
Is it Ever O.K to Praise the ‘truth’ of an anti-Semitic Blood Libel?

By Jonathan S. Tobin (JNS) Does it matter if politicians let lies told by people they meet publicly go unanswered? That’s…

3 years ago

Battered Afghan Women and Divided Loyalties

By: Phyllis Chesler   Back in the day, I could only work with battered women for a short while, after…

3 years ago

Generals Scramble to Avoid Responsibility for Afghanistan

By Andrea Widburg(American Thinker) In Stephen Sondheim's Into The Woods, there's a point in the story when things have gone…

3 years ago

10% of Biden’s Afghanistan Aid Will Go To Taliban

Why are American taxpayers funding the Taliban? By: Daniel Greenfield Deborah Lyons, the head of the UN mission in Afghanistan,…

3 years ago

The Murderous Anti-Semitism of the Effort to Kill Iron Dome

Why the Left seems to think it’s perfectly acceptable for Jews to die in the name of Palestinian self-determination By:…

3 years ago

Where were the Voices of American Jewish Leaders During The Iron Dome Crisis???

When referring to any group as a squad, one immediately conjures up a militaristic fighting unit, never a bunch of…

3 years ago

We Should Have Remembered the Lessons of 9/11

By: Ken Abramowitz We recently commemorated the tragedy of al Qaeda's attacks on our homeland. On September 11, 2001, nineteen…

3 years ago

American Wokeness Threatens to Infect Europe

by Douglas Blair(Daily Signal) There’s a sickness emanating from America that seeks to contaminate all of Western civilization. In the words of…

3 years ago

The Hate-Fest that is Durban Rears its Ugly Head Again

The United Nations itself is allowing evil to triumph with the complicity of the West By: Melanie Phillips This week,…

3 years ago

Pope Francis is Wrong: The Laws of the Torah Do Give Life

What good are profound values if we don’t know how to put them into action? By: Rabbi Warren Goldstein Pope…

3 years ago