JV Editorial

Letters to the Editor

An Open Letter to Bklyn BP Antonio Reynoso Dear Mr. Reynoso: Press credentials include a press parking permit which allows…

2 years ago

Beware of China’s Growing Global Influence

French President Macron’s recent visit to China, with a large delegation of businessmen in tow, culminated with Macron and Chinese…

2 years ago

NYC Public Schools  are in BIG Trouble!

Graduating high school in New York State once actually meant that students were prepared for the academic rigors that they…

2 years ago

President Trump: Please Stop Attacking Gov. DeSantis ASAP!

Far be it from us to give advice to former President Trump. We were one of his first media supporters…

2 years ago

Most Americans Don’t Want Biden in Office

In professional sports, the best teams vie for a trophy, a banner, cup or just the title of “Champ.” This…

2 years ago

Letters to the Editor

Is Bernie Sanders the New ‘Kapo’ Bloom? Dear Editor: “Bloom was a staunch defender of FDR’s harsh policy toward Jewish…

2 years ago

Why NYC Schools Are Failing So Miserably

Those of us New Yorkers old enough to have creased faces and achy joints can remember when the New York…

2 years ago

Budweiser Bombs in the “Woke” Transgender Scene

It seems to be that this once great nation, already plagued with the slings and arrows of illegal immigration, continued…

2 years ago

Letters to the Editor

Do “Progressive” Dems Think We’re All that Stupid? Dear Editor: Algemeiner, “Progressive Democrats Demand Biden Conditions Aid to Israel,” Excerpts:…

2 years ago

Don’t Let One Man’s Greed Destroy Everything We’ve Built Over the Last 100 Years

Don’t Let One Man’s Greed Destroy Everything We’ve Built Over the Last 100 Years As we collectively reflect on the…

2 years ago