26.9 F
New York
Friday, February 21, 2025



Parshat Ki Teitzei–The First Step

By: Rabbi David Bibi Before Times Square became the home of dueling Spider men, battling Betty Boops and pushy Sponge Bobs, all hoping to share...

Parshas Ki Teitzei – Are You Prepared?

By: Rabbi Osher Jungreis This parsha contains the most mitzvos of all the parshiot, and they encompass many areas that prepare us for Rosh HaShana and enable...

Parshas Shoftim–Judges, Kings, Workers & Scholars

By:  Shlomo Katz Rabbeinu Nissim z”l (14th century; Barcelona, Spain) writes that, unlike other nations, the Jews have a dual judicial system. Every nation has...

Parshas Shoftim – Overcoming Negative Traits; Spiritual Growth

By: Rabbi Osher Jungreis The parsha opens with the words, “Judges and officers shall you appoint for yourselves in all of your gates.” (Deut. 16:17) There are...

Parshas Re’eh – It’s All in Our Hands

Parshas Re’eh – It’s All in Our Hands By: Rabbi Osher Jungreis In this week’s parsha it states, “You shall seek out His presence and you...

Parshas Eikev–Humility: On the Shoulders of Our Father

By: Rabbi Pinchas Winston And now, O Israel, what does God, your God, demand of you? Only to fear God, your God, to walk in...

Parshas Eikev –“Discipline and Suffering”

By: Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb As a parent, grandparent, and psychologist, I am often considered to be something of an expert on parenting and child-rearing....

Parshas Vaeschanan – Nation Destined for Greatness

By: Shlomo Katz The haftarah opens: “Nachamu, nachamu” / “Comfort, comfort My people – says your G-d. Speak to the heart of Yerushalayim and proclaim to...

Parshas V’Eschanan – “No Entitlement”

By: Rabbi Osher Jungreis This weeks parsha is one of the richest, for within it are to be found the pillars of our Judaism – the Ten...

Parshas Devarim – Sense and Sensitivity

By: Rabbi Yisroel Ciner This week we begin the Sefer {Book} of Devarim {Deuteronomy}. “Aileh haDevarim asher debair Moshe el kol Yisroel {These are the...

Parshas Devarim – Positive Criticism

By: Rabbi Osher Jungreis PARSHAS DEVARIM–ETERNAL LOVE Is it possible for a person to really cleanse himself and start life anew? And here too, the prophet assures...

Parshas Matos Masei – His Word Was Pure Gold

By: Rabbi Label Lam If a man makes a vow to HASHEM or makes an oath to prohibit himself, he shall not profane his word;...

Parshas Matos Masei – His Word Was Pure Gold

By: Rabbi Label Lam If a man makes a vow to HASHEM or makes an oath to prohibit himself, he shall not profane his word;...

Parshas Mattos-Maasei – “The Kiss of Hope”

Would you ever imagine that our holy Sages had a lot to say about a kiss? Would we not assume that kisses would be...

Parshas Pinchas – “It’s All Up to You and Me”

By: Rabbi Osher Jungreis When should you speak out and when should you remain silent? To what extent do you have to take responsibility and...

Parshas Pinchas–“Avoiding a Hateful Heart”

By: Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb Love is an emotion. It is a feeling, often a very passionate one that we have toward another person,...

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