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Israeli Flag Burnings in Germany, Thousands Protest in Italy and Chant ‘Allahu Akbar’
German police detain suspects for anti-Semitic, pro-Palestinian attacks
Biden Sends Anti-Israel Official, Hady Amr, to Israel to Encourage ‘De-escalation’
Canadian Pastor Arrested for ‘Inciting’ People to Attend Church
Renowned Scientists Publish Study by NYT Reporter Tying Coronavirus to Chinese Lab
US Navy seizes weapons in Arabian Sea likely bound for Yemen
Leaked, Chinese Document Reveals Malevolent Intent for Coronaviruses
Iranian state TV airs video clip of exploding US Capitol
Meet the British politician behind Trump’s Facebook ban
Thinking About Traveling to Turkey??? Forget About it!!
Is Arab-Israeli Normalization in Jeopardy?
Kushner Forms Abraham Accord Institute for Peace
Israel Sends Emergency Aid to India as Covid Deaths Rise with Alarming Speed
‘Horrible’ weeks ahead as India’s virus catastrophe worsens
Nazi Era Artwork Owned by Jewish Businessman Returned to Heirs by Dusseldorf City Council
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