Caroline Glick, Alan Dershowitz, Charles Krauthammer, Melanie Phillips, opinions, issues, Israel, the White House, Congress, GOP, Democrats, Senate, House of Representatives, Supreme Court, politics, education, international, Palestinians, Hamas, Islamic threat, homegrown terror and more
Cory Booker Belongs in Jail Over Newark’s Water Crisis
My Instagram Growth Suddenly Stopped
Censuring Israel: Common Sense on Life Support
Is the Palestinian Authority Preparing for a New Intifada?
While a Consensus Rules in Israel, US Politics Becomes More Divisive
Counterpoint – The HJS Editorial “A Justified Ban”
Tragedies that Lead to the Irrational Erosion of Our Rights
What Happened to Jeffrey Epstein?
The Only Answer to Hatred of Jews is Jewish Pride
How Iran is Taking Over Syria & What Trump Needs to Do About It
Boris Johnson: Will He Be Good for the Jews?
The Former Special Counsel’s Humiliating Day on Capitol Hill
Boris Johnson: Will He Be Good for the Jews?
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