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By Judith Segaloff
(JNS) For many, Passover planning begins the day they sift through bags of Purim goodies. Then faced with the inevitable panic, especially...
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gudath Israel’s Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Issues Firm Prohibition Against Participating in World Zionist Organization Elections
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In a significant and forcefully worded declaration that...
The Cost of Love: Why Little Rivkah—and Six Other Jewish Babies—Are Still Waiting for a Home
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The Cost of Love: Why Little Rivkah—and Six Other Jewish Babies—Are Still Waiting for a Home
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In a world where we speak so...
By: Larry Domnitch
The redemption from Egypt occurred within the confines of one day, but the events which lead to the redemption occurred over the...
By: Chaya Sora Jungreis-Gertzulin
Purim is behind us. What’s left of the shalach manos goodies are packed away. The costumes are in storage bins, and...
By: Chaya Sora Jungreis-Gertzulin
This Shabbos, we read Parshas Pikudei, completing the second book of the Torah, Sefer Shemos.
The final pasuk of the parsha tells...
By: Rabbi Benjamin Hecht
Shemot 40:35 states that Moshe Rabbeinu was not able to enter the Ohel Mo’ed for the cloud was upon it and...
Mike Huckabee Prepares for Israel Posting With Visit to Rebbe’s Ohel
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As he prepares to be confirmed the next United States ambassador to Israel, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee visited the Ohel, the resting place of the...
Power of Prayer, Positive Action at Forefront of Jewish Womens’ Leadership Conference
By: Staff
How do the thousands of Jewish women who make up the legions of Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries have the energy to give, teach, uplift...
Passover and the Art of Self-Transcendence
Let's all leave ourselves behind this Passover
By: Tzvi Freeman
Every morning and every night, a Jew has to remember two things:
G‑d is one.
He took us...
Parshas Vayakhel – The Heart of the Matter
By: Chaya Sora Jungreis-Gertzulin
“Rachmanah liba boyeh”
“The Merciful One desires the heart.”
(Talmud Sanhedrin 106b)
To do mitzvos with heart, with love and compassion. Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler...
Parshas Vayakhel–Snowballs and Sacred Moments
By: Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
This week’s Torah portion, Vayakhel, (Exodus 35:1-38:20) begins on a familiar note. After all, it was just last week, on...
How does Purim-Shabbat work this year?
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Purim has arrived, bringing with it commandments, customs and Adloyada celebrations. But before you immerse yourself in costumes, noisemakers and mishloach manot (food baskets), here’s a concise halachic guide...
IDF distributes nearly 500k hamantaschen for Purim
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(JNS) The Israel Defense Forces’ Military Rabbinate distributed almost half a million hamantaschen, or oznei Haman (“Haman’s ears”) cookies, the army said ahead of the holiday of...
How (& If) to Have a Purim Meal Late on Friday Afternoon
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By Yehuda Shurpin
( his year, Purim falls on a Friday. For most of the day’s observances—hearing the Megillah, giving gifts to the poor, and sending food...
Baskets overfloweth: Last-minute spreads for Purim
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Purim commemorates the survival of the Jewish people, who were marked for death by their Persian rulers in the fifth century B.C. In the...
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