JV Editorial

Why is Israel silent on the looming Iran deal? – opinion

Yaakov Katz Israel can sometimes be a strange country, but one thing it knows how to do is make noise.…

2 years ago

Shame on the NY Yankees for Betraying Their Fans

The New York Yankees, one of baseball’s most iconic and successful major league teams owes a great deal of credit…

2 years ago

Letters to the Editor

Tired of Memorials Dear Editor: The far right Neo Nazi mob, while still marginal, is becoming less fearful, bolder and…

2 years ago

The Israeli Supreme Court Fuels Terrorism with “Reasonableness” Standard

The Israeli Supreme Court Fuels Terrorism with “Reasonableness” Standard The case for why judicial reform measures in Israel must be…

2 years ago

Code Pink: Bought & Paid For by the Chinese Communist Party

The United States of America represents an idea and a people. On the one hand, the founding and continued existence…

2 years ago

Letters to the Editor

Israel Needs to Get with the Program Dear Editor: “For the first time, an annual Gallup survey found that Democrats’…

2 years ago

Iranian Blackmail:  Is the US Failing its Citizens?

Democratic governance is founded on the principle of “consent of the governed”. In essence, government has no right of existing…

2 years ago

Public Advocate in NYC?  Absolutely Superfluous Job

Life is associated with many decisions which affect people’s lives. People are generally responsible for decisions like marriage, place of…

2 years ago

Letters to the Editor

The Aliens Came…and Went Dear Editor: Lately we hear about Alien sightings and even landings. Here is the real deal. …

2 years ago

Altered Algorithms  – Jewish Voice Being Silenced Through Shadow Banning

In new memos recently released by Facebook, the social media giant was pressured by the Biden White House into altering…

2 years ago