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New York
Wednesday, March 5, 2025



The reaction of US media to latest Gaza conflict

Jack Engelhard (A7) So far, Israel’s Operation Breaking Dawn is not getting the media’s full attention here in the United States. This is changing, for the...

Where They Don’t Kill Jews

By Meir Jolovitz It’s beyond ironic. It’s tragic.   Winner of the Academy Award for “Best Feature Documentary” in 1997, and narrated by the actor Morgan Freeman, “The...

Coronavirus: WHO Director Has a Long History of Cover-Ups

By: Soeren Kern The director general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, is facing increased scrutiny over his handling of the coronavirus...

U.S. Intelligence Estimates Millions of Chinese Deaths From Coronavirus

But ex-fake news CNN “fact-checker” disagrees By: Joseph Klein China’s official tally of deaths attributable to the co ronavirus stands at 3,341 as of April 14, 2020....

WHO’s Anti-Israel Bias Raising Questions About Organization’s Direction

Adam Kredo Free Beacon.com The World Health Organization's decision-making body has a history of singling out Israel for criticism, fueling concerns of bias as the...

Dr. Fauci Floats “certificates of immunity” Concept ,Does This Go Too far?

Dr. Fauci on  Friday said it’s possible that Americans could eventually carry around certificates of immunity to the coronavirus once proper testing is widespread...

Coronavirus Lessons for the Coalition Talks

The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the fact that we live in an age of uncertainty. In such times, granting a veto over Israel’s borders...

Whither Woke Culture in an Era of Pandemic?

What effect might this plague have on the Left’s pampered soy boys and pussy-hat feminists? By: Bruce Bawer Last week, in the New York Post, Kyle...

Did Benny Gantz Betray Israel … Or Save It?

His erstwhile supporters are damning Netanyahu’s new partner. However, his decision to sacrifice his political interests during a crisis makes him a hero, not...

Calling Out Racists in America and in China’s Communist Party

To speak of the party’s responsibility for the coronavirus while shedding light on its broader human-rights outrages isn’t “racism”; if anything, it’s an act...

Love and Hatred in the Days of COVID-19

Those who are predisposed to paranoia seek a scapegoat. And the time-proven victims have been the Jews. By: Sarah N. Stern If you were to take...

China Article V: We Will Never be Quite the Same Again

Oh, where is Dr. Freud when one needs him? By: Phyllis Chesler Who would ever have thought that anything could knock the pandemic of Jew hatred...

Donald Trump Forced to Fight Real and Invisible Enemies

By Lieba Nesis Thank You Mr. President for Saving Our Country I am sitting at my computer both angry, and distraught at the mistreatment President Trump...

China Article V: We Will Never be Quite the Same Again

By: Phyllis Chesler Oh, where is Dr. Freud when one needs him? Who would ever have thought that anything could knock the pandemic of Jew hatred...

Will Coronavirus Restrictions on Society Result in Civil Unrest & Violence?

By Jared Evan Jacob Wallenberg, a Swedish industrialist told the Financial Times that he is very concerned with nation after nation shutting down economies to...

Time to Hold China Accountable for Unleashing Hell on the World

Communist regime engaged in a massive cover-up — exposing the world to global pandemic and economic meltdown. By: Ari Lieberman Despite criticism from elements within the...

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