Caroline Glick, Alan Dershowitz, Charles Krauthammer, Melanie Phillips, opinions, issues, Israel, the White House, Congress, GOP, Democrats, Senate, House of Representatives, Supreme Court, politics, education, international, Palestinians, Hamas, Islamic threat, homegrown terror and more
Arresting Netanyahu on an Auschwitz anniversary would be a blight on modern-day Poland
Debunking the Gaza ‘genocide’ blood libel won’t dissuade Israel-haters
Time for Action: Why Israel Must Impose a Naval Blockade on the Houthis in Yemen
Millions of Christians are Under Islamist Assault, So Pope Francis Targets the Jews
Progressives Pick and Choose Their Heroes and the Hated
Erin Molan: A Voice of Moral Clarity in an Age of Moral Fog
Why Not Arrest President Biden Before He Can Pardon Himself?
Israel’s Biggest Enemy: How Netanyahu Is Thanked for Disabling Iran, Terrorist Groups
Assad’s Fall introduces New Era—And Dangers—to Middle East
How on Earth is No One Talking About This??
Elizabeth Warren and UnitedHealthcare: Ignorance and Manipulation
2025 Forecast: Whole Lot of Chaos Going On
We Are Changing the Face of the Middle East
If Israel Had Listened to the State Department on Syria …
Penny is Free!!! There Never Should Have Been a Trial.