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New York
Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Special Features

Jewish Doctors Form Advocacy Group to Combat Anti-Semitism in US Healthcare

Edited by: Fern Sidman In response to a growing wave of anti-Semitism and violence within healthcare institutions in the United States, Jewish doctors have taken...

Blind Acceptance: Media Outlets Take Hamas’ Lying Word on Ceasefire Approval

By: Tamar Sternthal Last week, major mainstream news outlets again displayed a stubborn propensity for taking the Hamas terror organization on its word. When Hamas...

AFP Amends After Reporting Israeli Participation Clouded Whole Eurovision

By: CAMERA.org In response to communication from CAMERA’s Israel office, Agence France Presse has commendably corrected after charging that Israel’s participation in the 2024 Eurovision...

Remembering the Horrors of October 7th–The Nova Music Festival Exhibition in NYC Honors Resilience Amid Tragedy

Edited by: Fern Sidman The Nova Music Festival Exhibition is an in-depth remembrance of the brutal October 7th attack as it brings the events of...

The prophet unhonored

By Phyllis Chesler  (JNS) Is Joe Biden on Hamas’s payroll? If not, why is his administration withholding promised military equipment to America’s most reliable and...

The Six Top Jew Hating Female Columbia Agitators You Never Heard of

The Six Top Jew Hating Female Columbia Agitators You Never Heard of By Lieba Nesis After the travesty at Columbia University where Jewish students were forced...

From 1944 to 2024, from FDR to Biden, from D-Day to Rafah

By Lev Tsitrin- New English Review In a few weeks, the media spotlight will be on the parade of western heads of state gathered at...

CNN Article Errs & Misleads on Gaza Humanitarian Aid

By: David Litman How much food is entering the Gaza Strip? This question has been the subject of much discussion, and even more misinformation, given...

CAMERA Op-Ed: Brown U Sends a Message that Extremism Works

By: David Litman At Brown University, extremism works. The tale of how the university’s leadership responded to two very different sets of concerns clearly demonstrates...

The derangement of the university

By Phyllis Chesler (JNS) We have lost the battle against insanity. Perhaps we never fought it. Regardless, the world has gone quite mad. I just witnessed...

Unrest on U.S. College Campuses: A Closer Look at Funding Sources & the Expansion of Anti-Israel Protests

Edited by: Fern Sidman Over the past week, a wave of vehemently anti-Israel and pro-Hamas protests has swept across prominent U.S. college campuses, starting with...

Pro-Hamas Jews are Jews for antisemitism

By Jonathan S. Tobin i (JNS) One of the standard talking points of those seeking to rationalize and even justify the efforts of those supporting the...

Manhattan Ad Guru Archie Gottesman Turns Billboard Expertise Against Rise in Antisemitism

Manhattan Ad Guru Archie Gottesman Turns Billboard Expertise Against Rise in Antisemitism Edited by: TJVNews.com Archie Gottesman, renowned for her sharp-witted billboard campaigns for Manhattan Mini...

ABC’s ”This Week” Amplifies Virulently Anti-Semitic Slur, Rolling Stone Piles On

By: Karen Bekker “The Jews wanted war, and now they have it. … Every Jew is our enemy in this historic struggle,” Joseph Goebbels wrote...

Tucker Carlson’s Assault on American Christian Support for Israel

By: Tricia Miller Under the guise of advocating for Palestinian Christians, Tucker Carlson launched a two-pronged assault on Israel and American political and Christian support...

What Can We Do to Help Israel?

What Can We Do to Help Israel? By: Kenneth Abramowitz Israel has been fighting a war for its existence since 1948. Since October 7, 2023,...

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