Is Bernie Sanders the New ‘Kapo’ Bloom?
Dear Editor:
“Bloom was a staunch defender of FDR’s harsh policy toward Jewish refugees...Jewish leaders feared Bloom would serve...
Why NYC Schools Are Failing So Miserably
Those of us New Yorkers old enough to have creased faces and achy joints can remember when the New York City School System was...
Budweiser Bombs in the “Woke” Transgender Scene
It seems to be that this once great nation, already plagued with the slings and arrows of illegal immigration, continued rising inflation, a shortage...
Do “Progressive” Dems Think We’re All that Stupid?
Dear Editor:
Algemeiner, “Progressive Democrats Demand Biden Conditions Aid to Israel,” Excerpts: “14 progressive Democrats sent a letter...
Don’t Let One Man’s Greed Destroy Everything We’ve Built Over the Last 100 Years
TJV news -
Don’t Let One Man’s Greed Destroy Everything We’ve Built Over the Last 100 Years
As we collectively reflect on the joyous Passover season and the...
Ramadan Inspired Violence Must Be Stopped
It’s Pesach now, so let’s recall that when the Israelites were slaves in Egypt, Pharaoh issued the decree that all male Jewish babies were...
The Moral Decay of America Threatens Our Future
We appear to be standing by, helplessly watching as our country is falling ever deeper into a moral morass that threatens the future of...
Reparations Filled with Disrepair
Dear Editor:
San Francisco’s panel on Reparations “has no idea how they can give Black residents $5 million each…the number came as...
Toss the “Ham Sandwich” Decision to Prosecute Trump
The proverbial “Indictable ham sandwich,’” the topic of which every freshman law student is well aware, will have been presented on a silver platter...
Violence on the Temple Mount: Warning Signals Not to Ignore
Things are heating up at the Temple Mount area in Jerusalem and since it’s Ramadan time things will get hairier. Not unusual since this...
We Come in All Shapes and Sizes
Dear Editor:
Today we hear too many ill-informed people spouting off on what is, and what is not, anti-Semitism....
College Professor Supporting Murder???
Dear Editor:
A Wayne State professor recently wrote that he supports protesters killing right wingers speakers at events if they oppose the...
There Are Only Two Genders….Male and Female!
We’ll start straight off by informing our readers that anyone who suggests or supports the idea that one can change his/her birth sex by...
DeSantis’ Ukraine Problem is Big Mistake
The war in Ukraine keeps on going, with no discernible end in sight. Russia keeps pounding and inflicting horrific war crimes against an innocent...
Regrets Affiliation with ACLU
Dear Editor:
I joined the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) back in the early 1950’s in a move to support the liberal...
Will Mayor Adams Follow Lori Lightfoot Out the Door?
The anger and frustration on the part of crime concerned Chicago residents in their refusal to re-elect their mayor, Lori Lightfoot, should be a...
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