Shame on Lapid for Undermining Democracy & the Will of the Israeli Electorate
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Shame on Lapid for Undermining Democracy & the Will of the Israeli Electorate
The Radical Left, in all modern democracies, exhibits the same nasty,...
ABC Must Hand Whoopi Goldberg Her Pink Slip
This editorial is about overt, black Jew hater, Whoopi Goldberg, the so-called celebrity actress and TV personality who is the host of the daily...
Time for Jews to Awaken from Their “Wokeness”
We'd like to blow the shofar as a clarion call to American Jews who have fallen prey to the ideological "Wokeism" that is sweeping...
Anti-Semitism in America
Dear Editor:
A recent report by Americans Against Anti-Semitism confirms what I have been campaigning about for months.
Their statistics show that;
64% of Assaults...
Shame on Lapid for Bashing New Israeli Govt
The Radical Left, in all modern democracies, exhibit the same nasty, infantile patterns of behavior when they are kicked out of office. They whine...
The Lunacy of the New $1.65 Trillion Spending Bill
The craziness and lunacy of Congress' newly approved $1.65 trillion "wasteful" spending bill is beyond belief. It boggles the mind that our elected leaders...
Anthony Fauci’s Replacement
Dear Editor:
Now that Dr. Anthony Fauci is leaving the post he’s held for over 40 years will he be replaced with another...
Spiraling Jew Hatred Imperils Our Future as a Nation
Jews, worldwide are now so joyously enthralled in the Hanukkah season, they are not aware of the ever present dangers lurking, imperiling their future...
Fired Twitter Execs Should Not Get “Golden Parachute”
We'll start out by stating our support not only for Elon Musk's business acumen but for his uncanny ability to take the spotlight away...
A Die-Hard Democrat on Joe Biden
Dear Editor:
Maybe I don’t belong in your paper. I’m a die-hard Democrat and I don’t get the feeling that...
US-Russia Prisoner Swap Smells Bad
We welcome the release last week of Black/American professional basketball star, Brittney Griner, from a Russia jail. But the price was high as Putin...
“Woke” Twitter Should Compensate Media for Shadow Banning
As victims of the practices of the social network giant, Twitter, we welcome the purchase of that institution by Elon Musk. We look forward...
In Response to Abe Foxman
(The following is a response to remarks by former ADL National Director, Abe Foxman, on why he cannot support Israel...
A Disconnect: The UJA and the Orthodox Jewish Community
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A Dangerous Disconnect: The UJA and the Orthodox Jewish Community
Fighting the alarming and dangerous escalation of virulent anti-Semitism in the US, requires a...
Woke Era Heralds Demise of the Disney Dynasty
When a great movie studio famous for making morally acceptable and successful at the box office children's movies such as Snow White, Bambi, Dumbo,...
Follow Apple’s Move & Get Out of China ASAP
This nation's number one enemy and the world's leading slave state, China, may have its just due coming directly at them, according to the...
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