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New York
Thursday, March 6, 2025


JV Editorial

Letters to the Editor

Sticking Together is the Problem Dear Editor, Let’s face it, as Ginette Weiner, a letter writer frequently submitting her opinions to your paper, puts it, Democrat...

Say No to Casino Gambling in Coney Island

 We appeal to our honored rabbis for help in stopping this monstrous proposal to establish casino gambling in Coney Island Say No to Casino Gambling...

Randi Weingarten = The Most Dangerous Person in the World

Mike Pompeo, took the words out of our mouths when he blasted Randi Weingarten, the president of the all powerful American Federation of Teachers...

Climate Blackmail Affecting Thee and Me

If  you thought that this nation was already too deep in the mud of hand-wringing and self disgrace and shame, pleading for lesser nations...

Letters to the Editor

Homelessness & the Woke Progressives Dear Editor: On November 4th, Ginette Weiner penned a letter to your paper, “A Cure For Homelessness.”  Her intentions were good...

Orthodox Union =“Oxymoron” on Same-Sex Marriage

One of the last supporters of Jewish laws, traditions and values, the Orthodox Union (OU) has sadly caved to the Progressive, Leftist, anti-religion forces...

Sam Bankman-Fried Shames All Jews By His Criminality

The scam that cost unwitting investors billions of dollars, the FTX fraud and its founder and criminal-in-charge, Sam Bankman-Fried, have left many open mouthed,...

Letters to the Editor

Be Prepared for All Out War Dear Editor: So now President Biden, in Cambodia, thinks that he’s in Columbia. He falls asleep at international conferences, admits...

Stopping Crime in Big Apple Should be Hochul’s Priority 

The citizens of New York State were treated to the first exciting gubernatorial election in a generation, with the voters giving an unusual close...

Letters to the Editor

Why Is Ukraine Voting Against Israel at the UN??? Dear Editor: We hear non-stop criticism from President Zelensky that Israel is not doing enough to help...

Ukraine’s Hypocrisy: Begs Israel for Weapons & Votes Against Them at UN

Ukraine’s Hypocrisy: Begs Israel for Weapons & Votes Against Them at UN We'll take this opportunity, under our editorial privilege, to use a common vulgarity...

Israel Should Never Give Arms to Ukraine

As an opener, we give our congratulations to Israel’s latest Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu on his election, and secondly, we urge him to keep...

Letters to the Editor

Harmful Rhetoric of Leftists Dear Editor: Why are the eyes of so many Jews, American ones, closed to the harmful rhetoric of Leftists regarding their hatred...

Editorial: Anyone Who Does Not Vote Tuesday Harms the Jewish Community

Editorial: Anyone Who Does Not Vote Tuesday Harms the Jewish Community The progressives who gave us the bail law that lets dangerous criminals out of...

Vote ‘No’ on the 4 Dangerous ‘Equity’ Proposals on the NYC Ballot

By: TJVNews.com   There are four proposals on the New York City ballot in the upcoming election on Tuesday. One proposal will be voted on statewide,...

Jewish Voice Endorsement for Election 2022

Help Lee Zeldin Save New York. Vote on Nov 8th!! Let's set the record straight, right from the start: We wholeheartedly endorse candidate Lee Zeldin,...

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