JV Editorial

Crime in the Big Apple Must Be Stopped!

If you’re a resident of Manhattan, and as 1,695,000 other residents, fear for your own and your family’s safety, we…

2 years ago

It’s Time For Parents to Take Charge of Their Kids

The public school year began in New York City this past week with a yet unreported number of seats remaining…

2 years ago

Letters to the Editor

The Radical Left & The Upcoming Elections Dear Editor: I’m very worried about the upcoming elections and the violence sure…

2 years ago

The Dangerous & Destructive Speech from Hell

“This is pre-eminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from…

2 years ago

Save the Empire State – Vote for Lee Zeldin for Governor of NY

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY), is a highly effective congressman from Long Island. As the winner of the GOP primary race…

2 years ago

50 Years After Munich Massacre;  Terrorist Abbas Still Reigns

“ ‘Why must my pain be endless, my wound incurable, resistant to healing?’ So asks the prophet Jeremiah and so…

2 years ago

Crime in the Big Apple Must Be Stopped!

Crime in the Big Apple Must Be Stopped!   If you're a resident of Manhattan, and as 1,695,000 other residents,…

2 years ago

NYT’s Shameless Review of Kushner’s New Book

To add to the seemingly unending growth of the “Attack on Trump Virus,” now spreading more rapidly than Biden’s payments…

3 years ago

Letters to the Editor

Kissing Our Freedoms Goodbye Dear Editor: Now that the FBI has gone full political in raiding the Florida home of…

3 years ago

The Raid That Should Send Shivers Up Your Spine

  This nation's shining beacon of freedom was sharply dimmed, if not extinguished by the FBI's sudden raid on the…

3 years ago