Caroline Glick, Alan Dershowitz, Charles Krauthammer, Melanie Phillips, opinions, issues, Israel, the White House, Congress, GOP, Democrats, Senate, House of Representatives, Supreme Court, politics, education, international, Palestinians, Hamas, Islamic threat, homegrown terror and more
The Desperate 11th Hour Impeachment Ploy
To Stop Hateful Attacks on Jews, Oppose the Ideology Behind Them
Yale Psychiatrist Issues Diagnosis of “Psychotic” for Defending Constitutional Rights
Trump Speaks Directly to the Iranian People
Forcing US Troops from Iraq Will be a Victory for ISIS, Iran
Soleimani Aftermath: What Comes Next?
Foes Can’t Beat Trump with Caricatures
I Fear It Is Too Late to Drain the Anti-Semitism Swamp
On Rudy Giuliani Being More Jewish Than George Soros
A Five-Step Plan to Fight the ICC
Reform Judaism’s Embrace of Reparations Won’t Advance Justice
Is it Too Late to Clear the Anti-Semitism Swamp?
German Parliament: Its Resolution to Ban Hezbollah is Just a Legal Charade
The Executive Order that Defines & Combats Anti-Semitism Without Stifling Speech
Boris’ Win: A ‘Seismic Moment in Our History’
Five Things America Can Do to Prevent the Next Anti-Semitic Attack
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