23.3 F
New York
Thursday, February 20, 2025



Question Marks – the Essence of Jewish Faith

 By Rav Ronen Neuwirth Every encounter with death raises theological questions, challenging questions, unanswered questions. Many of us have experienced this struggle, particularly recently with...

Parshas Chukas – Red Cow Disease

By: Yosef Ciner This weeks parsha, Chukas, begins with the laws of Parah Adumah, the red heifer. This is the purification process that one must...

Parshas Chukas – Crime & Punishment

By: Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky Crime and Punishment. In a corporeal world, the correlation of a jail sentence to a crime does not symbolize a cogent...

Parshas Balak – Making the Most of Our Days

By: Shlomo Katz In this week’s parashah, we read how Bilam tried to curse Bnei Yisrael. Pirkei Avot (ch.5) teaches that evil-doers like Bilam do...

Korah: Democracy or Divine Aristocracy for Israel?

By Ariel Natan Pasko Winston Churchill said, that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried...

Parshas Korach – “Two Jews, Three Opinions”

By:  Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb We all nod our heads in agreement when we hear the phrase, “Two Jews, three opinions.” We similarly chuckle when...

Parshas Korach – The Tragic Consequences of Jealousy

By: Rabbi Osher Jungreis The Midrash teaches that there were two wealthy people in the world -- one, a Jew named Korach, the other, a...

Parshas Shelach – “Memory Loss”

By: Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb When one reaches a certain age, he does not have to be reminded that his memory is not what it...

Parshas Shelach – It’s Not What You See But How You See It That Counts

By: Rabbi Osher Jungreis In this week’s parsha, we discover our tragic predilection for self-destruction. Even if G-d performs open miracles and bestows every blessing...

When The World Is Falling Down, Raise It Up through Kindness

By: Slovie Jungreis-Wolff How do we keep our world intact when it feels as if everything we’ve known is falling apart? Finding ourselves under lockdown, anxious...

Tapping Into My Newfound Faith in the Face of COVID-19

As told to Joannie Tansky I am a 34-year-old happily married woman with two children. I adore and love my husband of 17 years more...

Parshas BeHaloscha – If You’re Wrong It’s Lashon Harah

By: Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier And Miriam and Aaron spoke about Moshe regarding the Kushis woman that he took, for he took a Kushis woman....

Parshas B’Haaloscha – Elevate Your Life

By: Rabbi Osher Jungreis In this week’s parsha (Numbers 8:1), Aaron is commanded to kindle the lights of the menorah, but a most unusual word is used...

From Last to First: The Story of the Nesi’im

Parshas Naso By: Shmuel Reichman When you wake up in the morning, how do you start your day? Many people immediately take out their phones, look...

Parsha Naso – Changing Ones Fate

By: Rabbi David Bibi One of the best-known paragraphs in the week’s portion of Nasso and perhaps in the entire Torah, is that of Birkat...

Parshas Naso – A Powerful Lesson in True Humility

By: Rabbi Label Lam The Kohen shall bring her near and have her stand before HASHEM. The Kohen shall take sacred water in an earthenware...

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