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New York
Thursday, March 6, 2025


JV Editorial

Letters to the Editor

Rep. David Cicilline is the Worst Choice for Chair of the Middle East Subcommittee Dear Editor: Just recently, Progressive Jewish Congressman David Cicilline won the subcommittee...

You Can Help Protect Yossi Hershkop and Future Victims of Anti-Semitic Attacks by Voting by Mail for Zeldin for Governor

You Can Help Protect Yossi Hershkop and Future Victims of Anti-Semitic Attacks by Voting by Mail for Zeldin for Governor Jewish Voice Editorial On July 13,...

An Urgent Plea: Calling on all New Yorkers to Get Out & Vote on November 8th

An Urgent Plea: Calling on all New Yorkers to Get Out & Vote on November 8th By: Fern Sidman As election season is once again upon...

Rep. David Cicilline is the Worst Choice for Chair of the Middle East Subcommittee

Rep. David Cicilline is the Worst Choice for Chair of the Middle East Subcommittee Dear Editor: Just recently, Progressive Jewish Congressman David Cicilline won the subcommittee...

Greg Abbott, Illegal Migrants & The Drug Cartels

It's time someone asked the obvious question: "Why is the Biden government still playing ball with the international criminal Mexican drug, slave and murder...

Letters to the Editor

Beware of the Radical Right Dear Editor: I thoroughly enjoyed the Ken Burns documentary on The Holocaust and the U.S.’s response to it. Let it put...

Lapid’s “Two –State Solution” Spells Disaster for Israel

Any pro-Israel supporter with at least a smidgeon of common sense and a brief history of the Jewish State's many useless attempts to make...

Oberlin College – A Paradigm of Racism & Pomposity

Our message to parents who want their kids to get a decent, rewarding, future-building college education; avoid racist, highfalutin, pompous colleges like Oberlin College...

A Lesson For Americans……Europe Will Freeze This Winter

The lyrics to the 1944 hit, "Baby It's Cold Outside," the popular song written by Frank Loesser, well before the advent of the Global...

Letters to the Editor

Another Biden Disaster??? Dear Editor, We’re surely headed for another Biden Disaster, as sure as hell. This know-nothing of a president has led Europe down the...

Crime in the Big Apple Must Be Stopped!

If you’re a resident of Manhattan, and as 1,695,000 other residents, fear for your own and your family’s safety, we know of a Florida...

It’s Time For Parents to Take Charge of Their Kids

The public school year began in New York City this past week with a yet unreported number of seats remaining empty due to the...

Letters to the Editor

The Radical Left & The Upcoming Elections Dear Editor: I’m very worried about the upcoming elections and the violence sure to be had from the radical...

The Dangerous & Destructive Speech from Hell

“This is pre-eminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in...

Save the Empire State – Vote for Lee Zeldin for Governor of NY

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY), is a highly effective congressman from Long Island. As the winner of the GOP primary race in which he was...

50 Years After Munich Massacre;  Terrorist Abbas Still Reigns

“ ‘Why must my pain be endless, my wound incurable, resistant to healing?’ So asks the prophet Jeremiah and so we as today. Even...

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