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New York
Monday, June 17, 2024



Is Iran Winning or Losing?

An outcome dependent on Israel By: Caroline Glick There’s an old Jewish joke where a young man walks up to his grandfather man and asks him...

The 92nd Street Y Engages in McCarthyite Censorship and Lies About It

By: Alan M. Dershowitz The storied 92nd Street Y, which presents itself as a paragon of free speech dialogue and openness, is engaging in McCarthyite censorship...

Bloomberg Versus Trump???

What would a Trump versus Bloomberg race for the White House in 2020 look like? By: Larry Gordon Now it’s getting interesting. It is still unclear...

Kristallnacht Must Never be Forgotten

One may ask, how could the entire world stand by and allow such a disaster to occur? By: Rabbi Dr. Bernard H. Rosenberg Imagine one morning...

Over 150 Reasons to Say No to A Palestinian State

By: Moshe Phillips Over 150 rockets were fired at Israeli civilian targets by the Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists from Gaza within hours after...

Turkey: Erdogan’s Campaign Against the West

By: Giulio Meotti Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan "has earned the title of Caliph" according to Turkish journalist Abdurrahman Dilipak. Erdogan is the head of NATO's...

Al-Baghdadi and Trump’s Syrian Chess Board

Trump is not flying blind in Syria. He is implementing a multifaceted set of policies that are based on the strengths, weaknesses and priorities...

The War Continues and It is a Long War

Can you remember the years when Israelis considered antisemitism a Diaspora issue? By: Prof Phyllis Chesler This past weekend (November 1-3), the University of Minnesota hosted...

Trump, Israel & the Democratic Crackup

The Democrats in the media and the federal bureaucracy are now full partners. After they are done with Trump, they will turn their attention...

The Silent Bystanders in the War against the Jews

Fearfulness, cowardice, avoidance of feared punishment—or silent approval—is precisely how Hitler triumphed By: Phyllis Chesler (This piece is dedicated to Renia Spiegel, the so-called Polish “Anne...

Netanyahu, the Media and the Fate of Israeli Democracy

By: Caroline Glick The Israeli establishment has long sought to destroy Israel's PM–who never sought their approval. The ongoing criminal probes against Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin...

German Jew-Hate Manifests Itself in Business Dealings with the Mullahs

By: Joseph Puder When a synagogue is attacked in Germany, it is doubly disturbing. It has more gravity attached to it than if it occurs...

Why Hamas Supports Erdogan’s War

By: Khaled Abu Toameh Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated terror group ruling the Gaza Strip since 2007, is the only Palestinian party that has come out...

Kurdish Lives Matter, Shame on Trump, Israel Step-up

By: Ariel Natan Pasko Turkish air strikes killed eight, at least five civilians and three SDF fighters recently, and wounded dozens of civilians, according to...

The Dark Side of ‘America First’ Should Worry Israel

Trump’s betrayal of the Kurds to the Turks doesn’t mean that he will also abandon the region to Iran. But Netanyahu and the Arab...

Was Ukraine Investigating Hunter Biden Before Trump’s Phone Call?

A revelation alters the timeline in the Dems’ surreal 'impeachment inquiry'. By: Matthew Vadum Officials in Ukraine reportedly opened an investigation into an energy company that...

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