
When the Jew-Bashers are Jews

Their values turn Jewish principles of justice and truth on their heads, and their Israel-bashing is but a thin veneer…

4 years ago

Biden’s Military Strategy for Iraq Should be Applied in Afghanistan

Were Biden to replicate his 2021 Iraq model, the Taliban would not be able to boast that they’ve defeated the…

4 years ago

Fleeing Afghanistan – The Worst Possible Message to Our Enemies

By: Bruce Thornton The Biden administration’s feckless withdrawal from Afghanistan is sending the worst possible message to our enemies across…

4 years ago

The Ford Foundation and Anti-Semitism

Supporting vile Palestinian propagandists and their western enablers By: Joseph Puder CBS-TV's 60 Minutes featured an interview (August 1, 2021)…

4 years ago

1984 Society: Ominous New Definitions For What Constitutes “Domestic Terrorism”

By Michael Snyder Are you a potential domestic terrorist?  You may not think so, but the Department of Homeland Security…

4 years ago

New York’s Vaccine Passport Will Deny Service to 72% of Young Black Residents

JOHN NOLTE A full 72 percent of young, black New Yorkers are about to be denied service and the right…

4 years ago

Moral Anorexia in the Cognitive War Against Israel

Virtue-signaling progressives who promote lies about the Jewish state By: Dr. Richard L. Cravatts The cognitive war against Israel, which…

4 years ago

Where Was the US Navy When Iran Took Over the Strait of Hormuz?

By: Lynn Corum Neither Congress, nor President Biden, nor even the U.S. Navy has registered interest in the following alarming…

4 years ago

Gov’t Rental Bailout a Lot of Bureaucratic Baloney

  We're deep into a Covid-19 pandemic with the federal government's Center for Disease Control (CDC) supposedly at work 24/7…

4 years ago

Saving Just One Afghan Woman

By Phyllis Chesler I have been trying to save just one woman in Afghanistan. It is proving to be an…

4 years ago