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Iran linked to explosion that struck Israeli-owned ship in Mideast
US implicates Saudi crown prince in Khashoggi’s killing
US attacks Iranian-backed militia in Syria
Facebook Drops Australian News Ban, Bows to Government Regulation
Germany: Nazi Guard Deported From US Agrees To Be Questioned
Khamenei threatens to enrich uranium up to 60%
Wuhan Lab Kept NIH Funding Despite Trump Crackdown
US Deports Former Nazi Concentration Camp Guard To Germany
Italy: Holocaust Survivor’s Plug For Vaccine Sparks Hatred
Biden withdraws Trump’s restoration of UN sanctions on Iran
UN Panel to Scrutinize Venezuela Abuses After Maduro Addresses Human Rights Council
Facebook Bans Australians from Sharing News as War With Publishers Heats Up Over Payment Agreements
Bill Gates: ‘Rich Countries’ Should Be Eating 100% Synthetic Beef
Portuguese lawmaker suggests Israel’s vaccine success due to Jewish money
Bulgaria: Nationalists Honor Pro-nazi General With Flowers
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