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New York
Saturday, June 29, 2024



The Rieders Foundation Files Formal Complaint with NY State Against Rockefeller Brothers Foundation BDS Ties

The Rieders Foundation is filing a formal complaint with the New York state division of Human Rights on Monday May 20, 2019 against the...

Giuliani Joins Voices of Ridicule for DeBlasio 2020 White House Bid

Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani joined the voices of ridicule following Mayor Bill de Blasio’s announcement to run for Presidency in 2020. By: Ellen Cans ...

Deutsche Bank Staff Flagged Trump, Kushner Transactions for Watchdog

Anti-money laundering specialists at Deutsche Bank AG recommended in 2016 and 2017 that multiple transactions involving entities controlled by President Donald Trump and his...

Biden Call For National Unity While Attacking Trump in PA Campaign Address

Former Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden insisted Saturday that Democrats will not defeat the Republican president if they pick an angry...

Ilhan Omar Co-Authors CNN Anti-Semitism Op-Ed; Omits Accusations of Jew Hatred

Embattled congresswoman Ilhan Omar wrote an article with a Jewish colleague condemning Jew-hatred and Islamaphobia, without mentioning the persistent accusations of anti-Semitism she has...

Despite Anti-Semitic Comments, Rashida Tlaib Becomes 1st Muslim Woman to Preside Over House Floor

Despite her flurry of anti-Semitic statements and bizarre views on the Holocaust that were completely dismissive of the horrors that were inflicted on the...

David Friedman Fires Back at ‘NY Times’: ‘Where Am I Off in Saying God is on the Side of Israel?’

Speaking to evangelical leaders in Jerusalem, U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman says the paper should “spend a little less time defending terrorists and...

Report: US Won’t Oppose Israeli Sovereignty Over Communities in Judea & Samaria

Israel’s Channel 12 reported on Sunday that the United States signaled it won’t stand in the way of Israeli moves to extend sovereignty over...

Giuliani Cancels Trip to Ukraine; Biden’s Camp Responds

Joe Biden's campaign has offered its first response after Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani originally said on Thursday that he would make a trip to...

Following Facebook Ban, Farrakhan Delivers Hate Filled Rant Against “Satanic Jews” at Catholic Church

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan spoke at a Catholic church in Chicago Thursday night, decrying social media outlets for banning his account, while...

Roger Waters in Bizarre Rant – Compares Israelis with Aliens; Pressures Stars to Pull Out of Eurovision

In a bizarre and hateful rant, Pink Floyd front man, Roger Waters on Thursday used his social media accounts to do what he has...

Trump Says John Kerry ‘Should be Prosecuted’ for Violating Logan Act in Terms of Iran Engagement

Former Secretary of State and one-time Democratic party presidential candidate John Kerry became the target of President Trump’s wrath on Thursday when the POTUS...

Iran Deal Withdrawal One-Year Anniversary: How Did Left-Wing Jewish Groups Get Their Predictions So Wrong?

On the one year anniversary of President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Iran Nuclear Deal, the Republican Jewish Coalition calls on left-wing Jewish...

Rozic, Kaminsky Honor Israel Independence Day

Ahead of Israel Independence Day, Assemblywoman Nily Rozic (D-Fresh Meadows) and State Senator Todd Kaminsky (D-Long Island) adopted a resolution celebrating Israel Independence Day. The resolution...

RJC in Israel Brings Message of Support From President Trump, American People

Earlier today, Executive Director Matt Brooks and a delegation of RJC Board Members arrived in Israel on a mission of solidarity with the Israeli...

DeBlasio to Throw Hat in the Ring & Announce Candidacy for 2020 POTUS Race

Rumor has it that New York Mayor Bill de Blasio will be announcing his intention to be the president of the United States this...

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