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New York
Thursday, February 27, 2025



Parshas Vayishlach – Character Traits to Aim For

By: Rabbi Osher Jungreis From the subtlety of Jacob`s language, we discover the character traits to which we, as Jews, should aspire–and the converse is...

Parshas Vayishlach–No News is Jews News

By: Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky Yaakov’s family faced a tremendous crisis. While passing through the city of Shechem, Dena, their sister was attacked and was violated...

The ABCs of Chanukah Spelled Out

Everything you need to know about the holiday of Chanukah–Hanukkah. By: Rabbi Shraga Simmons Chanukah (Hanukkah), the Festival of Lights, begins on the 25th day of...

Why Hanukkah: 4 Insights Everyone Should Know

By: Rabbi Benjamin Blech Why the miracle of the Hanukkah oil is so important to Jews We all know that when the Jews rededicated the temple...

Parshas Vayeitzei–Brothers in Scorn

By: Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky Yaakov's first encounter with his future wife Rachel was significant, encompassing varied emotions, each of which merits lengthy discussion. Upon greeting...

Parshas Vayeitzei – Responsibility for Others

By: Rabbi Benjamin Hecht The story of Rachel's theft of the terafim, the idols1 of her father, as reported in Bereishit 31:19,2 is somewhat of...

Chanukah Miracles: The Little Dreidel

By: Eliayhu Safran Beis Yosef asked, “Why do we celebrate Chanukah for eight days if there was ample oil to last for one day? It...

The Story of Chanukah – Chana and Her Seven Sons

By: Chabad Staff Antiochus was determined to enforce his vicious edicts upon the Jews, effectively destroying their attachment to the Torah. He forbade the observance of all...

Scoring for G-d: The Spiritual Journey of Former Basketball Star Doron Sheffer

By: Hillel Kuttler Grasping a basketball in his enormous hands, Doron Sheffer looks slim and nimble enough to hit the court again as he greets...

Parshat Chaya Sora – The Wisdom of the Zaken

By: Rabbi Benjamin Hecht On the surface, it would seem somewhat appropriate that the story of the search for a wife for Yitzchak Avinu should...

Parshas Chaya Sora – Tips on Finding Your Shidduch

By: Rabbi Osher Jungreis A careful study of the parsha even highlights the specifics of courtship and marriage and offers the guidance that we so sorely need...

Shema Yisrael: 8 Facts

Fascinating facts about this central Jewish prayer By: Dr. Yvette Alt Miller They are the most iconic words in the Jewish liturgy: Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai...

In Chicago, Reclaiming Jewish Identity Through Adult Circumcision

Organization has enabled thousands born in Soviet Union to enter the Covenant of Abraham By: Menachem Posner Standing in the sun-drenched sanctuary, large windows showing manicured...

Parshas Vayera – Torah Manners

By: Rabbi Osher Jungreis This week’s parsha imparts to us lessons for life–how we should conduct ourselves in our daily affairs and in our relationships. Interestingly...

Parshas Vayera – Meting Justice; Meeting Kindness

By: Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky In what must be one of the greatest transitional scenes in the entire Biblical narrative, this week the Torah transposes us...

Parshas Lech Lecha–”Ancestral Decisions”

By: Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb Most people do not give much thought to their ancestral origins. But some do, and I am one of...

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