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Monday, March 17, 2025
The Jewish Voice


International News

Israeli Flag Burnings in Germany, Thousands Protest in Italy and Chant ‘Allahu Akbar’

CHRIS TOMLINSON The Israeli flag hoisted outside of Düsseldorf’s city hall was set on fire in the latest instance of flag burning in Germany since...

German police detain suspects for anti-Semitic, pro-Palestinian attacks

By JNS German police detained more than a dozen men on Wednesday for anti-Semitic attacks in three cities that included throwing rocks at a synagogue...

Biden Sends Anti-Israel Official, Hady Amr, to Israel to Encourage ‘De-escalation’

JOEL B. POLLAK President Joe Biden reversed his original plan of halting the construction of a wall on the Southern border started under then-President Donald...

Canadian Pastor Arrested for ‘Inciting’ People to Attend Church

JOHN NOLTE The Canadian Gestapo were smart this time. Instead of breaking into and swarming Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s church — as they previously did during...

Renowned Scientists Publish Study by NYT Reporter Tying Coronavirus to Chinese Lab

JOHN HAYWARD The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists last week published a lengthy report from New York Times, Nature, and Science writer Nicholas Wade that strongly argued for the theory that Chinese...

Simon Wiesenthal Center In Direct Plea to German FM to Boycott UN Event Celebrating Anti-Semitic Hate Fest

Edited by: TJVNews.com   The Simon Wiesenthal Center  (SWC), a leading global Jewish human rights NGO, is urging German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas to add Germany to...

US Navy seizes weapons in Arabian Sea likely bound for Yemen

(AP) — The U.S. Navy announced Sunday it seized an arms shipment of thousands of assault weapons, machines guns and sniper rifles hidden aboard...

Leaked, Chinese Document Reveals Malevolent Intent for Coronaviruses

By Nick Koutsobinas(NEWSMAX) A document titled The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons, written by Chinese scientists and Chinese...

Iranian state TV airs video clip of exploding US Capitol

(JNS) A video clip depicting the dome of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., exploding after scenes of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps troops marching...

Meet the British politician behind Trump’s Facebook ban

By Lauren Marcus, World Israel News A former British deputy prime minister has been the driving force behind Facebook’s policies towards the suspension of former...

Thinking About Traveling to Turkey??? Forget About it!!

  Edited by: TJVNews.com The 17-day total lockdown and other measures have helped Turkey drastically bring down the number of daily coronavirus infections, Health Minister Fahrettin...

Is Arab-Israeli Normalization in Jeopardy?

Dan Mikhaylov Without doubt, the Abraham Accords constitute a turning point in Middle Eastern politics. By normalising relations with Israel, the United Arab Emirates and...

Kushner Forms Abraham Accord Institute for Peace

(NEWSMAX) Former President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner is forming an organization focused on deepening the normalization agreements he helped strike between Israel and...

Israel Sends Emergency Aid to India as Covid Deaths Rise with Alarming Speed

Edited by: Fern Sidman Israel will be sending life-saving equipment to India throughout the week to assist it in the ongoing fight against the rapid...

‘Horrible’ weeks ahead as India’s virus catastrophe worsens

(AP) — COVID-19 infections and deaths are mounting with alarming speed in India with no end in sight to the crisis and a top...

Nazi Era Artwork Owned by Jewish Businessman Returned to Heirs by Dusseldorf City Council

By: Fern Sidman As the yet unresolved matter of looted Nazi art consistently crops up in headlines around the world, it was reported last Friday...

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