
The Eternal Life of Blood Libels Against the Jews

  By: Phyllis Chesler at IPT News                                       It's getting worse, far worse. Now, it is almost everywhere, in most publications,…

3 years ago

Once Again, the UN Treats Israel Like the Most Evil Country on Earth

What did the world’s only Jewish state do this time to deserve such a staggering level of discrimination? It decided…

3 years ago

It’s Time to Abolish the Teachers Unions

A disaster for students and good teachers alike By: Larry Sand "All Government employees should realize that the process of…

3 years ago

8 Reasons China Should Definitely Not Host the Winter Olympics

By: Frances Martel As the year comes to a close, the Chinese government, broadcaster NBC, and the International Olympic Committee…

3 years ago

The Great Worker Shortage Is Causing Basic Services To Really Break Down All Across America

 by Michael Snyder(Economic Collapse Blog) Where did all the workers go?  That is a great mystery that continues to be unsolved. …

3 years ago

As Communism Spreads, Europeans are on Guard against Nazis

By William Kilpatrick (Front Page Mag) What’s the biggest issue in the next French Presidential election?  The economy?  Climate change? …

3 years ago

Netanyahu and Trump’s Well-Defended Goal

Despite being portrayed by journalist Barak Ravid as politicians trading blows, as statesmen, Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu changed the…

3 years ago

The “Soup Nazi” Syndrome

By: Ron Jager As recently as this past month, the following attacks occurred seemingly one after another; a Jewish woman…

3 years ago

Keeping Our Kids Safe With Vaccination

By: Dr. Dave A. Chokshi As a father of a young child and the City’s doctor, it has been especially…

3 years ago

Can Liberal Values Make a Comeback in a Jewish World Dominated by the Woke?

A letter from rabbis worrying about self-censorship in discourse on race, gender and politics mandated by the intolerant left charts…

3 years ago