Caroline Glick, Alan Dershowitz, Charles Krauthammer, Melanie Phillips, opinions, issues, Israel, the White House, Congress, GOP, Democrats, Senate, House of Representatives, Supreme Court, politics, education, international, Palestinians, Hamas, Islamic threat, homegrown terror and more
Was the Beirut Explosion Intended for Israel?
The Perils of Pretending a War is Something Else
What Jews Have to Say to Seth Rogen
USC Student Government Purging Pro-Israel Leaders
Local Govt Takes No Action Against Open Stream Safety Hazard in Deal NJ
Riots and Protests from Portland to Jerusalem
We Must Continue to Drain the Swamps of Anti-Semitic Lies
Is the Gov’t Outsourcing “Censorship” Duties to FB & Google?
The Democrats’ 2020 Platform Resurrects Obama’s Hostility to Israel and Appeasement of Iran
“Where Will Those Who Call for an End to the Jewish State Run When They Come for Them?”
Crime Is Skyrocketing All Over America And Police Officers Are Committing Suicide
Tehran-Beijing is the New Fact of Life
Marxism in the Classroom, Riots in the Streets
Betraying Jewish History by Watering Down the Holocaust
Beinart’s Final Solution: End Israel as Nation-State of the Jewish People
Hagia Sophia and Turkey’s Supremacism
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