Biden’s Gaffes Send Russia a Message of Weakness
During the 2020 election campaign, Biden hawked his 40+ years of chumminess with world leaders and how, if he were elected president he would...
Is Adams Another DeBlasio?
Dear Editor,
You’ve touted NYC Mayor Adams in the past, hoping that he’d be the savior of the city. This past week’s violence...
The FBI Drops the Ball on Texas Terrorist
It’s old hat news now, the hostage taking at the Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville, Texas by a recently arrived Muslim terrorist, a British...
Biden Encourages Hate In America
Joe Biden’s speeches are never much to write home about, but the one he gave last Tuesday at historically black, Morehouse College in Atlanta,...
New Yorkers Must Wake Up!
Dear Editor:
Your editorial on the new Manhattan DA hit the nail on the head. It’s time for all New Yorkers...
Editorial: How Can the FBI Say that the Hostage Taker Was Not Targeting Jews?
TJV news -
After the harrowing experience of watching hours of television news coverage of the frightening hostage crisis at a Texas synagogue, we are all relieved...
Is Manhattan DA Bragg Defending Criminals???
You’ve all heard about him by now. The new DA for Manhattan, Alvin Bragg. What you didn’t know is that by balloting this guy...
Biden Has Brought Our Nation to its Knees
It’s painful to watch President Biden’s robot-like gait to the podium and away from it or even from out of his personal “Marine Helicopter...
The Real Facebook Culprit: Sheryl Sandberg
Our readers and followers of the Jewish Voice are by now well aware of the attention and scrutiny we’ve given to Facebook and its...
The Media’s Fake News Regarding Israel
We will continue to “out” the media for their blatant lies about the history of Israel and their attempts to portray the current state...
Praises the Jewish Voice for Diversity of Views
Dear Editor:
Keep Those Letters Coming...
Congratulations to my fellow 2021 Letter to the Editor writers. Surveys reveal that...
Let Mayor Elect Eric Adams Govern NYC as He Sees Fit!
Although he won’t be sworn in as New York City’s 66th Post Colonial Mayor until January 1, 2022, Eric Adams has already become embroiled...
Kamala Harris is a Growing Problem
Let’s get right to the point: The two top elected leaders of this country constitute a clear and present danger to our survival. Throw...
Tax Dollars Going Down the Drain
Dear Editor:
Drip, drip, drip watch as your tax dollars go down the drain. The United States Secret Service recently admitted...
Congressman Adam Schiff Has to Go!
Our readers are primarily Jewish, so we’ll admit embarrassment at having one of us, Adam Schiff (D-CA), sitting in the House of Representatives. In...
Your Race Now Determines the Crime
This “racism” business has now reached the heights of madness. It’s Leftist, Literary, Lunacy gone nuts. Just your incorrect, to them, terminology of a...
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