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New York
Tuesday, February 18, 2025



Parshas Behar – The Sanctity of Shmitta

By: Rabbi Yosef Kalatsky The Hidden Meaning of Mitzvos Regarding the mitzvah of Lulav, the four species taken on Sukkos, the Torah states, “U’lecachtem L’chem – you shall take them...

Parshas Emor – Prisms of Light; Reflections From a Shattered Glass

By: Naftali Reich The essential theme behind the counting of the sefirah is, of course, perfecting our character traits. This is alluded to in the...

Parshas Emor – Spiritual Elevation Through Mitzvot

By: Rabbi Osher Jungreis In the opening verse of our parsha, G-d instructs Moshe, “Say to the Kohanim…” (Leviticus, 21:1), and puzzlingly, in that very...

Parshas Kedoshim–The Kedusha Infomercial

By Rabbi Aron Tendler The underlying theme of Sefer Vayikra is a presentation of an ideal life of Kedusha–sanctity. The setting of the Kohain in...

Parshas Acharei Mos–Kedoshim–The Path to Spirituality

By: Rabbi Osher Jungreis Many people will tell you that while they may not be observant, they are spiritual. What exactly does that connote? Does...

Parshas Tazria-Metzora – Life and Death Are In The Tongue

By: Rabbi Osher Jungreis Most of us are under the erroneous impression that loshen hora constitutes only that which is gossip and slander, but if...

Parshas Tazria–You Have Potential

By: Rabbi Label Lam HASHEM spoke to Moshe, saying: “Speak to the Children of Israel, saying: When a woman conceives and gives birth to a male…On the...

Pesach–15 Steps To Freedom (Part 1)

By: Rabbi Shraga Simmons A Jewish man is waiting in line to be knighted by the Queen of England. He is supposed to kneel and...

Parshas Tzav – Every Mitzvah is Important

By: Rabbi Osher Jungreis In this week`s parsha the Torah teaches us that after the Kohen cleaned the ashes of the offerings from the altar, he had...

Parshas Tzav: Memories and Dreams

By: Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz Parshas Tzav begins with a discussion of two mitzvos related to the removal of the ashes that accumulated on the mizbayach (altar). The...

Parshat Vayikra–Someone’s Calling Your Name ….

By: Rabbi David Bibi I polled a bunch of people on the opening verse of this week’s portion and many mistakenly change the words “...

Parshas Vayikra – We Are All Connected

By: Rabbi Osher Jungreis This week, we begin the third book of the Five Books of Moses, The Book of Leviticus. While the Book of...

Parshas Vayakhel–Women Symbolize the Power of Renewal

By: Rabbi Yissocher Frand The pasuk says, "And every man whose heart inspired him came, and everyone who was of generous spirit brought his...

Parshas Vayakhel-Pekudei – It All Depends On Us

By: Rabbi Osher Jungreis It is written in this week’s parsha, “Every man whose heart inspired him came....for the work of the Tent of Meeting” (Exodus 35:21)....

Parshas Ki Sisa–“Little Did I Know”

By: Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb Birthdays are important, and the older one gets, the more important he becomes. With age, birthdays begin to stimulate ambiguous...

Parshas Ki Sisa – Making a Difference in the World

By: Rabbi Osher Jungreis Sometimes we wonder whether we puny individuals can make an impact on world events, whether we can make a real difference...

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