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New York
Saturday, February 8, 2025



COJO Holds Successful Annual Pre-Chanukah Food Distribution

COJO Holds Successful Annual Pre-Chanukah Food Distribution Edited by: TJVNews.com The Annual COJO Pre-Chanukah Food Distribution held at the Aur Torah Sephardic Minyan located in the...

NYPD, COJO Collaborate Talk Turkey and Security and 10th Annual Pre-Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway

NYPD, COJO Collaborate Talk Turkey and Security and 10th Annual Pre-Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway Edited by: TJVNews.com What has become an annual tradition starting with the opening...

15 Simchat Torah Facts Every Jew Should Know

From Chabbad.org 1. Simchat Torah Comes After Sukkot The sukkah at the East River Esplanade at East 84th Street (Photo: Howard Blas) Shemini Atzeret (“The Eighth Gathering”) comes after 7 days of Sukkot....

Hollywood Writers Thank Chabad for Dedication During Strike

By Nancy K. S. Hochman(Chabad.org) Although Hollywood writers and many others in the entertainment industry are still reeling from the impact of lost revenue from a...

Jews Worldwide Unite for Sukkot

By Yaakov Ort(Chabad.org) Ran Tzivoni of Haifa, Israel, is busy this week picking out a lulav and etrog, and is looking forward to spending the holiday of Sukkot at Chabad of Merkaz Hakarmel and...

FAQs – Sukkot 5784

FAQs – Succot 5784 Rabbi Hayim Asher Arking Rabbi Ezra Ghodsi Before entering the sukkah, one should have in mind that Hashem commanded us to sit in...

Sukkos – Zman Simchaseinu; The Time of Our Happiness

Sukkos – Zman Simchaseinu; The Time of Our Happiness   By: Torah.org Staff   Throughout the works of our Sages, we find that the holiday of Sukkos is...

Yom Kippur – Yom HaKadosh – “The Holiest Day”

Yom Kippur – Yom HaKadosh – “The Holiest Day” By: Rabbi Yisroel Jungreis Merits for Yom Kippur One of the emotional prayers that we recite from Rosh...

Eulogy or legacy?

Rabbi Yossy Goldman (JNS) Sadly, rabbis often officiate at funerals and are called upon to deliver a hesped, a eulogy. But the most gifted speechwriter cannot...

Israel’s largest four-species market set for 25th year in Jerusalem

(JNS) The largest four-species market in Israel is set to open for Sukkot in Jerusalem’s Valero Square, located adjacent to Mahane Yehuda Market. Several dozen...

Synagogues Prepare for High Holidays Amid Rising Threats: A Comprehensive Security Outlook

Synagogues Prepare for High Holidays Amid Rising Threats: A Comprehensive Security Outlook Edited by: Fern Sidman As the High Holidays approach, synagogues across the United States...

Rosh Hashanah guide for the perplexed, 2023

Rosh Hashanah guide for the perplexed, 2023 By Yoram Ettinger. The evening of September 15, 2023 will launch Jewish New Year of 5784. 1. Genesis. Rosh Hashanah,...

Repentance reimagined

(JNS) Time always flies, but somehow during this time of year it seems to fly faster than ever. Can you believe it’s only 10...

Explainer: Tisha b’Av, the saddest day on the Hebrew calendar, begins Wednesday evening

By World Israel News Staff Tisha b’Av, the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av, begins Wednesday evening, according to the Jewish calendar –...

Why the Bread & Egg in Ash Before 9 Av?

By Yehuda Shurpin(Chabad.org) The ninth day of the Jewish month of Av (known as Tisha B'Av) is a day of fasting and introspection, when we commemorate the destruction of...

18 Tisha B’Av Facts Every Jew Should Know

By Menachem Posner(Chabad.org) 1. Tisha B’Av Is the Saddest Day of the Jewish Calendar Tisha B’Av, the 9th day of the month of Av (Jul. 26-27, 2023), is the saddest day...

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