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Saturday, June 29, 2024


Breaking News

Israel’s coronavirus death toll reaches 191, with 14,592 confirmed cases

(JNS)  Israel’s coronavirus death toll currently stands at 191, the country’s Health Ministry reported on Thursday, with 14,592 confirmed cases of infection since the...

Iran-US tensions rise on Trump threat, Iran satellite launch

By ROBERT BURNS, DARLENE SUPERVILLE and JON GAMBRELL Tensions between Washington and Tehran flared anew Wednesday as Iran’s Revolutionary Guard conducted a space launch that could advance...

Trump signs immigration order featuring numerous exemptions

By JILL COLVIN (AP) President Donald Trump claimed Wednesday that he had signed an executive order “temporarily suspending immigration into the United States.” But experts...

Senate confirms Chassidic Jew for first-ever senior position in US administration

The U.S. Senate on Tuesday confirmed by voice vote the first Chassidic Jew for a senior position in a U.S. administration. The upper congressional chamber...

Trump Tweet: Navy to ‘Shoot Down, Destroy’ Iranian Gunboats If They ‘Harass’ US Ships

US President Donald Trump announced via his Twitter that he has given the green light to the American Navy to attack and sink small...

Trump says he’ll help New York’s Cuomo boost virus testing

By JONATHAN LEMIRE, MARINA VILLENEUVE and ZEKE MILLER (AP) Setting aside their differences for at least an afternoon, President Donald Trump and New York Gov....

Trump Bars new Immigration Green Cards, not Temporary Visas

By JILL COLVIN, ELLIOT SPAGAT and BEN FOX (AP) President Donald Trump announced what he described as a “temporary suspension of immigration into the United...

South Korea Looking into Reports about Kim Jong Un’s Health

By KIM TONG-HYUNG The South Korean government on Tuesday was looking into reports saying North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was in fragile condition after...

Netanyahu, Gantz Ink Deal to Form New Government After Year-long political impasse

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Blue and White leader Benny Gantz have signed a new coalition agreement to form a “national emergency government”...

Feds to track, Share Information on Nursing Home Outbreaks

By CANDICE CHOI (AP) Calling nursing homes ground zero of the coronavirus crisis, federal officials said Monday they plan to start tracking and publicly sharing...

Will Coronavirus Create Mass Exodus from the City?

By Jared Evan "What oil is to Saudi Arabia our workforce is to New York,” 92nd Street Y CEO Seth Pinksy said Friday. “It is...

16 killed in shooting rampage, deadliest in Canadian history

By ROB GILLIES AP   A gunman disguised as a police officer shot people in their homes and set fires in a rampage across the...

Man Charged With Attempting to Blow up Jewish Sponsored Assisted-Living Facility in Ma.

JNS News Federal agents arrested a man in western Massachusetts on Wednesday after he attempted to blow up a local Jewish-sponsored assisted-living facility. John Michael Rathbun, 36,...

Pro-Trump Protesters Push Back on Stay-at-Home Orders

(AP) A growing number of protests are being staged across the U.S. to oppose stay-at-home orders amid the coronavirus pandemic. In places like Oklahoma,...

Heartbreaking’ report shows virus ravaging NY nursing homes

By MARINA VILLENEUVE and JIM MUSTIAN  (AP) New York, by far the nation’s leader in coronavirus nursing home deaths, released details Friday on outbreaks in...

Gilead Sciences Coronavirus Drug Remdesivir Spurs The Economy

By: Lieba Nesis As coronavirus claims an increasing number of lives with little respite from the mounting death toll a brief reprieve seems on the...

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