attributes. We applaud the Governor for taking a strong stand on combating anti-Semitism, hate and bigotry, and pray that the Almighty grant Governor Cuomo the ability to make this world a better place through the complete eradication of anti-Semitism, hate and bigotry.”

In a related development, less than a week after hate speech was written on a yeshiva wall in Meiers Corners, nearly 100 Staten Islanders, including religious and community leaders, gathered at a unity rally recently to denounce hate and encourage peace and kindness.

The unity rally was organized by Staten Island District Attorney Michael E. McMahon and his Hate Crimes Task Force which is Co-Chaired by Scott Maurer, the CEO and Executive Vice-President of the Staten Island Council of Jewish Organizations. The press-conference was held at the Chabad of Staten Island.

The graffiti was discovered on the side of the building on the eve of Lag B’Omer, a Jewish holiday celebrating unity and freedom from persecution.

The words, “Synagogue of Satan,” were written on the Chabad of Staten Island, while across the street, the letters “SOS” were written on the Yeshiva Zichron Paltiel of Staten Island, referencing the aforementioned phrase.

Residents and members of the Jewish community were joined by local elected officials, NYPD Assistant Chief Kenneth Corey, borough commander of Staten Island, and the Staten Island Hate Crimes Task Force.

Rabbi Moshe Katzman told the crowd that when he first learned of the graffiti on the Thursday morning of Lag B’Omer, he wanted to keep the vandalism quiet, and not make it a big deal. After people started to reach out to him, and photos of the hate speech began to appear on social media, he made the decision to use this hateful crime as a way to spread kindness.

“Every act of evil, we need to redouble our acts of kindness,” Rabbi Moshe Katzman said. “And this is the only way we can continue in life. “Rep. Max Rose, District Attorney Michael McMahon, Borough President James Oddo, Assemblymembers Michael Cusick, Nicole Malliotakis, and Michael Reilly, and Councilmembers Joseph Borelli and Steve Matteo, spoke at the unity rally as well as COJO CEO and Executive Vice-President Scott Maurer to encourage kindness and push back against hate.

Rabbi Mendy Mirocznik, president of the Staten Island Council of Jewish Organization thanked District Attorney Michael McMahon for putting together this important press-conference. “In these trying times the key is communication and confidence building.” Mirocznik added, “We at COJO value the direct line of communication that we have with District Attorney McMahon, Chief Kenneth Corey and members of the broader Staten Island community. We at COJO appreciate that both District Attorney McMahon and Chief Corey are taking a strong vigilant stand against hate and anti-Semitism and these measures are giving the residents of Staten Island the fortitude and courage not to surrender to fear and hate. ”

He added: “May He who makes peace in Heaven make peace on earth. We pray that the world should no longer know of the evil of anti-Semitism, hate and bigotry.”

Shavuot for Kids: Giving a New Generation the Gift of Torah

Young children seen at a celebration for the Jewish holiday of Shavuot at Kibbutz Yifat in the Galilee, in northern Israel, on June 4, 2014. Photo Credit: Yossi Zamir/Flash90

“Even if children don’t get all the complexities, just by feeling the specialness of staying up late, and imagining what it must have been like to stand at that mountain and hear the Ten Commandments all together—that and a piece of cheesecake, and altogether they’ll get a sweet taste of what it means, a new family tradition they won’t forget,” says Meredith Lewis, director of content, education and family experience for PJ Library.

It’s one of the most dramatic scenes in the Torah, as amazing as the splitting of the sea.

Imagine the Master of the Universe coming down to Earth in an astounding fireworks display of thunder, lightning and smoke (see Exodus 19 for the exciting details), singling out a ragtag bunch of escaped slaves to receive nothing less than the master plan of the universe: the Torah.

Not to mention the job description as G-d’s agents tasked with serving the boss and making the world a better place.

But whereas most Jews know how the sea split and the Israelites crossed over on dry land from years of reading the Passover Haggadah, far fewer realize that the holiday of Shavuot, 50 days later, marks the equally miraculous giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai.

But to make sure that the next generation doesn’t miss out, Shavuot activities, child-friendly celebrations and books bring to life this 3,300-year-old miracle for you to share with your kids and grandkids.

For Sarah Rabin Spira of Washington, D.C., when Shavuot rolls around (this year, it’s Saturday night, June 8, lasting two days, through Monday, June 10, and one day in Israel), she pulls pillows and blankets into the center of the living room and spreads out a feast of books for a late-night readathon with her 6- and 8- year-olds, often inviting over friends for a pot-luck dinner and plenty of ice-cream as well.

“Several years ago, we hit on the formula of gathering up all their favorite books, especially the Jewish ones—everything they could possibly read in one night—and letting them stay up late,” says Spira, who runs the PJ Library (a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, a North American Jewish nonprofit organization based in West Springfield, Mass.), and family education and engagement for the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington. “As parents, we can get behind any holiday where you are encouraged to stay up late, eat dairy and read books. It makes for a special time.”

‘Laws are a great Jewish innovation’

Shavuot, the “Festival of Weeks”—sometimes called Chag HaKatzir (“Harvest Festival”), Yom Habikurim (“Day of the First Fruits”) or Zeman Matan Torah (“The Time of the Giving of the Torah”)—was originally an agricultural holiday marking the first of the harvest. But it’s long been recognized as the day the Israelites stood at the foot of Sinai and heard the Voice of G-d declaring the Ten Commandments (at least the first two, until we got good and scared and begged Moses to take over for the remining eight).

Today, Jews around the globe celebrate the momentous experience of revelation in the desert by staying up late (or for the stalwart, all night) learning Torah, and indulging in such dairy delights as cheesecake and blintzes.

In Israel, the traditions include harvest-welcoming festivals and feasting on native fruits, as well as parades, dances, skits and girls with wreaths of wildflowers in their hair. And each year, tradition has it that a farmer will officially present a basket of fruit and vegetable samples to the president.

“It’s absolutely my favorite holiday,” says Meredith Lewis, director of content, education and family experience for PJ Library. For one, Shavuot offers parents the chance to explore some deep Jewish concepts with their kids, she says. “What does the idea of bikkurim, first fruits, mean to us in our lives? How does the wisdom and loyalty of Ruth [the book of Ruth is traditionally read on the holiday] speak to us today?”

The holiday also represents transitions, she adds, “from school to summer, from being a little kid to a big kid who can stay up and learn with the grownups and have ideas about what the Ten Commandments mean to them.”

When it comes to Shavuot and Torah in general, “I’m a big fan of interactive Torah,” says Rabbi David Fohrman, founder of Aleph Beta, a program of animated videos around Torah and Jewish holidays that he describes as “Netflix for Torah.”

For Shavuot, the rabbi is hoping that the videos “inspire conversation around the table, which often take a turn you’d never expected.” One of them, “The Hidden Structure of the Ten Commandments,” for instance, challenges the viewer to explore how the first five commandments differ from the last five and what they come to teach us today. (For instance, not coveting might mean to us not being jealous of someone with a nicer house or more prestigious job.)

And Shavuot also gives us an easy entrance “into a discussion of why it’s wonderful to have laws, what our world would be like if there were no laws and how they bring us closer to G-d, and what we’re supposed to do as Jews in this world to serve G-d and not some human master. Turns out these laws are a great Jewish innovation.”


Maimonides Cardiologists Are Top Performers Nine Years in a Row

(left to right) Director of Interventional Cardiology Dr. Robert Frankel and Chair of Cardiology Dr. Jacob Shani review images of cardiovascular scans.

If you are a Brooklyn resident and you or a loved one needs cardiac care in an emergency, you’re in luck. According to the latest New York State Department of Health report, Maimonides is #1 for outstanding patient outcomes in angioplasty and stents in emergency cases.

Maimonides has the only Hybrid ORs in Brooklyn — the most advanced surgical arenas available for the most complex interventions and procedures.

“This marks the ninth year in a row that our interventional cardiologists have set the bar at the highest level,” announced Maimonides President and CEO Kenneth Gibbs. “The families of Brooklyn have what are literally the best cardiac experts in the state right here at Maimonides.”

“Our patients at the Maimonides Heart & Vascular Institute inspire us every day to achieve the very best outcomes,” said Dr. Jacob Shani, Chair of Cardiology. “We’re proud to provide the most advanced protocols—many of them developed here at Maimonides—to the most populated borough of New York City.”

“The state report confirms what most Brooklyn residents already know: in a cardiac emergency, no hospital does angioplasty better than Maimonides,” said Dr. Robert Frankel, Director of Interventional Cardiology. “We attribute our extraordinary outcomes to our team approach—we work together every day, challenging ourselves and each other, to provide the very best care,”

The New York State report shows mortality rates for Angioplasty in three categories: Emergency Cases, Non-Emergency Cases and All Cases. Maimonides is once again the only hospital in the state to achieve significantly low rates in all three categories for the three-year period reported, and achieved the lowest mortality rate in the state for Emergency Cases.

The Maimonides Heart & Vascular Institute encompasses experts in cardiology, vascular and endovascular surgery, anesthesiology, interventional cardiology, radiology, electrophysiology, critical care and cardiothoracic surgery. Physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, specialized technicians and therapists, and other healthcare professionals collaborate with referring physicians on the care of each and every patient.


How the NYS Reports Are Created

The formal name of the report is Percutaneous Coronary Interventions (PCIs) in New York State. PCIs are better known to the public as angioplasties or other cardiac procedures performed in a minimally-invasive way: a slim catheter is placed within a large blood vessel in the groin or wrist and threaded to the heart. Once there, Interventional Cardiologists look for blockages or other problems and make repairs, as needed. This might include removing plaque build-up on the walls of arteries, delivering medication to those areas, and/or inserting stents into the arteries to keep blood flowing freely. Cardiac Interventions are done via a single puncture of the skin—without incisions.

The process of reporting, sorting and risk-adjusting this information takes time, so the newest report reflects cases performed in 2016. And, in order to give consumers a better idea of the true level of expertise of any one hospital, the state presents the data for both a single year and a three-year period (2014 – 2016). The three-year report helps eliminate “blips” in the data when a statistical cluster of cases—good or bad—causes unusual rates for any one year.

New York State indicates significantly better-than-expected outcomes with a double-asterisk. The prestigious ** designations received by Maimonides appeared in the three-year report.


About the Maimonides Heart & Vascular Institute

The Maimonides Heart & Vascular Institute has the collective expertise to offer patients the latest strategies for diagnosing and treating the full spectrum of cardiovascular disorders. Among the many elite programs and procedures are:

TAVR Procedure – Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement allows cardiac experts to repair or replace a faulty heart valve without major surgery

LVAD Therapy – The “bridge to transplant” is also now a permanent option for Heart Failure patients who don’t qualify for transplant surgery

Aortic Aneurysm Repair – Leading a national clinical trial for a new device to treat complex aortic aneurysms, and using virtual reality simulation to significantly lower surgical risks

A-Fib Convergent Therapy – Atrial Fibrillation, a dangerous heart rhythm disorder that increases the risk of strokes, is eliminated by radio-ablation inside and outside the heart—under one anesthesia to minimize patient risk

Long known for excellence in cardiovascular care, the Heart & Vascular Institute at Maimonides is among the most distinguished in the nation for outstanding patient outcomes. To learn more, call 718-283-8902 or visit www.maimonidesmed.org/heart.

Maimonides Medical Center is nationally recognized for clinical excellence across all major specialties. Our accomplished physicians are known for innovation and strengthening our teaching and research programs. With 711 beds, the Medical Center is dedicated to bringing patients the most advanced care available—anywhere. Maimonides is an affiliate of Northwell Health. To learn more, please visit www.maimonidesmed.org/.


Beit HaNasi announces with deep sorrow the death of Nechama Rivlin


Tuesday 4 June 2019 / 1 Sivan 5779

Beit HaNasi announces with deep sorrow the passing of Nechama Rivlin ז”ל, the wife of President Reuven (Ruvi) Rivlin, this morning, Tuesday 4 June / 1 Sivan at Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva. She was 73 when she died, shortly before her 74th birthday.

Nechama underwent a lung transplant three months ago on Monday 11 March 2019 / 4 Adar II 5779, an operation she needed due to the pulmonary fibrosis from which she suffered in recent years.

The president and family members would like to thank the entire staff of Beilinson Hospital for the dedicated, sensitive and professional treatment she received over the last few months, night and day, with an open heart.

In addition, the Rivlin family wishes to thank citizens of Israeli and the heads of the communities who have continued to ask after Nechama’s health, to send letters and wonderful children’s drawings to the hospital and to Beit HaNasi, and to pray for her every day, every hour. Their love and concern gave the president and all members of the family strength and support that cannot be described in words.

The family’s thanks go also to the Halabli family, who donated their late son Yair’s lung, for their inspiring nobility and wonderful deed.

We ask the general public and the media to allow the family to gather in mourning during these hours and to refrain from approaching the family directly.

Link to approved images for use:


Biography of Nechama Rivlin follows.


Nechama Rivlin ז”ל – biography

Nechama was born in 1945 in Moshav Herut in the Sharon region.

Her parents, Drora (Keila) and Mendy Shulman, immigrated from the Ukraine and were among the founders of the moshav. Nechama studied from kindergarten until the end of the elementary school in the area. She completed her high school studies at the Emek Hefer Ruppin Regional School, and due to back surgery, she received a postponement of her army service.

In 1964 she began studying at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, studying natural sciences. She graduated with a BSc in botany and zoology and holds a teaching certificate in these departments.

In 1967 she began working at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem as a researcher in the Department of Zoology, and then moved to the Department of Ecology and the Department of Genetics. In addition, Nechama studied the history of art in the fields of modern, classical and ancient art.

In 1971 she married Reuven (Rubi) Rivlin and settled in Jerusalem. Nechama had three children – Rivi (Rivka), Anat and Ran. She was grandmother to Matan, Ziv, Shai, Karni, Maya, Daniela and Yahav, and sister to Varda.

In 2007 Nechama retired and then discovered that she had an incurable lung disease that required her to use a portable oxygen device. When Nechama moved to Beit HaNasi, she chose to focus on art, activities for children with special needs, the environment and nature, through compassion and love of people.

In a post she wrote about the book Paddington Bear Nechama wrote: “How often do we pass an injured animal or bird and look away, just so we do not have to take on the burden of caring for it?” Later, she even voiced a character in the film based on the book.

Nechama set up a community garden in the garden of the President’s Residence, where children from all over the country came to plant and plant plants, spices and flowers on a regular basis.

Nechama was a regular visitor to Israel’s cultural institutions, particularly those in Jerusalem, out of true love for art in all its forms. Nechama was particularly fond of the Cinematheque and Smadar cinemas in Jerusalem, where she used to watch films regularly.

Nechama’s fondness for Hebrew literature and art led her to write from time to time about writers and artists who particularly appreciated the posts she published on the official Facebook page of the president. She generally began her posts with the words “Hello everyone, Nechama here,” and signed them “Yours, Nechama.” They became especially beloved to followers of the page and to lovers of culture and art in Israel.

In 2018, Nechama established the President’s Award for Hebrew Poetry. On the committee’s announcement of the winner Amichai Hasson, Nechama said: “I congratulate the lovers of language and words, the writers and poets who make magic with them and wish that our world will always have people in it who make poetry from it.”

May her memory be a blessing

יהי זכרה ברוך


Further details: Jonathan Cummings, Foreign Media Advisor, 054-4707709, [email protected]

Israeli-NY Businessman Under Probe For Allegedly Hiding Fortune of Venezuela’s Maduro


An Israeli-Argentinian businessman is reportedly being investigated in the U.S. for allegedly working to conceal a secret fortune owned by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

By: Dan Kaminsky

Diego Adolfo Marynberg, age 44, allegedly also goes by the name of Zev Marynberg. With roots in both based New York and Buenos Aires, he is reportedly being looked at by two departments – Treasury and Justice — in connection with funds that some claim are stolen, which may have been transferred by Maduro. The money allegedly totals $1.2 billion and belongs to the Venezuelan national treasury.

Colombian newspaper El Tiempo is reporting that Marynberg’s dealings are being reviewed by investigators. The newspaper has written that Marynberg began to operate inside Venezuela 13 years ago, in 2006. They are claim that funds moved through his company Adar Capital Partners. The firm maintains offices not only in Buenos Aires, but in Tel Aviv and New York, as well.

“The Adar Capital Partners website says the company is based in the Cayman Islands and is “led by founder and CIO Zev Marynberg,” reported Vos Iz Neias. “Its managing director, Bryan Shapira, told the Argentine news website Infobae that the accusations and the article naming Marynberg are false while confirming that the firm had some legal operations with Venezuela until 2015. The Infobae report includes links to Shapira’s letter to the editor in El Tiempo explaining that the company has been a victim of extortion.”

As El Tiempo noted, “Few know his face, but his name began to circulate this week, after the government of Donald Trump announced that it is preparing new sanctions against businessmen who would be behind the movement of more than $1.2 billion dollars that Maduro has managed to plunder the Venezuelan treasury.”

The Spanish-language newspaper referred to Marynberg as “an old acquaintance of the regime, who landed in Venezuela in 2006 with the promise of investing in public companies or expropriated by Hugo Chavez, in crisis, which was well seen by the Bolivarian dictatorship, according to informants said today under the protection of the United States.”

The El Tiempo piece continued, “With the dividends he claims to have obtained from that and other businesses, he has acquired expensive properties in the United States, including an apartment of 1,500 square meters, located in the south of Central Park, in New York. After sealing the transaction, in 2015 he sold it for more than $30 million to move to another eccentric property in the north of this city, where a reputed Jewish community is based.”

Medical Marijuana Businesses Set for Massive Expansion in NJ

New Jersey residents suffering from painful ailments that marijuana may alleviate may soon benefit from their home state allowing greater access to marijuana for medical purposes after long having one of the most restrictive policies towards it in the country. Photo Credit: Shutterstock

New Jersey residents suffering from painful ailments that marijuana may alleviate may soon benefit from their home state allowing greater access to marijuana for medical purposes after long having one of the most restrictive policies towards it in the country. The New Jersey Department of Health has just recently unveiled its intention to open and license up to 108 new businesses specializing in medical marijuana. This would be in addition to the 12 medical marijuana providers already present in the state, only half of which are licensed and operational.

By: Anat Ghelber

For patients looking to take advantage of this however, they may have to deal with a long waiting period, as it may take months for any of the most recent medical marijuana industries to become fully operational. Nevertheless, it has been noted that current New Jersey Governor, Phil Murphy, has made it his intent to make medical marijuana more available for those in need. This is especially important considering the current medical marijuana program in New Jersey has both seen a scarcity of supply, and extensive numbers of patients waiting to take advantage.
Further difficulties to this effort had been noted with the New Jersey state government efforts to add marijuana businesses creating more and more “red tape” slowing the entire process down. This has led Governor Murphy to use his power and authority to move things along. According to Shereef Elnahal, the New Jersey state Health Commissioner, “We are at a point where patients just cannot wait any longer for easily accessible, affordable therapy. This request for applications allows for specialization of businesses to increase medical product in our state.” The Department of Health in New Jersey will begin allowing applications for licenses to dispense medical marijuana in that state as early as the first of July of this year, continuing to accept them throughout August 15th. They declined to say when they will make it public who has received a license.

The New Jersey Department of Health is expected to authorize up to possibly 38 new businesses to engage in the dispensation of medical marijuana in the northern part of New Jersey, along with as many as 38 in central New Jersey, and another 32 in lower New Jersey. With as many as 108 licenses being given out, the Health Department desires 24 of those licenses to be possessed by marijuana growers while 30 licenses will go to processors of marijuana plants. New retailers of medical marijuana with fresh licenses will number up to 54.
New Jersey Governor Murphy has been noted for his wish to see patients who would benefit from using medical marijuana be allowed greater access. He has talked about the, “rapidly growing patient need” for pain alleviating medical marijuana in his state. As he explained at a news conference at Hackensack, “Our goal is to ensure a medical marijuana program that is as robust as it is compassionate.”

Could Former Yankees’ Star “A-Rod” Become Your Next NYC Landlord?

One-time Yankees third baseman and all-star Alex Rodriquez says he has purchased a 21-unit rental tower in Manhattan’s East Village. Photo Credit: Shutterstock

One-time Yankees third baseman and all-star Alex Rodriquez says he has purchased a 21-unit rental tower in Manhattan’s East Village.

By: Devin Marcus

According to the New York Post, Rodriguez teamed up with New York City real estate developer Barbara Corcoran. She was one of the driving forces behind a major Manhattan brokerage. She is best known today for being part of Shark Tank on ABC.

“While this marks his first major real estate play in his adopted hometown, he’s been dabbling in the Miami market for some time,” the Post reported. “The celebrity duo plans to aggressively build up a portfolio of multifamily buildings across the city. They declined to share the address of their first joint buy, which has retail at its base, but say it is already generating “immediate returns.”

“Our first investment was a sweetheart deal, and we jumped at it,“ Corcoran told the newspaper. “It took almost six months to negotiate, but Alex is incredible with this stuff. I thought he just hit balls, but he runs numbers.”

“Rodriguez is a businessman through and through,” Corcoran told the Post. “He’s got a big ego. I thought I had and ego, but I look like a mini-me next to him in the ego department. So I let him decide whether it’s a good building, even though before I show it to him I already know it’s great. I let him decide it’s his decision.”

Not all of the publicity that A-Rod has been getting of late has been flattering. A minor stir occurred when a photograph of him sitting on the toilet in his Manhattan home surfaced on social media.

Inquisitr.com reported that Rodriguez’s representatives “believed at the time that the photo was taken by someone working for a hedge fund with offices in the building across the street- and the former ballplayer has also threatened to sue. The photo had made the rounds of media and finance circles in New York in early May, before eventually appearing on Twitter.”

Page Six had fun with the story, chuckling that Rodriguez was “caught with his pants down on the throne by a photographer who was privy to a clear view.”

The one-time slugger got some more positive PR recently when cheatsheet.com reported that he and pop star Jennifer Lopez “only started dating in 2017, but when you know, you know. The two have quickly become one of today’s biggest power couples, and in February 2019, Rodriguez proposed to the singer and actress. The two have taken their time wedding planning, but Rodriguez recently revealed that he thinks the fall would be the perfect time to tie the knot.”

Should Netanyahu Consider a Reshuffling of His Ministerial Cabinet Before the Next Elections?

With a budget exceeding $16 million, we are in a quandary as to why Gilad Erdan has not made any significant headway in diminishing the deleterious impact that the BDS movement has done to Israel’s image. Photo Credit: Shutterstock

As a clearly frustrated and beleaguered Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel confronts the challenge of waging yet another campaign to solidify his political power in the sovereign State of Israel, he can now utilize this time to reflect on the shortcomings and failures of the last government while beginning to generate ideas for improvement.

Edited by: JV Staff

After a thorough review, it appears that a reshuffling of sorts of the Netanyahu cabinet is in order.

Let’s begin this critique by addressing the abysmal failure of the government of Israel to launch an effective campaign targeting the pernicious propaganda of the BDS movement. Currently, the person in charge of orchestrating an ostensibly well-researched agenda for confronting the odious Jew haters in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement is Likud MK, Gilad Erdan. Mr. Erdan has been charged with the ministerial portfolio of “Public Security, Information and Strategic Affairs.” As minister of information, we can deduce that this position was created for the express purpose of countering the incessant waves of disinformation that is spewed forth by the international BDS movement on a daily basis.

With a budget exceeding $16 million, we are in a quandary as to why Mr. Erdan has not made any significant headway in diminishing the deleterious impact that the BDS movement has done to Israel’s image. We understand that Mr. Erdan is focused on public security issues in terms of maintaining the safety of Jews residing in Judea and Samaria, however, we must take Erdan to task for the feckless modalities that he has initiated to quash the BDS agenda.

To date, the BDS movement has picked up immeasurable steam and have spread their mendacious tentacles to the four corners of the earth. The exceptionally well-funded BDS movement has successfully silenced pro-Israel supporters on every major college and university across the country and throughout the world. Celebrity endorsers and proponents of BDS has seen major victory on the cultural and academic front, thus isolating Israel in important spheres around the globe.

If Mr. Erdan finds himself way too overwhelmed to burnish Israel’s image through a sleek and relatable way of dealing with the BDS movement, then it is our recommendation that a well-qualified replacement candidate be seriously considered.  

On Monday, June 3rd, it was reported in the Times of Israel that Netanyahu is pushing for Erdan to serve as Israel’s next ambassador to the United Nations. Erdan would replace the current Israeli UN ambassador to the US Danny Danon, whose term ends in a few weeks.

The Times of Israel reported that the UN posting is “often seen as a mission impossible job in a hostile environment, where Israel is constantly attacked diplomatically. The job has in the past been held by Netanyahu, who represented Israel at the world body from 1984 to 1988, before being elected to the Knesset that year and becoming prime minister in 1996.”

Speaking about UN Ambassador Danny Danon, while some have heaped praise on his efforts to protect Israel from constant condemnations at the UN and to establish a respect for Israel that none had previously shown in the tendentious climate of the UN, it appears that Danon as well has fallen way short of the mark in terms of what was expected of him. Danon has also been quite negligent in his obligations to reach out to the Jewish media in the New York City and beyond and trying to establish solid connections to effectuate excellent communications between the Israeli mission to the UN and to the media that broadcasts and amplifies his messages.

Danon’s predecessors at this panoply of nations included such historic diplomatic voices as the legendary Abba Eban and such diplomatic luminaries as Ron Prosor. Let’s face facts. Danon is not and never was cut out for this job. His heavily and almost indiscernible English accompanied by his heavy handed manner are distinct liabilities. Thankfully his term is reaching a conclusion.  

On to bigger fish to fry.              

As history has illustrated more than amply throughout the years, Israel has morphed into one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the world. Periodically, press releases are issued by Israel’s Ministry of Tourism in which they boast that the percentage of foreign tourists coming to the holy land has increased dramatically and that the tourism scene has virtually exploded with millions flocking to its shores. This all may ring true, however, Israel is nowhere in the vicinity of representing the tourist destination that they have the potential to be.

It is noteworthy to mention that Paris receives 50 million tourists a year while New York City attracts approximately 60 million tourists per annum. And the list goes on. Let’s take Europe for example. With 300 million people, surely there are innumerable ways to interest the vast majority of them to visit the ancient and holy city of Jerusalem as well as taking part in excursions that will introduce them to Israel’s more modern cities.

We sadly must conclude that current Minister of Tourism Yariv Levin does little to reach out to his greatest and most powerful allies; namely diaspora Jewish publications. In the case of the Jewish Voice, each week we run approximately two full pages dedicated to travel related matters. Predictably, we run articles about Israeli tourism such as guides to the best hotels, restaurants, bars, amusement parks, personalized tours, sporting and cultural events, etc. For both the religious and non-religious tourist, we offer articles that appeal to their specified needs.

We suggest that the prime minister consider his options and perhaps seek others who can and will make record breaking tourism statistics their main concern.    

One of the most important functions of the State of Israel is to promote aliya (immigration and absorption of new immigrants) in order to provide not only a safe haven for Jews from their countries of origin where they are persecuted, but to attract Jews the world over to make Israel their home. Since the inception of the State of Israel, the Jewish Agency has been assigned with the task of bringing Jews living under oppression back to their ancestral homeland.

In the nascent days of the State of Israel, the Jewish Agency may have been in the forefront of facilitating methods to bring Jews to Israel and in creating successful campaigns that would strongly encourage and promote aliya.

Tragically, that is no longer the case. For decades now, the Jewish Agency has been nothing short of moribund in its activity level. Under the leadership of former Soviet Jewish refusenik Natan Sharansky, the Jewish Agency not only did not play a role in extricating Jews from such perilous nations as Ukraine but they too fell way short of what is expected of a privately funded agency that is under the auspices of the government of Israel. Sharansky has since vacated that position.

Now, the former chairman of the Israeli Labor party, Isaac Herzog, is at the helm of the once formidable Jewish Agency. Since he took office in August of 2018, little has changed at the Jewish Agency in terms of Aliyah efforts and even programs to assist Jews in the diaspora who are being targeted because of their faith and their support of Israel.

Saving the day in the Aliyah department is none other than such practical, hands-on organizations as Nefesh B’Nefesh and the Birthright trips for young people. Let’s not forget the incredible contributions of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ), who, under the guidance of Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, zt’l promoted and funded Aliyah efforts around the globe.

At the end of May, the Times of Israel reported that Netanyahu named former transportation minister Israel Katz as permanent foreign minister, three months after making him the country’s acting top diplomat after a High Court petition challenged the number of ministerial portfolios held by the Israeli leader.

The appointment formalizes the February decision to put Katz in charge of the Foreign Ministry, which Netanyahu had held since the 2015 elections. The decision concerning this appointment came hours before the deadline for Netanyahu to form a new government.

Yes, a reshuffling of the proverbial deck of talent in Israel’s governmental body must become an urgent priority, lest the voters of Israel seek real change in government ethics and effectiveness.


Trump Gets Royal Treatment on Britain State Visit


President Donald Trump is in Britain for a visit that includes meeting with the royal family, a state dinner and talks with outgoing Prime Minister Theresa May.

Edited by: JV Staff

The day full of pomp and circumstance began with Britain’s Queen Elizabeth greeting Trump and his wife Melania after they arrived at Buckingham Palace by helicopter Monday. After a welcoming ceremony that included a 41-gun salute, the Trumps had a private lunch with the queen and a tour of the palace art gallery.

The rest of the day included inspecting the Guard of Honor formed by the Grenadier Guards, a tour of historic Westminster Abbey, and tea with Prince Charles at his London home, Clarence House.

But the highlight of the day was the white-tie-and-tiaras state banquet at Buckingham Palace. Besides the queen and her husband Prince Philip, other royals in attendance included Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, and Prince William and his wife, Kate, Duchess of Cambridge.

Also at the dinner were Trump’s four adult children — Donald Trump Jr.; Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner; Eric Trump and his wife, Lara; and Tiffany Trump.

Trump said in this toast that the liberation of millions from tyranny in World War II “forever sealed” the bond between Britain and the United States.

In her toast, the queen said, “Tonight, we celebrate an alliance that has helped to ensure the safety and prosperity of both our peoples for decades, and which I believe will endure for many years to come.”

Noticeably absent from the Trumps’ day was Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, the American-born wife of Prince Harry who is on maternity leave after giving birth to a son last month. She had been critical of Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Before leaving Washington, Trump said his trip would be “very interesting” and that he thinks the United States and Britain have an opportunity to work out a “very big trade deal” in the near future.

His visit comes as Britain is in the midst of political turmoil, as May is scheduled to resign on Friday after failing to complete Britain’s exit from the European Union.

That process will be inherited by her successor, with no clear path to a resolution among sharply divided parties.

Trump has publicly backed former Foreign Minister Boris Johnson, and told reporters late Sunday he may meet with Johnson and pro-Brexit politician Nigel Farage while he is in London. (VOA News)

NJ Suing Sackler Family Over Lethal Toll of Drugs Made by Purdue Pharma

The lawsuit, filed last Thursday by Attorney General Gurbir Grewal in Superior Court in Essex County, NJ, says the Sackler family “built a multi-billion-dollar drug empire based on addiction. Despite knowing the harms that would result, the Sacklers drove Purdue to pursue deceitful sales campaigns for OxyContin and other highly addictive opioid painkillers.” Photo Credit: The Daily Caller

More tzooris for the Sacklers.

The state of New Jersey is taking eight family members to court because of the drugs manufactured by the family business, Purdue Pharma.

By: James McCooney

The lawsuit, filed last Thursday by Attorney General Gurbir Grewal in Superior Court in Essex County, NJ, says the Sackler family “built a multi-billion-dollar drug empire based on addiction. Despite knowing the harms that would result, the Sacklers drove Purdue to pursue deceitful sales campaigns for OxyContin and other highly addictive opioid painkillers.”

Sackler representative Nikki Ritchie told the press that the family called the lawsuit ‘baseless.” The four-county lawsuit names former Purdue CEO and President Richard Sackler, along with Jonathan D. Sackler; Dr. Kathe Sackler; Ilene Sackler Lefcourt; Mortimer D.A. Sackler; Beverly Sackler; Theresa Sackler; and David A. Sackler.

“Purdue sells the prescription painkiller OxyContin and is owned by members of the Sackler family, who have made at least $4 billion in the last decade from the drug company, according to court documents made public in Massachusetts earlier this year,” explained the Associated Press.

For those keeping count, New Jersey is one of a dozen states involved in lawsuits aimed at family members “over the toll of opioids, prompting Purdue Pharma to announce in March it was considering legal options including bankruptcy that could upend the ongoing lawsuits against the company. Several states have announced similar allegations against the Sackler family in the past month,” AP added. “About 2,000 state, local and tribal governments have sued Purdue or other drug makers and distributors over opioids. Most of those suits have been consolidated under one federal judge who is pushing for a settlement.”

Just weeks ago, as reported by The Jewish Voice, The Metropolitan Museum of Art said it would not rename its Sackler Wing — but instead would say no to any future donations made by the family, once again due to its connection to OxyContin.

The politically calculated decisions were a direct result of the popular fury concerning the family’s part in the ongoing opioid crisis. “The museum takes a position of gratitude and respect to those who support us, but on occasion, we feel it’s necessary to step away from gifts that are not in the public interest, or in our institution’s interest,” Daniel H. Weiss, the president of the Met, told the New York Times in an interview. “That is what we’re doing here.”

Not wanting to be left out, the state of Vermont is also suing the eight members of the Sackler family. The lawsuit makes the claim that family members violated the state’s Consumer Protection Act, were unjustly enriched, and created a public nuisance.

9/11 Memorial Glade Dedicated as New Area of World Trade Center Site

A brand-new section of the Sept. 11 memorial at the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan was unveiled last week, this one honoring recovery workers who died after searching through the rubble searching for survivors. Photo Credit: https://www.911memorial.org

A brand-new section of the Sept. 11 memorial at the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan was unveiled last week, this one honoring recovery workers who died after searching through the rubble searching for survivors.

By: Carol Horshprung

Called the 9/11 Memorial Glade, it is a grassy clearing on the southwest corner of the 8-acre (3-hectare) plaza includes a path flanked with six huge, sloping stone structures made of granite slabs inlaid with steel recovered from the fallen trade center towers.

The Glade design was developed by the Memorial’s original architects, Michael Arad and Peter Walker, with the thoughtful support of 9/11 Memorial & Museum board member Jon Stewart, 9/11-health advocates and providers, 9/11 family members, first responders and lower Manhattan residents, according to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum.

The memorial’s design includes a pathway flanked by six large stone monoliths, ranging from 13 to 18 tons, that are inlaid with World Trade Center steel accompanied by an inscription at either end of the pathway.

The Glade’s inscription, according to the group, encapsulates its purpose:
“This Memorial Glade is dedicated
To those whose actions in our time of need
Led to their injury, sickness, and death
Responders and recovery workers
Survivors and community members
Suffering long after September 11, 2001
From exposure to hazards and toxins
That hung heavy in the air
Here and beyond this site known as Ground Zero
And at the Pentagon
And near Shanksville, Pennsylvania
In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks.
Here we honor the tens of thousands
From across America and around the world
Who came to help and to heal
Whose selflessness and resolve
Perseverance and courage
Renewed the spirit of a grieving city
Gave hope to the nation
And inspired the world.

The area’s six stone monoliths were installed on Saturday, April 6. This process required a 600-ton crane and an assist crane. Each monolith was lifted over the 30 to 35-foot-tall Swamp White Oak trees on the Memorial plaza and rigged inside the Glade construction site, the group said.

“The monoliths, which were shaped by two craftsmen in Barre, Vt., were driven six hours south on flatbed trucks through the Green Mountains and the rolling hills of New England to be placed on the site. Along the way, they were escorted by a team of eight personnel from the Vermont Division of Fire Safety. As the team assisted the trucks on their way to New York City, local first responders in communities along the way saluted the monoliths on the highway overpasses to recognize the importance and national significance of this project.”

When they arrived in lower Manhattan, the organization says, they met “a scene of workers waiting to guide them safely into their permanent home. As the focal point of the 9/11 Memorial Glade, the monoliths’ rough edges and large size were created to honor the challenges faced by those whom the Glade memorializes.”

NYC Throws Israel a Huge 55th Birthday Party in Annual 5th Ave Parade

Volunteers on United Hatzalah motorcycles

The 55th annual Celebrate Israel Parade kicked off at 12 noon on Sunday, June 2nd on Manhattan’s fashionable 5th Avenue, thus turning the iconic NYC thoroughfare into a veritable sea of blue and white. This year’s grand marshall for the Celebrate Israel parade that is sponsored by the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) was Edward A. Mermelstein. Joining him in leading the Parade as Honorary Grand Marshals were Ted Comet, Founder of the Celebrate Israel Parade; Siggy Flicker, Author and TV personality; Liel Leibovitz and Stephanie Butnick, Co-Hosts of the Unorthodox podcast, Sid Rosenberg, Co-Host of Bernie & Sid in the Morning.

Edward A. Mermelstein is an accomplished top-tier legal strategist, businessman, consultant, investor, and developer in NYC. He is founding partner of One & Only Holdings, LLC, which includes One & Only Realty, and former partner at Rheem Bell & Mermelstein, LLP.  As Chairman of COJECO, Edward helps facilitate the integration of Russian-speaking Jews into the greater American Jewish community while preserving their cultural heritage.

As President of Zaka Search and Rescue, Edward leads an UN-recognized NGO, with thousands of volunteers, on call to respond to man-made or natural disasters. Edward has served on the Boards of UJA-Federation of New York, RAJE, and other charitable organizations. Fluent in English and Russian, Edward emigrated to the U.S. in 1976. In addition to his work, he is involved in numerous charitable organizations supporting local as well as national causes rooted in culture, politics, education and the arts. Edward lives in NYC with his wife, Rose, a Broadway producer and five-time Tony award winner, and his two sons.

Jewish Voice publisher David Ben Hooren (left) and Jeff Wiesenfeld on the right


Float for the Birthright organization

According to a JPost report, a diplomatic delegation of UN ambassadors and diplomats from around the world took part in the festive proclamation of Israel’s pride which was led by Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon.

“This is a demonstration of support of Israel by the international community and it is great to be here and see New York painted blue and white,” said German Ambassador to the United Nations Christoph Heusgen.

The delegation includes UN ambassadors from Australia, Germany, Ukraine, Norway, Nigeria and other countries.

Around 40,000 participants took part in the parade and there were hundreds of thousands of spectators all along the 5th Avenue route who joined the celebratory theme with enthusiastic cheering.

The parade marched down Fifth Avenue from 57th to 74th Streets and its theme celebrates “Rak B’Yisrael” – meaning “Only in Israel.”

“Only in Israel,” the event website reads, “where in order to be a realist, you must believe in miracles.

“Where ancient villages stand beside ultra-modern cities.

“Where a 2,000 year old language was resurrected for modern speech.

“Where exiles from the four corners of the world have come home.

“Where skill and chutzpah together make the impossible come true.

“Where barren deserts are transformed into flourishing fields.

“Where diverse cultures produce a fusion of global cuisine.

“Where pioneers build new frontiers in science and technology.

“Where water can be produced from thin air.

“Where those with incurable diseases are cured.

“Where if you will it, it is no dream.”

Anti-Semitic Message at Jewish Children’s Museum Probed as Hate Crime

The Brooklyn Jewish Children’s Museum found a hateful message lying in wait. On Thursday night, at 8 P.M., an anti-Semitic threatening note was found at the Crown Heights museum, on a billboard display intended for visitors to leave positive messages. Photo Credit: INN

The Brooklyn Jewish Children’s Museum found a hateful message lying in wait.  On Thursday night, at 8 P.M., an anti-Semitic threatening note was found at the Crown Heights museum, on a billboard display intended for visitors to leave positive messages.  As reported by the NY Post, a green post-it note with “Hitler is Coming” scribbled on it, was found on the billboard entitled “Transform the World”. Visitors alerted the police of the vile note, who in turn notified the hate-crime task force. Police are currently investigating the incident as a hate crime.

By: Ilana Siyance

Chabad Rabbi Mordechai Lightstone, who is the social media editor at Chabad.org and the creator of exceptional experiences for Jews in tech and digital media, took to Twitter after seeing the hateful message.  “This is just awful,” Rabbi Lightstone tweeted. “An interactive sign in front of the Jewish Children’s Museum in Crown Heights asking people how they would transform the world was defaced with Antisemitic graffiti!”

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo lost no time responding to the attack.  He ordered the New York State police to aid the NYPD in the investigation.  “I am disgusted by the anti-Semitic message scrawled in front of the Jewish Children’s Museum in Crown Heights, Brooklyn,” Cuomo wrote on his website.  “We have zero tolerance for anti-Semitism, discrimination or hate of any kind in New York, and no person should ever feel threatened because of their religious beliefs… In the wake of a rise in anti-Semitic and other hate crimes in our nation, it is more important than ever that we stand united to condemn these despicable acts of violence and root out hate in all its forms.” said Cuomo in a statement.

The Jewish Children’s Museum, opened in 2004, is the largest Jewish-themed children’s museum in the United States. Located on Brooklyn’s Museum Row, at the corner of Eastern Parkway and Kingston Avenue, it is a place “for children of all faiths and backgrounds to gain a positive perspective and awareness of the Jewish heritage, fostering tolerance and understanding”.  Designed primarily for elementary school-age children and their families, the –floor museum uses technology and a hands-on approach to inspire increased interest in Jewish culture.

The museum was originally founded as a dedication to 16-year-old Ari Halberstam, who was fatally shot in the head in 1994, by a Lebanese terrorist, while in a car driving across the Brooklyn Bridge.  This Post-it note is the third attack to date on the museum, as per Yahoo! Lifestyle News. “This act is the antithesis of what we stand for,” said Ari’s mother, Devorah Halberstam, who co-founded the Brooklyn Jewish Children’s Museum. “The perpetrator ran away because he knows what he did was deplorable…there’s nothing more vile than attacking an institution for children.”

Arabs Riot on Temple Mount to Protest Jews Ascending to Celebrate J’slm Day

Arabs rioted on the Temple Mount Sunday morning in reaction to permission being given for Jewish visitors to enter on Jerusalem Day, which happens to fall during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Kan Israel News reported. Photo Credit: Flash90/Yonatan Sindel

After police dispersed the demonstrators, hundreds of Jews ascended the Mount.

By: Batya Jerenberg

Arabs rioted on the Temple Mount Sunday morning in reaction to permission being given for Jewish visitors to enter on Jerusalem Day, which happens to fall during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Kan Israel News reported.

A police spokesperson said that as a result of the disturbances, “the commander of the Jerusalem District Major Gen. Doron Yedid ordered police to enter the Temple Mount and deal with the rioters.”

Young Muslim men threw rocks and other objects. Tear gas was shot at them in response. In one video of the scene, women are heard screaming “Allahu Akhbar” (God is great), apparently at the security forces.

Only after the rioting was quelled, with one arrest reportedly being made, were the Jewish visitors allowed to ascend the Temple Mount, the report said.

Hundreds of Jews had gathered in the early morning hours to come to the Judaism’s holiest site in celebration of the 52nd anniversary of the liberation of the city during the Six Day War.

Jerusalem Day, as it’s known, coincides every so often with the end of the Muslims’ holy month of Ramadan, when the Temple Mount is usually closed to non-Muslims due to the crush of Arab worshipers at the site and the fear by Israeli authorities that the Muslims will turn to violence, as happened today.

Indeed, Israeli police at first had said that they would not allow Jewish visitors to mark the day on the Mount “for reasons of public safety and public order.”

It would have marked the first time since 1988 that Jerusalem Day would not have been celebrated on the Temple Mount. However, Jewish activists appealed to both the Supreme Court and the Likud politicians to allow their ascent.

The Supreme Court rejected the appeal and left it up to the security forces to assess the situation. The police decided to rescind their earlier ban.

Jerusalem Day is celebrated especially by young national-religious Jews who parade in the afternoon with Israeli flags, sing and dance through the streets of the city, ending their march at the Western Wall.

Many walk specifically through the Muslim Quarter of the Old City to make a point about Israel’s sovereignty. Clashes have ensued in the past in that area between the marchers and Arab residents, with both sides claiming that the other instigated the violence. (World Israel News)

Read more at: worldisraelnews.com