Caroline Glick, Alan Dershowitz, Charles Krauthammer, Melanie Phillips, opinions, issues, Israel, the White House, Congress, GOP, Democrats, Senate, House of Representatives, Supreme Court, politics, education, international, Palestinians, Hamas, Islamic threat, homegrown terror and more
Mob Rule at the New York Times
Riots: Not Fun nor Profit for the Rest of Us
Radical Influence of the BLM Cult : Local City Leaders Move to De-fund Police Forces
The Moral Authority of the Lockdown Fetishists Is Gone. Thank the Protesters and Rioters.
It’s Not About Race – The Exploitation of Another Black Victim
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Is the EU Having Second Thoughts Over its Hostility Towards the Jewish State?
Antisemitism Finds its Insidious Way into Every Mass Protest
Antisemitism Finds its Insidious Way into Every Mass Protest
Three Ways Lockdowns Are Costing Human Lives
A Way Forward for Jewish Day Schools in Today’s New World
Would Netanyahu’s Trial be Different in an American Court?
Liberal Jewish Opposition to Israel’s Sovereignty is Cowardly
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